Chapter-ing... [NNP-R]

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Chapter-ing... [NNP-R]

Post by anzuronamin »

...Is a word. o.o

So anyway, I'm working on a book, and I need help on choosing how many chapters should be in it. It *should* span out into a trilogy, or if not just two books, but I don't know how many chapters should be included in each book. :oops:

Each chapter ((so far)) has about 3-7 pages in it. I'm up to... Chapter Seven? I can't remember...

So, how many chapters do you usually see in Fantasy books nowadays? ((I really should read more >>))
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Post by CallyKariShokka »

Heh, I'm trying to write a book of my own. XD Fantasy novel, too. I keep getting sidetracked with my attempt at a children's book.

ANYway.. In my opinion, just write. See how long it is. Don't TRY to limit how long or short it needs to be, or you'll end up leaving parts out that you want to include.

So, my suggestion is just to write and enjoy writing and letting it be how ever long it needs to be. :3
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Post by bonecrivain »

Yeah, chapter numbers really depend on the book and the author and all kinds of factors. The best thing to do is to just write it ALL and then, if need be, you can come back later and snip out extraneous bits.
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Post by Linzie »

I also agree on just writing it. I myself just write as much as I want, until I give up.

I hope we can read your story soon. =]

(Shouldn't there be a writing section here? There used to be one at the old NC, but now it's just with the art section...)
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