New neopets layout

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Post by Iggy »

Robot Pteri is okay. I'll look at the prices of Magical Plushie & Morphing Potions, Uliish might have to become one.
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Post by varii »

I was looking through poll results for no good reason, and came across this one..

What resolution is your monitor set at?

640x480 124,430
800x600 586,391
1024x768 300,538
1152x864 97,854
1280x1024 212,538

So much for 'everybody's doing it'.
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Post by DamionDarkheart »

I'm starting to think this is all one big joke.

Unless there's another reason a company would do something like this?

They're even using the resolution that practically no one uses.
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

I'm giving them one week, meaning from April 29, 2007 12:00:00 AM NST to May 5, 2007 11:59:59 PM NST, to come out say it was all a joke; take down the fugly pet art; give us back the old and instead have this totally wicked plot with pirates; ninjas; space aliens; an underground world; a new once underwater city rising from the depths and then at the end sinking back into obscurity; the Four Darigan Meepits of the Meridillian and The Son of Sloth trying to save the Neopia we all love from destruction by the forces of Dr. Sloth and Fyora! All with the help of a Mutant or Darigan hissie and a Christmas Zafara and his three average friends (a tomboyish usul; a brainy aisha and a fun loving lupe).

I read Good Omens too much, I truly do.

If they don't give us the first two I'm quitting (not that they care). The last one is totally optional, but would make me ever so happy if they include it with the first two. Or you know, just a really cool plot of any sort to help sooth us and bring us back. *is so very very sad*

Something stated earlier: TNT would not have gone to all this trouble just to change it in a weeks time.

I would like to point out that this is TNT we're talking about. The same people that will draw up fifty pets for a joke. For an artist or a coder getting paid to work on this, what do they care if it only gets used once? They still get money.
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Post by duenorth »

Lucifer_Apollyon wrote:... the Four Darigan Meepits of the Meridillian and The Son of Sloth trying to save the Neopia we all love from destruction by the forces of Dr. Sloth and Fyora! All with the help of a Mutant or Darigan hissie and a Christmas Zafara and his three average friends (a tomboyish usul; a brainy aisha and a fun loving lupe).
That would pretty much be the best plot ever, bar none.

And bonus points if they managed to work in the Bentley.

More OT-ly, I've realized that the new layout isn't terrible, and I probably would be more excited about it if it wasn't for the travesty of the pet "revamps".
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

duenorth wrote:
Lucifer_Apollyon wrote:... the Four Darigan Meepits of the Meridillian and The Son of Sloth trying to save the Neopia we all love from destruction by the forces of Dr. Sloth and Fyora! All with the help of a Mutant or Darigan hissie and a Christmas Zafara and his three average friends (a tomboyish usul; a brainy aisha and a fun loving lupe).
That would pretty much be the best plot ever, bar none.

And bonus points if they managed to work in the Bentley.

More OT-ly, I've realized that the new layout isn't terrible, and I probably would be more excited about it if it wasn't for the travesty of the pet "revamps".
They'd get bonus points and homemade brownies if they're able to work in not only the Bentley (despite Neopia not having cars), but the Witchfinder Army, a book of prophecy and the writer of the book of prophecy's decendent. :)

On topicness: I wouldn't mind the new layout if I weren't on dial-up; if it'd load consistantly every time and if the pets hadn't been revamped to this horror! Oh, and if they'd let me have my 800X600 resolution without having to scroll from side to side. -_-
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Post by Dollfie »

I hate all my pets' revamps. Lucky for me all of them are lab zappy pets so I'm not stressing. The layout is... okay. It loads very slowly and I can't even get it to work at all in IE. Plus I also use 800 x 600 resolution and the scrolling is annoying.

I think this change was inconsiderate. The staff used to listen to the people... now they only take orders from The Man. >.o
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Post by Yoshii »


Oh dear.

My Krawk. My poor, poor faerie Krawk. Hell, poor krawks.

I want my pets back.
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Post by Danish »

People on the Neoboards are in the illusion that this is still just a beta test and it will all go away next week, like it did in the testing. It's sad because I see a lot of them buying paint brushes for their pets thinking they will still look like they do in the original 9 poses.
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Post by sureq »

It's been a few days now yet I'm still filled with rage over it. I'm so fucking angry, I've been with them since pretty much my entire teenage life and some idiot in marketing who most likely has never had a virtual pet in his life thinks this is gonna bring in the dollars.

I haven't felt upset or close to tears, although I completely understand those that do. Since I logged on to find my krawks and other pets had been you know, raped, I've experienced rage like I almost never have before. It's unbelievable how a stupid <i>website</i> could inflict such a strong emotion in me, but it has. I am one furious individual right now. I put so much effort into my current main and pets, I actually cried while saving for my first krawk because I didn't think I could ever get there. How proud I was with myself when I did get one, and then another, and then saving for my royal pets.... I was going to morph Pendant into a royal girl grarrl (400k away only) and unveil her to the world with pride as I always do with big accomplishments.

And now all that has been reduced to sweet F all.

Neopets has never been the best of companies when it comes to customer service, but this is just screwed. They have to be doing this for money, but how much can this generate, they've taken a website with a loyal fan base, turned it half arsed into something else, and they think they're going to keep numbers up. People, WE, were there for a reason completely different to why anyone would stay now.

And why would anyone stay? Everything they are trying to do now other places do better. So not only am I incredibly angry, I'm absolutely confused.

I seriously think has been flushed done the toilet, and a lot of staff members will be out of work within the year.

And you know what, even after all that is said, I could weather the crappy new layout. I could ignore "neovision" and customization, but once they screwed with those pets they crossed the line of no return.

I am so mad that even if they reverted everything back to normality next week I still wouldn't stay.[/b]
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Post by duenorth »

The more I think about it, the more I have the feeling that our "justice" will come in the form of a newly revamped Whack-A-Staff-Member flash game.
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Post by Kuroro »

That would be the final insult to the injury... sigh.

Well.. I've pulled out of neo for this week. It hurt me to see all the fanart I made for it, some still on pet pages.. with pets that totally don't match it anymore.

Like many others I still had some pet goals I was saving for. f.e. I was wondering to turn Remakel, my pteri, faeri. No more. I'm glad my darigan eyrie and maraquan uni were given the option. That's all. Yet, this doesn't sweeten the pill, I can't agree with how TNT handled this, how disrespectfull.
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Post by adi_gallia »

duenorth wrote:The more I think about it, the more I have the feeling that our "justice" will come in the form of a newly revamped Whack-A-Staff-Member flash game.
Or hopefully an upgrade to Shoot-a-Staff-Member and while they're at it make some new Neopets 'art' appear, Lutari I'm looking at you. :twisted:
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Post by dandelions »

Can you guys...curb the violence a little? I don't care about Whack a Staff Member, because they created that game. I don't care if you say you want to dress them up in the clothes they've created, or whatever. But I'm cringing at the jokes about shooting TNT, or dropping bombs on their office. It's sort of...hitting too close to home. They didn't choose to do this; they were following orders so they still had a job. A lot of staff apparently didn't like this, but it's not like they could reasonably refuse to do it.
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Post by Trick »

As suggested I wrote to them telling them of my dismay over the pets and my liking of the layout (well, mostly liking). I'm not sure how much difference it will make but they did ask for constructive criticism. All I can suggest is that others do the same, as mine was more about my upset on behalf of some people I know rather than my own disappointment.

I didn't mention the possible demise of PPC though as I'm not sure they'd really care about that.
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