Subeta: Galactic Pets?

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Keith »

I'm not.

We're just not excited about it anymore.
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Post by Mayhem »

Keith wrote:I'm not.

We're just not excited about it anymore.
You should be excited, because we definitely are/were. It just seems shitty of you to pull back as a knee-jerk reaction to something that was NOT the users' faults.
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Post by Twofold Black »

Keith wrote:And - No. We didn't refund the people using the zapper, because clearly, they were zapping, and had this been a 'Nothing happens!' they'd have wasted their tokens just as easy.
When you zap and get nothing it's not because someone's done something nasty to you in a fit of pique. We don't use that thing because we want to roll the dice on your temper.
Keith wrote:At least this way they get a new pet color.
The cheapest color on the site. It's cute and all, but it's 5k. If you look at a zap as an exchange of tokens for potions/elixirs, scribble is actually a less valuable zap than, I believe, <i>any common pet</i>.

You are handling this wrong at every level. At least the art is brilliant.
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Post by covet »

Sigh, Keith.

I suspect that this is just your inital frustration talking, but I sincerely hope you don't scrap or delay your plans simply because something went wrong in your release scheme.

Just from the reactions here and on the subeta forum, you can see how gleeful and excited people are about the pet colour. I don't think it matters to a single player that they got a glimpse before the official unveiling. If you see a trailer for an awesome movie it just makes you want to see the movie more.

Yes, it's not the way you wanted things to go. If anything you might want to rush the announcement forward a little to catch the tail of this, but certainly don't project your disappointment onto your players. Release the pets the way you were going to, everyone will be just as excited and happy about it as they would have been all along. We would much rather see you accept this with humour and good grace than throw your toys out of the pram.

Scrapping or delaying merely leaves everyone as frustrated as you clearly are, and while maybe that will give you momentary satisfaction, it's not really fair.
Last edited by covet on 05 Apr 2007 08:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Xulael »

... what. Scrap it?

That's a lame idea. Lame like parents trying to smuggle christmas gifts into the house in broad daylight while their kids are watching. And then they get mad at the kids and say, "OOP, you saw. NO CHRISTMAS FOR YOU!".

]: grarah. I shall be upset like an upset thing if this is the torment I must endure on Subeta.
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Post by Alicorn »

I totally agree with covet. I can see how you're upset about your surprise being ruined, I totally understand. But in sense it still surprised people, none of the player saw this comeing (hoped for though) so we were all still greatly surprised. We just got surprised earlier then you wanted. Please don't totally dump the idea, defently after all the work and sweat that was put into it. Do as you plan, it'll still be just as exciteing and people will still be praiseing it. To use my example before, just cause someone knows about the surprise party doesn't mean you scrap the party, you party just the same, it's still fun and the person it was for still loves it. Surprised now or later, there is still the same love for the colour and the same excitement.

Also about the refund thing, I can see the logic of it not being done. I mean really, the people that got the glitch zap (where people zapped and got nothing but a blank page) didn't get a refund. So atleast they got something, while not as awe inspireing.
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Post by Jessi »

The surprise party thing is a good analogy. Two weeks ago, my grandfather had a surprise party for his 80th birthday. He KNEW about it. My mom and aunts all knew he knew, but they had it anyway. he didn't know where it was, how many people would be there, what it would be like - just that there was a party. So he ended up getting surprised anyway - there was 80 people there, decorations, good food, it was a lot of fun.

So people saw a few images. Big Deal. They still have, what, 52 other pets to look forward to seeing, to speculating about, figuring out how to get the color, anticipating its release. Scrapping the whole thing is not only immature, but will just disappoint a whole lot of excited people.
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Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

Too bad it's not a surprise D: Though jessi makes a very good point with the surprise party analogy. (I was at the party too XD) And it's not as though every pet's image and everything were leaked too, at least.

Also, I'm sure people will still be waiting eagerly for the new images, too. They all seem to really like them.
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Post by Wingsrising »

I certainly hope you're just yanking our chains about scrapping the whole idea.
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Post by bonecrivain »

Covet said it very well.

Your surprise wasn't ruined. We were all surprised and ecstatic about the new colour, and we're still excited about it. Like covet said, this was an amazing preview. We still don't know what the rest of the pets are going to look like, and we can't wait to find out. How do we get one of these? When will we see the others? This is the most enthusiastic I've gotten about Subeta since I joined, and I'm sure the same is true for other folks as well.

You have people now who are willing to shell out as many sP as they need to in order to get one of these pets...and heck, there are people like me who are probably going to start buying a Gold Account just so we have space for one of these.

I really, really hope that this is just your initial frustration talking, because scrapping the idea (and the colour?) makes absolutely no sense. Holding off on releasing this colour just because you're upset that things didn't go your way is in no way a reasonable option. You're the head of a pet site that thousands of people use daily. Don't act like this is your personal party that got ruined. I'm sure it would have been more fun for you if things had gone exactly as they had been planned, but things go wrong. People make mistakes, things slip through the cracks.

We love this pet colour. We LOVE it. Shouldn't that make you happy?
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Post by Cranberry »

They're pretty, but whatever. I'm not begging anybody for pet colors, especially if their first reaction to a setback is to act like a stubborn, spoiled child, all, "Fine, if I can't have what I want, NO ONE CAN!"
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Post by checkers »

Silverevilchao wrote:Heh, my Yumigami's a Dusk Illumis, too. xD Looks like we're on the same boat! Space star moth FTW!
XD FTW? *n00b feeling on face*

;D and yeah i hope they are released.
*looks at keith* please! :D even if you're not excited, all of these people are! :O
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Post by Trick »

Cranberry wrote:They're pretty, but whatever. I'm not begging anybody for pet colors, especially if their first reaction to a setback is to act like a stubborn, spoiled child, all, "Fine, if I can't have what I want, NO ONE CAN!"

*adds more words*
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Post by Slugawoo »

It's not fair to the artists to just let all their work go to waste like that. :\ It's not the end of the world. So? A few images got leaked. Big deal. We see neopet's new images before release all the time. They don't flip out and scrap the whole thing. ...I thought you were trying to make Subeta more professional? :| It pains me to say this, but maybe you could learn a lesson from them.

As for all the colors, they're amazing. However, the Telenine looks a bit off to me. I think it'd fit in a bit better if it had that spacey cloud thing the others do. x3 I knew they'd be taken off the server, so I saved them to my computer at school. I wont be able to access them until after spring break, now, though. :|
Last edited by Slugawoo on 05 Apr 2007 09:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

checkers wrote:XD FTW? *n00b feeling on face*

;D and yeah i hope they are released.
*looks at keith* please! :D even if you're not excited, all of these people are! :O
For The Win. ^^;; It's one of my favorite chatspeak abbreviations.

OY, Keith, don't tease us with these utterly beautiful pets and then snatch 'em away from us! ;_; They're so shiny and beautiful, and, yes, it is a huge surprise, and a nice thing to wake up to! Please don't nuke 'em off the face of the internets. ;_;
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