Site revamp/overhaul

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Kari »

It's pretty, and compact. Surprised that it's green, I'm used to SB being blue.
I don't like on the home page how the log in box stays, even though I'm logged in. That should change.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Enriana »


As a whole, I don't like change. At all.

But once I adjusted - and added the sidebar navigation widget - I don't mind it. I do wish it were a bit more minimalistic like the old one, but that's mostly because the old one was what I was used to.

Nothing seems glaringly bad, so right now I just need to adjust to SUCH DIFFERENCE.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Sunwolf »

I can't find out how much GA time I have left. Help?

I wish the navigation thing was customizable - or that I could move "Explore," "Vault," and "Inventory" up to the top, for easier access. I keep mousing over to the left, and then staring, wondering where they are. Don't like scrolling down to find them.

Sidebar options are neat and lovely. I didn't know that Riverside Valley was in the Amazon. I'm currently using the Beach one, as it seems to be the least "busy" and is easiest on my eyes.

I have terribly poor vision - is there a way to make the site text bigger? I have to keep squinting.

And, of course, it's SLOOOWWWWWWW.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Tom »

Click on 'Prefs', Sunwolf. You should be able to find out there.

Edit: Wait, maybe not. xD I haven't had a GA in tooooo long...
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by ZomgethMew »

I'm going to say it right out - I don't like it. I'm sick of drop down boxes and big huge wide layouts with trees in @_@; It's actually enough of a change for me not to want to play Subeta any more, to be frank :/. I guess I'll leave it for a bit and see how I feel about it later, but right now, it's looking like this is the end of my time on Subeta :| Trying not to be dramatic about it, though. We'll see. Maybe if they bring back the Spectrum layout.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Amphigorey »

My GA expired yesterday, so when I went on today I was like "WAIT WHAT I'm not supposed to be here!" Then "OMG They finally put it up!"

At the risk of sounding like a hopeless fangirl, I really love it. It's lovely and easy to use. Plus now there's more than one layout option that doesn't scald my eyes (though I will miss my Love Matter layout). I'm using GY at the moment.

Plus Coffee's pet profiles still work, which makes me so insanely happy.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Aqua »

I think it's pretty, though the 1583 KB page size is definitely big. *hugs cable*

I'll have to get on redesigning my customcss for this layout, once I've gotten my pile of assignments out of the way..

Hover drop-down menus! I hate those. But I've mentioned that before, and it's apparent that it's the trendy thing to do on the internet now, so I'm fairly resigned to them being inevitable on every site I go to.
You can actually add a navigation widget to the sidebar if you want simple links. *just found that*
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Seerow »

Anyone know of a way to increase the text size? I keep finding myself having to actually lean in towards my comp so I can read the forums, news post, or anything on the site. I've tried just zooming the text via the FF option but it does nothing to really increase the font size and just screws up the page.
Is there a Customcss code I can add that would help with this?

Edit: I think someone is messing around with the text size now actually XD It's much bigger at the moment, yay! Stay big please :D

Edit 2: Except now the posts are long and skinny instead of more condensed :( I'd rather not have to move my head just to read a post...
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by AngharadTy »

I would really like to stop seeing myself online.

The bar with the time on it keeps slipping up, under the top image. This is in Chrome; does it happen with anyone else?

I still don't know how many people are online (obviously), but it's still incredibly slow to load up. Especially the top graphic. It keeps loading, too, almost every page I visit. Chrome is not usually dumb about that, so I'm not sure what's up.

I don't want to work on redesigning my pet pages or galleries yet, because we have no idea how much will change. But I think I might at least put their text and overlays back on, assuming they work. Merely pasting in my own css from before makes it a very unattractive mess.

Blah... the "about us" links and whatnot at the bottom of the page keep covering up my pet friends.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Seerow »

Ty, I'm getting the same clock issue and I'm using Firefox so it's not just a Chrome thing.
As I type this post my text keeps lagging. Holy shit Subeta is taking up a lot of resources on FF. It's loading a thread on the forums and has been for about a minute now and it's still not done. I hope this lag gets worked out and the site becomes far less load intensive, or it's going to be hard to browse multiple sites at once.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Silverevilchao »

Not sure if it's because of the load on the site or not, but I find myself getting "connection was reset" errors every few page clicks or so, which is a bit frustrating while doing quests. The site otherwise loads fine with me, save for the fact that it takes about two seconds or so extra to load. *hugs university cable connection*

Oddly, I'm having no problems with FF despite having two windows open with multiple tabs and multiple programs going at once.

While on the subject of the forums, I would love, love, LOVE to figure out how to change the site's text color without having the post text color change as well - it was the only flaw in my original custom CSS that I couldn't work out, and I often found myself trying to read white text on a white background in the forums.
Last edited by Silverevilchao on 27 Oct 2009 03:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Dollfie »

I made some custom css already because Subeta would not function for me. It may get broken later with the programmers tweaking the code but for now, I'm good. I'm not amazing at coding but if anyone wants to try out my minimalist black and white layout, just email me.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Alicorn »

I find myself starting to get use to it. And now that I'm getting use to it I quiet like it. Loading isn't much of a problem for me. I find it loads pretty well. Sometimes when a page loads I go to scroll down then the page flickers and I'm back at the top of the page. The width I have to get use to too. One thing that bothers me (and it seems to be happening to others) is the top post card picture is covering my time. And I don't get the whole top picture showing, only part of it. This only happens in FF though. Funny enough if looks fine in IE. :P
I'm glad to hear that they will fix it that you can see when news is updated. It's so weird not having that right now. I also hope they make it where you can delete all your events at once too.
I like we can customize our sidebar. That's pretty cool. My favorite part is being able to see your HA. I'm one that loves to stare at her HA after she makes, defiantly when I'm proud with how it came out.
So in all I like it. It'll still take some time for me to look at the site and register it is Subeta though.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by lavender »

Spoiling due to image size:
Spoiler: open/close
To check you gold account status and stuff:
Prefs -> Customize Sidebar -> Home

-I agree there's a LOT of empty space. A LOT. It's sooo wide. The font needs to be a bit bigger to make up for it, I think.
-I miss my boring dark matter layout! I'm using the graveyard layout for now, but wish the previous layouts were just updated and were still an option. I don't particularly want to bother with a custom layout :/
-Remove all events option, please? :(
-I'm glad the old navigation bar is still an option! I like it a much better than the drop down menus. It'd be handy if that was customizable, also. :P

That's all I really have to say for now. It's probably been all brought up by now, but I just skimmed over the thread (and I'm not even going to look at threads on Subeta). Overall... it's not bad. I'll get used to it. :)

{eta} And I see they added an alert about a new news post! Yay!
{eta2} WOW. Just look at pet lookups... they're awful! I assume (and hope!) they're being worked on! They're a jumbled mess! LOL
Last edited by lavender on 27 Oct 2009 05:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I was really happy about this revamp until I saw one of my pet's pages. Now I'm just really happy with the exception of the pet pages. :P

It has nothing to do with losing my coding (which I'll figure out how to readd somehow); everything just looks really jumbled right now. The treasure chests look more cluttered on my screen (and on a related note, I can't seem to reorganize them anymore :c ), the pet stats text is mushed together, and having unequal amounts of text surrounding the pet image on either side just looks sloppy to me.

ETA: And I still think the site's in desperate need of an "Adopt" button under one of the drop down menus. The only way I know how to access it is to go all the way to the home page, something that I think a lot of new users could (and do) easily overlook.

ETA 2: I just changed my password, and I realize I can't find the "Log In" option. I only get "Log Out" from the menu, and am only prompted to log in when I attempt to access a part of the site that requires me to be logged in.
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