New neopets layout

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Post by roger9614462 »

I kinda lke the new lyout. A bit too much like MySpace, but I can live with it.... But the new pet art... UUUGH!
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Post by Caz »

Wingsrising wrote:Anyone know what the Faerie Bori and Faerie Kougra look like under the new system?

This is just bad on so many levels. As PharaonicQuiche put it, they've destroyed so much just for a paper doll function that I suspect the majority of users never really wanted.

As you can see, my Faerie Kougra looks the same, except now miniature...
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Post by Crystal Firefly »

My Faerie Draik and Tyrannian Krawk have their pictures flipped... They look terrible like that. Interestingly enough all 4 of my pets would act "very friendly" and enjoy gathering food. I sure didn't have much creativity when I made those pets.

I'm not sure what to think of the new layout yet. I sure don't like it but I'm not about to quit over it. I'll see what happens in the next few days before passing proper judgement. They were right though...I was not prepared.
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Post by Kamil »



I wanted a robot Cybunny from the day it came on the servers, but no one, least of all me, would want that hideous thing. Poor, poor Myrlock, he was so very prettyful just yesterday.

The only pets of mine that have escaped this travesty are the (thank God) pets on my main account and Gnorboe, my robot Gnorbu.

I don't really see the point in zapping pets anymore though - if all new things automatically get the new art, and since the new art universally sucks - the point would be?

God. They cannot possibly be this overwhelmingly stupid, can they? I just looked at the charter boards and almost everyone there is up in arms. I read a 4 page "Yes or No?" thread, with one reply per person allowed, and there were three yes votes and four pages of no votes.

My poor Koi. My poor, poor Poogles.

My poor head.

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Post by rebelheart »

I don't know who had this argument back in the customization thread, but: They may not want to update two sets of art. So even if we ever get an option to get our old pets back I doubt there will be old style poses for new specie/colour combinations :(
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Post by Charlie »

the new plushie koi and faerie lenny are just horrid - but luckily i can keep them the same, can also keep the faerie pteri, grey kougra, plushie draik, faerie/tyrannian/darigan peophins the same - thank god - would be so upset if they were different

the only pet i like in the new pose is the plain colour peophins
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Post by Ava »

If just the layout of the site had been changed, I'm sure my gut reaction wouldn't have been this violent. I mean, it'd mean a complete overhaul of everyone's lookups (and for those of us who have very little idea of what they're doing with that in the first place, just that is a HUGE deal), but eventually we may have all gotten used to it and all the pull-down menus of doom.

Messing with everyone's pets, however, is just completely uncalled for and will be extremely difficult to bounce back from. If we hate our pets, will we not also hate the site? Did they not perceive any correlation between these two things? I'll be hopeful about next week's changes, but like many have pointed out, if they really were going to undo everything they've screwed up, why would they have even done it in the first place?

Also, not sure if anyone has noticed this in the uproar, but on the neolodge page, you can now see sample rooms of where your pet will stay. Not great renditions or anything, but a neat idea. Of course my pets will continue to stay in squallor, but it's nice to see what they're missing I guess.
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Post by Wingsrising »

Caz wrote:
Wingsrising wrote:Anyone know what the Faerie Bori and Faerie Kougra look like under the new system?

This is just bad on so many levels. As PharaonicQuiche put it, they've destroyed so much just for a paper doll function that I suspect the majority of users never really wanted.

As you can see, my Faerie Kougra looks the same, except now miniature...
Is that the updated image or the non-updated image?

I was thinking about it and I have a sort of sinking feeling about the "hang on until next week" thing.

Knowing how upset so many people were going to get about this: If they were really planning on letting us change our pets back to the non-custom versions next week, I think they would have said so outright instead of being so coy about it. The coyness makes me think the "justice" we'll get next week is something totally stupid.
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Post by hebdenhippy »

Well, my eyes are getting used to the layout now, and i am just about managing to navigate around. (although I am still angry at my pet's "great new looks") I look forward to seeing the changes TNT make over the next few days, and i hope that we can change back to the old style pets, I really do.
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Post by Sagrei »

I'm so confused.

Don't they know that "millions of tiny boxes" is bad design philosophy?
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Post by strange_infatuation »


I don't know, maybe I'm just spoiled, but it would be real nice if my Lupe had a head.

I don't exactly mind the new site layout, because it is easier to navigate, but they should still have a lot of this be optional. I don't want my pets redrawn. They looked fine.

Luckily my Royal Kyrii seems okay for now. If they change him, I'm quitting.
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Post by hebdenhippy »

Lol, headless Lupe, can you change him or does he have to stay like that?
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Post by danceu4ia »


Wh..where did my reliable neopets site go?

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Post by PennyLane »

How do they decide if someone is online or not? Because I hadn't been on neo all day, until an hour or so ago. I logged on about 9 hours ago and did my dailies. After that the site was down. But on the screenie that Seerow posted earlier it shows me as being online o.O I didn't even have my browser opened, I was on Maple Story.
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Post by ladynight6 »

strange_infatuation wrote:Image

I don't know, maybe I'm just spoiled, but it would be real nice if my Lupe had a head.

I don't exactly mind the new site layout, because it is easier to navigate, but they should still have a lot of this be optional. I don't want my pets redrawn. They looked fine.

Luckily my Royal Kyrii seems okay for now. If they change him, I'm quitting.
You made my day. First good laugh I've had all day!

I'm thinking of going on a loooong hiatus and quitting premium
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