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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 10:52 pm
by champagnesoup
Nogitsune, there is a Roo Island jersey!

Vintage Roo Island Altador Cup Jersey

Re: Altador Cup 09!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 12:22 am
by Kantark
Tom wrote:Haha, I have nothing to spend my points on, so I sent you over the lovely notpad set, Kantark. :P
Cool, thank you Tom - I shall chrish my notpad for all trnity! :P

Re: Altador Cup 09!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 01:25 am
by Iggy
So I played hard last year hoping that if Krawk Island won I'd be able to purchase a Pirate Paint Brush.
This is probably why we got a Cloud PB as a prize :P

Re: Altador Cup 09!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 11:36 am
by daisybell
I got 13 points! I was afflicted with "I have so many more interesting and fun things to do than play Yooyuball" and so I think I played one game. The prizes don't make me sad I didn't bother... I would like the Roo Island Jersey and I guess I might buy a couple of the posters for my Neohome (Coinins would definitely want the Meridell one, and the others would want the Roo Island one).

The Cloud Paint Brush is lame, though, since most people could buy one anyway. It's hardly a great reward for all the people who did spend a lot of time playing.