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Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 05:05 am
by Iggy
Last year, weren't like, seven NM pets released on the 31st, during the evening? We had a couple during the month(Edit - We actually had ten before the 31st! Shocking!), but no BR pet were revamped at all in October last year. It was only GY and NM.

If we're going to get any, we're most likely going to get them this weekend. Either Friday or Saturday.

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 06:28 pm
by sezrin
I'm going to shamelessly beg for Egging/TP, because I'm way behind with only 10 eggings and 9 TPings.

Thanks to TCstarwind I've now been TP'd 50 times! Just need another 20 more eggings...

Your help will be greatly appreciated! :mrgreen:

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 04:26 am
by covet
I'm still way off the schievements, too. I've been egged 11 times and TPed 15, so if anyone would like to help?

I just haven't had much time to be on at all this month. If anyone has spare sponges or pumpkins I'll also make hopeful faces at you.

And the list of who gives what ToTwise seems to be broken on the forums. Are there any great ToT wearables and who gives out rag dolls? I know I give out kitties.

Sorry for all the questions.

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 05:57 am
by Alicorn
If you go here covet you can see everything that's given out ToTing. It'll let you know what's wearable and what's not. Also this is the list I used when ToTing. Hope that helps. ^-^

I have almost everything I wanted for ToTing and Pumkin Patch. I have all the rag dolls except for the demon. Damn slippery thing. The bummer part is that I'll be gone most of the evening tomorrow so I'll probably miss the ToTing every 5 minutes. Ah well.

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 12:14 pm
by zebru
Does anyone know which accounts give Plain Rag Doll? I think it was 4 letter ones but I'm not sure. I'm missing that one and the shop wiz price is in the 700k range o_O
I'm hoping for the speed 5 minute ToTing tonight to catch the little bugger.

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 02:51 pm
by adi_gallia
I'm also going to suggest egging/TPing me. I have less than 5 each which, more than anything, is a bit pathetic. I haven't been on Subeta much this month.

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 03:34 pm
by ZomgethMew
Same here. I've been TPed loads of times but I've only been egged once, and I've just got into achievements, so.. it would be nice to get the achievements |D I'll egg/TP back anyone who hits my house~.

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 03:51 pm
by Pyrostatic
I hope we get a bunch of Bloodreds tonight. There's only 2 revamps I want to see and that is the Kumos and Montre. -crosses fingers- =)

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 10:18 pm
by lavender
...looks like I'll be buying most of what's left on my wishlist. Prices of some things are already inflating. Cheapest Kitty Rag Doll is 1 million right now. :(

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 12:11 am
by Kamil
Now that you can ToT every five minutes, I'm going to sit on Rah's doorstep until I get the vampire doll three letters give out. Then I'm moving on to the eight letters, to hopefully snag a king doll.

*crosses fingers for luck*

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 01:34 am
by ZomgethMew
Fff, figures that Subeta would go down now, of all times xD. Oh well. Hopefully it'll come back before Morostide ends :o.

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 01:43 am
by Pyrostatic
My computer's been a byotch all day and when I finally get it working, Subeta crashes. Typical, just typical...

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 01:56 am
by Iggy
<alx> datacenter is looking in to the server issues
From #subeta

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 02:52 am
by Alicorn
Now that subeta is moving much better (thank you alx and everyone else that needs thanking!) I am enjoying the 5 min ToTing and the shorten Pumpkin Patch wait. I'm glad I can spend my halloween this way since it's to cold and raining to pass out candy.

Re: Morostide Time!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 03:30 am
by lavender
Just thought I'd (re)post a link to my extra stuff.

If you want anything, let me know and I'll send it over. And I swear that not everything in there is worthless!

{eta} Alright... only two more items to buy. Whoot! Umm... whenever the site decides to cooperate, anyways.
{eta2} Just need a Ghost rag doll. They're hovering just under 300k... so I'm stalking them. BUT, now I gotta focus on trying to *restock* some things!