RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by oogabooga »

Yay: They did something to the internet that makes it a lot faster.

Woe: They did this by disabling a bunch of ports on one wireless network that were being used for peer-to-peer sharing. For some reason, this means half the webpages I want to go to won't load! So I have to use the other network, which is the one that loses my sessions every time I load a page, which means that all the posts on NC and other forums get marked read :x
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Post by Madge »

Yesterday I went to pick my friend Peter up from work, which is about 40km or so from my house.

Traffic was dense as I was getting onto the bridge over the river, and my car is a piece of shit, and when it's hot (It was approaching 40 degrees C (100 F)) and idling a lot, it has a tendency to stop.

Which it did. In the middle of the freeway. Three lanes of traffic on my left and one on my right.

A police car ended up in front of me, they tried to jump start me as that usually makes my car go again, but it didn't work.

I called my car insurance company's roadside assistance service, opening the conversation by telling them exactly where I was stuck (it was a bad place to be stuck because it was heavy traffic, and I was blocking off the freeway), and it took them over TWO HOURS to get to me. In the meantime I had people yelling at me as though I'd decided to break down just to annoy them. It was so hot. =(

A lot more shit happened, but my car insurance company thing is shit and it was just so damn trying, and also my car isn't working anymore, which anyone can tell is not fun.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

I know what it's like to have a crappy car, so I know how you must feel. Unfortunately when my car died, it stayed dead.
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Post by Madge »

It was quite an ordeal, I was really upset about 15-20 minutes ago when I was telling the longer version of the story to my boyfriend, but he told me to look on the bright side and I listed a whole lot of stuff, like, how i'm alive, how I can afford a car, how my biggest worry in life is that my car doesn't work when you see on TV about those african kids who have to walk 10 ks to get dirty water every day and how i have people who love me and stuff like that, so now I feel a lot better.

So, achievement: I have an awesome life except for that one thing, and my boyfriend rules.

I think that's pretty good :D
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Post by sureq »

YAY: I had fun at Luna Park

WOE: I'm burnt to a crisp, and my gosh the itchiness/pain. Also, I look like a lobster.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

:( : I tried to wash too many pairs of blue jeans and my washing machine messed up and flooded the laundry room, which happens to connect my room and the kitchen. Thank goodness for wet/dry vacs!
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Post by gomababe »

Woe: I ended up with a throat infection on monday afternoon and had to take the day off uni y/day, while i was in the middle of an important project.

Achievement: I'm feeling much better and am almost halfway through said project ^_^
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Post by Slugawoo »

Woe: My school's guidance couciler SUCKS at her JOB. I gave her my clark scholorship weeks ago, and yesterday my friend told me that the councilor had told her to remind me to hand mine in. >.<;
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Post by Ellie »

achievement: I got into all three high schools I applied to, all with scholarships!

ToW: My friend didn't :(
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Post by Madge »


My Dad tried again at reattaching the fuel pump to my car, and managed to get it done, and he drove it back from my grandfather's house which is where it was being kept, so it may be alright! Which means I'll be able to go to the 4 day Stargate marathon that Pasan is having, which I wouldn't have been able to get to without a car because he lives 40 minutes drive away.

Also, I bought some plastic dinosaurs on eBay, which were from the Walking With Dinosaurs figure sets, which I'd asked my mother for YEARS ago but she didn't buy them for me as they were $20 each. So the lot I got had the entire set for $50 + $15 p&h. It's a heck of a lot of money, I don't think I've ever spent that much at once before, but I couldn't resist. I bought it from someone with 0 feedback points, so I was glad when they arrived today. They are gorgeous looking. It makes me very happy to own beautiful things, you know? :D

And, finally, I'm going to be doing a trial for a new job on Sunday. I'll be working at a cafe/deli type thing, doing similar things to what I was doing at Hungry Jack's (= Burger King), but it won't be so crowded, the hours will be better, and I'm going to guess the pay will be better as it's not a huge chain that would be paying me minimum wage. Also, it's a 20 minute walk from my house or a 5 minute drive. AND, I'll be working right next door to arguably the best icecream shop ever.

Of course, I'll have to work 4 hours on the trial and not get paid, which sucks, but if I get the job it will be worth it.

Except I have to make sure to mention that they need to call me Madge. I put Margaret on my resume type thing, because, you know, you need to put your real name on stuff, right?
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Post by Jessi »

Not only did I get my brand-new pink Nintendo DS Lite today *snuggles it*, but I popped in my Pokemon Sapphire game to play on it and managed to catch Latias! WHOO! *snuggles fat bird thing*
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

Good thread! Whoo!

Achievement: Well, I didn't really achieve anything, but the bakery had those french pastries I like!

Woe: I am too lazy to go to the gym and work off the delicious french pastry.

Old Achievement: I raised the $2500 I needed to get to Iceland! I am currently in Iceland.

Woe: I have gained three kilos since I got here. Stupid delicious Icelandic pizza, hot chocolate, pastry and delicious chocolate milk. Curse you!

Final achievement: I have made friends here! They are a cool bunch, with sexy accents.
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Post by Scimthary »

:( Woe: I am very, extremely sick, and the medication doesn't seem to help that much either. I didn't manage to sleep yesterday's night and if it continues I ain't getting any sleep tonight too ;____;
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Post by Strawberry Limeade »

Woe: It took me 2 hours as opposed to the usual 25 minutes to get home from classes. A (long) review of the super fun events of my afternoon:

1. I have a parking garage pass, but the only spots available by the time I arrived were on top. I got back to my car after 3 hours of class, cleaned 3 inches of snow and ice off my car, (with the windchill, it's been about 15-30 below here) and then discovered that I'd left my lights on resulting in a very dead battery. So I called the police to come and jump it...

2. And because this is the first real snow we've had all winter, and it was coming down hard and fast, the police were a little slow in getting to me. I sat in my car for 45 minutes before they finally came, slowly losing all feeling in my feet since my boots were soaked.

3. I called my mom to ask about the best route home. She told me to come through town (my other options were way out through the county or the interstate which I usually take). This turned out to be the best choice considering the city streets were hardly plowed, so the county roads would have been almost untouched. Plus there was a 20 mile backup on the interstate. Even going through town, I never got above 20mph. It was near white-out conditions. My car lost all traction going up a major hill, not once, not twice, but three times. I had to pull over 2 miles from my house to chip massive sheets of ice off my front and rear windshields and off of my wipers.

I have never been so glad to pull into my driveway in all my life. I started bawling as soon as I shut my car off. As Calvin said when his mom tried to get him up for school, "I'm not going outside until it's as warm out there as it is in here."

Kudos if you made it through that; I had to vent.
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Post by Spivsy »

could be a woe: I've applied for (another) part time job, this time at comet. If I get it I'll be working at the back with stock on saturdays.

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