I miss the frontpage :(

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Post by AngharadTy »

You may notice that TheLone<i>Tiel</i> is passionate about birds. She's not being unnecessarily rude.

However, you're all being off-topic. If you persist in randomly discussing birds, it will be split. And if you're only rude to each other, it will be split and then locked.
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Post by Nogitsune »

When the front page returns will it have the subeta index as well? Also will there be a way to match pets with petpets?
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Post by Silverevilchao »

The old front page had a link to the Subeta index, which even has its own banner. :D
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Post by Nogitsune »

Silverevilchao wrote:The old front page had a link to the Subeta index, which even has its own banner. :D
I know, I was just curious if this would be reinstaded as well as a list of petpets and a way to match a pet with a petpet. :oops:
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Post by Cheese »

Petpet matching is hard since its really all subjective. Didn't somebody here try and make a petpet matching website that didn't really work and then got forgotten? that sounds like something that could have happened.
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Post by Huggles »

Madge did. And really, that's what the Petpets forum is for anyway. Jazzy did have a little feature that showed what a pet and petpet would look like side by side if you entered the url for both along with a lookup generator. Those might return depending on whether or not she saved them or wants to recode them. I wouldn't count on a petpet database anytime soon. As Trick will tell you, it's not as easy to add them as pet colors because they don't stick to a standard naming thing and there are literally thousands of them as opposed to the 80 odd pets and weird one off colors like fruit/garlic/etc.
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Post by Madge »

W - what? My petpet matching thing was AWESOME.

It failed ONLY, and I stress ONLY, in that I am too lazy to actually maintain anything.


If someone wants to maintain it themselves, I have the files on my computer still and they can have the redirecty URL thing for what it's worth. It wasn't automated at all, though.

If I had something to offer him in exchange and wasn't still in the closet about Neopets I'd see if my friend Peter would want to code us up something. But he wouldn't, because he doesn't know about neopets, and I don't want him to know I like neopets because I'll never live it down.

It's bad enough he knows I like survivor. At least Jason likes survivor. Seb and Eckley both LAUGHED when they found out I am a neo-addict. So I remain closeted.

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