Forum suggestion - Clothier Match

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Forum suggestion - Clothier Match

Post by Skiler »

Well, I checked if this question was covered, and I was unsuccessful, so, I guess this wasn't asked before.

Since we got this new "cloth" feature at Neopets, I found out a new way to custom my pets. Not only colour and petpets but now we can also match colours and personalities by wearing cloths on. For example, if one person ask for a match on a red hissi (and we already have a petpet database and a cloth database):
-Red Cyodrake
-(I don't know the real name) Hissi Shenkuu Mask

Dunno if this is understood, but, I'm suggesting to make a Clothier Match board for pets, or to merge it with the currently Petpet Match board we have. I guess Aesthetics is fitted for this too, but since that place is mostly to ask about lookups and other layouts, I don't know if it will fit well in that place. Not many neopians will like the idea of a petpet match (perhaps because their pets are too special to have one - RP and that stuff beyond) and they will be free to ask if a thief mask will go with their pet or if it will be best for it to wear a pirate patch, or a coif, or whatever.

So, what do you think? It will be too busier to make? Useless? Perhaps it will be cool? The poll is set. The only problem I currently see right now is the lack of clothes for the pets, but with the passing of the time they will come out with new cloths (or that was their main purpose) and mostly of the clothes wich recently appeared are very nice (I am myself searching for that shenkuu mask for my hissi right now - no result since I don't know its name!)

Thanks for read. Hope I didn't commited a weird mistake by asking this on this board :shock:
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Post by Illuen »

I think it is a valid suggestion, and perhaps in the future, when more items have been implemented, it may very well be an important feature of the site. As we stand now, however, I feel that there is nowhere near enough clothing wearable on the site at the moment to warrant this. Additionally, just because something looks nice as an item, it could look wildly different worn (a lesson learnt on subeta.) so we'd have to find a place that archived what each item looks like on pets.

I think, if in the future, the need/request for such a forum arises, it would be a good thing to put into place, but I don't see that now, esp. considering the limited scope it would have with the limited amount of clothing wearable we have.

So in short, for the time being, I do not think that this is a reasonably useful or needed section to the site.
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Post by Goldenchaos »

Found the names through the Wizard..

Traditional Shenkuu Hissi Tail Covering
Traditional Shenkuu Hissi Gloves
Traditional Shenkuu Hissi Chest Covering
Traditional Shenkuu Hissi Hat
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Post by AngharadTy »

I would rather, for now, if people need help with clothing matches, they just use Aesthetics. After all, that's where people go when they need advice on how to paint pets. Just my two cents.
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Post by Kamil »

Just as an aside, I am completely and totally uninterested in paying additional bandwidth charges for ANY of the new features of Neo, ESPECIALLY those related to those awful, hideous clothing items.

If that's the way the site is going, if it's going to become an "important feature" of the site, it's going to have to go somewhere else and someone else can pay the fifty bucks a month for ad-free, spyware-free hosting.

Because I have no use whatsoever for that stupidity.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Kamil, I don't think there's anything even remotely decided, so vetoing things right off the bat seems premature. We also don't know if it even would take extra bandwidth (in a significant fashion, that is), so without having any figures at hand, it's jumping the gun a bit. It's also kind of upsetting the way you worded it--I don't think you meant to be inflammatory toward us, but it's kind of scary, phrased the way you did. We all appreciate your help with NC, and I surely hope none of us take it for granted (if they do, I'll smack them), but it's scary to be told that if you don't like something, you won't allow it. I don't think that's what you meant, precisely, but... you know. I'd rather forestall any upset. =)
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Post by Kamil »

Actually, that's exactly what I mean. Sorry if it is upsetting, but if it's something the forum wants it's quite simple for someone to find and pay for other hosting, yanno?

Neo is barely on my radar at this point, and I'm already tired of shelling out fifty bucks a month only to have my friends chased off, people pissing in my subeta pool over and over and over again (by people who don't even play the site, for God's sake), and now, to have a suggestion of having to pay additional good money to put up with even more of the stupid that is new!Neo . . . No. Just, no.

I was already close to bringing this up anyway, but was trying to stick it out for the sake of the forum, but this is, apparently, the straw and the camel. If the forum feels the need to add it to the camel's back, well, that's their decision.

I'm not vetoing anything. If the forum wants it, the forum can most certainly have it; I'm not stopping anyone. Just not while it's sitting on my little corner of the interwebs. Because I refuse to support, in any way, the stupidity of the new!Neo.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Would it actually cost more to add another section to the forum? All people have mentioned is making a clothing-matching board similar to the petpet-matching board. And it's losing the poll. No one has suggested anything along the lines of an entire clothing site, akin to Pet Colours and Subeta. That's for Neoitems to do, not NC. [Edit: I misread Will's post, but I don't think he means that he needs it on NC itself, just that it ought to exist somewhere. Either way, it's not NC's job, it's Neoitems'.]

On that basis, I think you're overreacting.

And, as a secondary point, I'm scared to know that if the majority of the forum wants something you don't, you'll cease helping us completely. No one is asking you to pay for something you don't like--if it truly were to cost more, you know that most of us would jump up with offers of help over Paypal. Except that you may have alarmed us too far now.
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Post by Kamil »

I wouldn't let anyone help pay anything anyway; but much as Sam lost interest and quit hosting the site, it may be that time for me, now, and this whole new forum idea, especially the concept of it being an "important feature" made that even more clear than it already was.

I'm not going to suddenly stop paying, so the site is in no danger of vanishing (barring server malfunctions and so forth), but if the Neo sections of the forum wants to expand beyond what they are now (the subeta areas can expand at will =), then I will come to the forum and tell them it's time to find a new host. Simple as that. I doubt many people would invest that large an amount of their money indefinitely in something that actively PISSES THEM OFF and shows no sign of going back to what it was before.

If my saying that means people want to take that step now, so be it, but it's entirely up to y'all. As always.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Well, I guess to me, it seems that... I've lost interest in Neopets, yes--I quit, after all--but I still have immense interest in the community of NC. I know that several among the mods don't even play Neopets anymore, especially after the recent changes. If your loss of interest in Neopets means that you also are more reluctant to manage NC, financially, that is all right--there are multitudes of host options to sort through, I know we could find something in a reasonable timeframe. And I know you wouldn't just duck and run on us, I definitely wouldn't question that. ^_~ We'll sort something out, I'm sure.
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Post by Kamil »

I've not lost interest in the forum itself but I have lost interest in paying for it (except the subeta parts =), since the hideous that is new!Neo has been inflicted upon us.

And this thread made me realize that is only going to get worse, not better, so perhaps it was time to say something, before I did go completely 'round the bend about it and started stabbing things left and right. It wasn't any one thing, per se (although there have been many, many tiresome things, referenced above), but this, apparently, is that final straw.

Who knew? Kinda surprised me too, but there it is.
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Post by Iggy »

The only use the clothing items will have is to be stuffed in my gallery if they're pretty items.

Why couldn't there be a single topic in asthetics or in misc (It's not like TONS of us are suddently interested into dressing up our Neopets) and I think than, for now, it's a decent compromise.
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

NeoItems can host the images of the pets wearing the clothes, if they want. Aesthetics is a perfectly fine place for all the garbage that this is. Also, why it seems to have become the most important feature to TNT it isn't important to a great majority to NCers and we can carry on without it. Just my two cents.
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Post by Madge »

I'd like to add that I'd be happy to contribute AU$2-5 a month to the forum - I know it's not much, but I'm sure there's other people who'd be willing to do the same, most of whom probably have more money at their disposal than I.

Also, would we need to host the images ourselves of pets wearing clothes? Do the neopets images have the same URL for the same species/colour/clothing combination, or does each pet name have its own unique URL? Because with the former it'd not require the images to be hosted on Kamil's host itself.

Someone should compare these... I know there are people with pirate lupes. I've got a female pirate lupe with no bandanna on named Sail. Anyone else with a female pirate lupe want to compare them? I also believe there's a male pirate lupe named Sink with no clothes on at all.

I can completely understand why Kamil wouldn't want to contribute to a forum for the fandom of a site she can't stand, I know I wouldn't want to use my money on a Subeta forum (though completely incomparable - the reason I don't play Subeta is because I'm scared that if I did I'd become addicted, and it's easier not to start and hopefully have more time to concentrate on uni)
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