PetPet Match for a Mutant Usul

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Officer 1BDI
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PetPet Match for a Mutant Usul

Post by Officer 1BDI »

...Alright, I've been convinced. I cannot stand Zamaritan as she currently looks:
I mean: bleagh. :?

So, I'm going to turn her into this instead:
as it's one of the few mutant pets that I feel fits her zany personality without making her look even more... horrible.

For nearly a year now, she's had a Fangy on her, which was a perfect match for her mutant zafara look.


I'd really, really like to keep him attached to her, but the colors, even those of alternative fangies, don't really match. So, I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for a color match, preferrebly something adorable and canine-ish (even though the Fangy looks like a horse, I always pictured him acting like a dog for some inane reason)? The cheaper the better: I'm already blowing half my funds on the usul trans potion.
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Post by gidget »

I think a Black Fangy would go nicely.

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Post by Paint »


Yellow Puppyblew
Yellow Barlow
Yellow Boween
Yellow Doglefox
Yellow Gangee
Red Anubis
Red Boween
Red Drugal
Red Gangee
Red Khnum

EDIT: I've only chosen Yellow/Red matches at the moment because I'm late for school xD I'll add more later if you haven't found a match by then.

Many thanks to the wonderful Tiel for the set.
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Post by Skiler »

Well, buzzers aren't high expensive, but I'm worried about the darigan painbrush (and the dog-like match):

If you are found of spardels and the spooky, a halloween one will be a nice but quite cute match (always I liked "silly" dogs):

It can also go with the halloween warf as loyal/mindless minion:

Mutants are also interesting matches:
Image babyca (not really dog-like but it can act like it, I hope)
Image I own a mazzew itself for my mutant flotsam and they go on pretty cool (despite the evilness)
Image what about a meekins?

Image no comments on this zomutt - it is too weird and expensive but curious to show here
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Post by checkers »

I own a mazzew itself for my mutant flotsam and they go on pretty cool (despite the evilness)
Strange..I bought a Mutant Mazzew for my brother to attatch on his flotsam a while back.
Yeah I'd go with the Mazzew, the whole more than two eyes is great and the colouring is good too!
Officer 1BDI
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

I was looking at the Mutant Mazzew quite seriously, too, but the mutant petpets kind of scared me off, since I paid over 100k for Elzar's mutant slorg.

The Mutant Meekins is very cute, too (and cheap for what it is!), and the buzz might work if it didn't looks so evil.

I am, admittingly, in love with the Boween.


I wish it came in purple or black, or that the mutant version only had one head, but it's got just the sort of personality I was looking for. Maybe I can customize the petpet so that it's only got one head or something....

Or give him a third arm and name him Zaphod. :p

Thank you all for your suggestions. I think I'm going to go with the Mutant Boween for now, since I miraculously found a buyable one in the shops.
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