New neopets layout

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Post by Elentarien »

If you use Firefox, the addon "Adblock Plus" totally removes the ads, so that I just have a little black line that says "Advertisement" at the bottom of the page. A little odd, but it doesn't interfere with anything.

But I know what you mean. Those ads got me too when I first logged on today. Had to immediately get Adblock to cover the site and they went right away. Phew.
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Post by Kess »

I like the new layout.
So... flog me or something. I kind of like the new jetsam look too.
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Post by Madge »

If you get an extension called RIP Advanced, it can get rid of the black line for you, too :). RIP Advanced is love!
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Post by Cranberry »

Hm, you know how when you visit a userlookup, the top bar is half its normal size because the adspace is removed? It looks nice that way. In IE, mine's that way on every page; I think it's because I did some stylesheet-related thing long ago. In Firefox, my topbar is the normal huge size, and I can adblock the top half of the bar, but a big blank space stays. Does anyone know how to remove that top half and the space it takes up?
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Post by KauKrazy »

daisybell wrote:I like the new kaus, actually. They were due a revamp so they would have ended up looking very similar, if not the same (as the kau isn't holding anything in the customisation poses). Their art was due an update and I think they did okay from it- unlike the lutari which was fine as it was and got a hideous new image.

It's made harder by the fact that all the pets changed at once, and the layout too, but many of the older basic pets had very old art and were always going to change. Not much comfort, I know, but it's not the fault of the customisation project that the pet art changed for many species because it was already going to happen.
I understand what you're saying, some pets were of course in need of a revamp. But not like that! I have 11 pets in total and not one of them has been left the same, not one. And I never clicked any "Convert to the new look" button - I wasn't even online last week! If converting would be an optional thing - if you want it, you can have it; if not, everything stays the same for your pets - OK, but not like this - "Oh, and yeah, we changed everything without preparing you for it, but it's OK, you definitely will like it since everything is so much cooler now."
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Post by Trouble »

Two new Cybunny colours in the news today... all new style and ugly. I'm trying to find the regular battledome poses on the server, but no luck =( This is not a good sign.
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Post by Caz » ... e_baby.gif

Even a default pose does not exist on the image server. This really doesn't seem good at all.
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Post by gidget »

Well, my biggest gripe about the new site layout was the scrolling side to side. I've found a thing in preferences on Opera (which is my main browser) that will automatically resize the width to fit my browser. Some stuff looks weirdish, but it's much better now without the side scrolling.

The only really good thing I've found in the new pet redraws, so far, is that Baby Draiks don't frighten me any longer. :P

I also don't hate the Blumaroos. They really needed a revamp with more depth. They now have that. The only negative is that they are no longer on their tails, but I can live with that.

Does anyone have an image of the new Darigan Blumaroo? I can't find one that has been converted.

I'm ok with the new Aisha colourfill revamp also. In fact, the Ghost Aisha is very nice. I'm not so delighted with the Darigan or Alien Aishas though. I'm glad I was given the choice not to convert my Darigan Aisha.
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Post by Bif »

After reading the editorial, I have come to the sad realisation that the new pet art situation is not going to change, therefore, I have two big things to say.

Having only just this month gotten back into neopets and only last week started setting pet goals, I am crushed by the new tacty art (although it's not all bad I agree). Therefore, the only way I'm going to be able to cope is to have new goals to work towards, I therefore need to know what the pets look like. However, the Main Shops won't load for me to look at the rainbow pool, they haven't yet changed Create-a-Pet (that would only give me the basics anyway) AND the Pound is down (the Pound was my last resort). So is there anywhere which has them listed? Or Will Neocolours rise to this new chanllenge, I'm sorry that all your hard work has gone down the drain, but at least you only have one pose to add to the system! (In thinking about it I don't know if that is good or bad :( ) Anyway, this is bascially to say: I believe in you whoever you are you Neocolours coder!

With many experienced users leaving, pounding their pets and giving away their neopoints, I'd really like to know what is going to happen to the neopets economy (in the short term at least). Not only that, but I may actually get the chance to be one of the older accounts on Neopets, not one of the 'sort of older'. Which would be kind of cool but sad because of all those leaving. :(

I'm just trying to see the glass as half full, I like life that way. :)
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Post by Crystal Firefly »

I'm trying to convert my Darigan Blumaroo but she seems to be refusing to change. Does it take time for them to do so?

I was actually rather fond of the new layout untill today. They are getting rid of the non-happy poses? Now thats something I have a strong view against.

Does anyone have a picture of what the new Darigan Draiks look like?
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Post by dandelions »

It might be that there's no Darigan Blumaroo available?

I'm still confused as to why my island zafara is a blue zafara with armbands :P
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Post by Crystal Firefly »

There is a small image of one on the conversion screen, but she wont actually convert to it. I supose it's just as well. The normal Darigan Blumaroo is far more sinister looking.
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Post by Xulael »

I believe you can view most of the pets through Painted and Proud, although I haven't clicked every single link to see if they're all converted or not. THIS page has many of the old and new images for comparison as well, which may be more helpful.

Also, from what I understand, newly painted pets from after the changes onwards are auto-converted. I'm curious whether the pets get auto-converted when they change owners as well.

At this point, I don't know whether I'm going to quit or not. I'm not...the most dedicated player ever anymore, but. I've been playing for nearly seven years. It's become a comfortable routine, and abruptly it doesn't feel like the same site anymore. I guess I'm just waiting to see if TNT's really going ahead with excluding so many of Neo's players. Things aren't looking good from the editorial, though...
[ X goes by Xulael on most sites ]
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Post by Sagrei »

Xulael, thanks for that link -- I was just about to dig through the thread and see if anyone had something like it posted. Those of you who had gorgeous redraw pets, wow, I am so very sorry. I thought my Maraquan Lupe looked bad. I had no idea.

A Neo-species should not be grasping things unless it has opposable thumbs. No grabby flippers/paws/ganglia.

I find it funny that they redesigned like this "to get out of the nineties" and yet this new design, with a million frillion boxes full of pertinent information, reminds me of the portals that corps like Yahoo and Excite built their empires with.... back in the nineties. If it was really "Web 2.0" (which I mean as a design style - see Vox and Wallop) everything would have rounded edges and resemble the Mac Aqua theme.
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Post by oogabooga »

Xulael wrote:I'm curious whether the pets get auto-converted when they change owners as well.
They don't. See my post way back toward the beginning about the Maraquan gelert.
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