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Lou 500
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Post by Lou 500 »

Where's her LJ?

Poor Shrooms, all that effort on her own artwork just done away with...
Last edited by Lou 500 on 28 Apr 2007 03:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mad Cavy Lady
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Post by Trick »

Iggy wrote:­
NyauNyau wrote:Shroomy isnt please about the change either, if you check out her LJ.
I suppose most artists aren't. =(
*nods* It's one thing seeing your virtual pets uglified, but I can't imagine how it feels to see your own artwork (especially such beautiful images like the grey ixi for example) turned into the trash that they are now :/ There would always be the expectation of change of course, but for this? Horrible.
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Post by checkers »

I'm thinking of making a HUGE file of ALL the pet colours of each species.
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Post by Kari »

Okay, so it's been a couple days...I find it kind of funny how everything changed the day before I hit 6 years on NP.

The only thing I was really doing on the site was slowly saving for one last paintjob and maybe some gallery work. I guess I could still do that, but not happily since the site is so big. Playing something like NQ2 would be even more annoying because of the sidescrolling I'd have to do.

I still don't like the images and layout, probably never will, but I'm not outright quitting yet. I didn't like the tone of that editorial, either.

By the way, does anyone have an image of the new Darigan Draik?
Elfwoman99 wrote:Is there any way to preserve all the art of the old pets, with all the poses? I know that it's a massively huge number of images to keep on the Neocolours servers, but what if instead, each of us downloaded all the poses of a particular color/species combination? Or all of a particular pose for a particular species? Otherwise when TNT deletes the art from the servers, it will be gone forever.
What I did on a few colors was take a print screen of the 9 poses (my window couldn't fit the two small poses) and save that large image. It'd still be work/server space taking, though.
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Post by Twisted »

*comes out of super lurker mode*
I've been having a look and now seeing WHAT they've done (I've only really heard from DA journals since I've quit around October/November time)

Now they've really fudged up indeed in my opinion. Most of the redrawn pets look samey and not right at all. Glad I quit because if I was still addicted I would have been a lot more upset.

First Gaia's not the same and now Neopets my old love and addiction. A year ago I was addicted. Now it's turned into crap.

What next? D:

I mourn.

mod edit: no changing default font sizes/styles/colours; please read the rules.
Returned for the moment...I guess.
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Post by Iggy »

Kari wrote:Okay, so it's been a couple days...I find it kind of funny how everything changed the day before I hit 6 years on NP.
I turned 7 on April 19th. My friends remember that, spoiled me rotten.

My gallery is my only escape, now.

And, I figured out I STILL like the Darigan Zafara and Faerie Blumaroo. I'm going to zap to get the customised versions as well (I'm not converting Nateeh and Zarlaquae, because I want a Male Darigan Zafara and a Female Faerie Blumaroo)
Lou 500
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Post by Lou 500 »

Do you think paint brushes and morphing potion prices will go down because of this, or are users still too greedy?
Lily Was Here
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Post by dandelions »

I'm thinking of making a HUGE file of ALL the pet colours of each species.
Don't bother- with the help of the lovely Ben, NC now has a complete archive of all the images. Right now, we're still direct-linking from Neopets, since we've already had a bandwidth spike in the last few days, but if anything happens to their images they're there.
Last edited by dandelions on 28 Apr 2007 03:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Iggy »

Lou 500 wrote:Do you think paint brushes and morphing potion prices will go down because of this, or are users still too greedy?
Nope, they won't. Newbies will come, and newbies WILL want them.

I'm a seller, not a buyer, so, I'm glad they stay high.
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Post by Fish »

I went to look-up a friend of mine to see if she knew about the revamp, since she had some truly lovely pets and adores making art of them.

She was last on three days ago. I saw she finally had gotten her Shoyru Tianite back, after three years of her being frozen. Three days ago. Tianite looks like a yellow hooker-dragon with a come-hither finger.

<a href="">See: Feezl</a>
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Post by TCD »

I just read the editorial.

I'm not sad.

I'm angry. Their tone just REEKS of placation, to appeal and appease the lowest common denominator.

I am NOT the lowest common denominator, and I am angry that they feel that a good chunk of their players (adults) need a "daddy knows best" soothing tone.

Piss off, Neopets. I'm leaving my accounts, pets, bad flash and ads and I truly hope your servers crash through the floor with how heavy they'll get with useless shit.
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Post by gidget »

I'm disappointed in the Krawks. I've wanted a Krawk for a long time and currently have a transmog in my SDB. I was just zapping that pet for stats (and possible avie pets) for a while first, but now I just don't know... They are all poppy eyed (at least the male ones are), except for the Royal ones which actually have eyelids.

For those wanting to see the updated Darigan Blumaroo, I found that one. I now want to cry. If I'd known this was coming, I'd have stuck with the Halloween paint job my Blumie had.

Don't even get me started on the Kikos. Yes, many had crappy art before, but I liked my four (Clay, Garlic, Halloween, Snot). They were cool. Now they look like they've been on steroids and pumping iron.

So many of my dream pets are now nightmares. *sigh*
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Post by bonecrivain »

Hahaha...I just checked my userlookup to see exactly how long I've been on Neopets.

I began on April 26, 2000.

So for my 7th year anniversary, they threw the site into the crapper.

Thanks Neopets. I feel like celebrating.
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Post by Sparrow »

*shakes head* Terrible. Absolutely terrible. I agree with TCD; I'm not just sad about loosing my pets, I'm furious. How dare they go and fuck over peoples' beloved pets for the sake of something that probably the majority of users don't want anyway. They have flushed almost ALL the art for their petsite--just like that! I cannot comprehend what possessed them to do it. Honestly, I don't. I'm still clinging to the idea that the change to our pets won't be permanent, but that's a vain hope. Way to go, Neopets. You just lost a dedicated player. I'm planning on freezing two of my accounts after disowning some of my poor beauties who were totally buttfucked by this change. It breaks my heart to do it, but I just can't stand looking at the terrible art. I'm still in shock about what they did to Angel, my Tyrannian Tuskaninny. I won't disown her; I'm still too attached, but I may save up to paint her Faerie, if they weren't changed. Does anyone have the customized art for the Faerie Tuska, and Grey Yurble, just out of curiousity?

Also, a question: for the pets who were "grandfathered" into keeping their old style art, do they revert back to the customized look if you disown them? I don't want to risk that happening when I move some of my pets around, some of whom mercifully remained unscathed. This is all so depressing.
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Post by rebelheart »

I'm so sad. They destroyed every last bit of hope I had with that editorial.
The one thing I liked about neopets was the art, and that's why I even bothered to go through all that crap they came up with in the last three years, and why I never joined any other pet site because what neopets had before was the style I liked and nothing else.
I guess I can print all my old pets and their poses out but I don't need to play to do that, heck, you don't even need to register.
It's all so empty and meaningless now.
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