New plot: War of the Obelisk

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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Ailiel »

Depending on how far away from 250 you are, it may be. I had accidentally raised my battle pet's level up over 250 and was trying to get it back down by visiting Count von Roo, and training when I could afford it (usually around 40k a codestone then). But since the Battledome revamp I've been training away for a fraction of the cost of the eight codestone courses, and much more quickly too. Before inflation the red codestones were averaging at around 10k each, and I would say regular codestones were somewhere in the range of about 5k each (I wasn't using them, but I was selling from time to time). Assuming they've inflated relative to each other, I would say if your courses cost more than three codestones now this would be a good strategy to use.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if regular codestones have inflated more than red ones, because the red codestone users are regular trainers anyway for the most part, but with a plot coming people who have never trained at all are probably clamoring for the regular training school.

At this point, though, it might make a difference whether you can level fast enough to start raising your other, more important stats or not.

Edit: I just checked, and Sho Codestones (a red codestone) are currently 9500, up from 8200 before all this plot rumblings. Eo Codestones (normal codestone) are at 10,000. So if you are using more than even one regular codestone, this would be potentially cheaper, but the war won't last forever and prices will go down again. I would say if you are at level 200 or above, it would be worth it to get to 250, but otherwise it will take too long to really take advantage in time for the war. If you don't care about war stats and just economics, I still think it is cheaper, now and in the long run.

I do hope they don't just wipe out all of our old abilities, but it seems like they might. The abilities system before was the stupidest thing, but it would be nice if all those used faeries counted for something.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Kari »

My pet's at level 119, so I'm a good ways away from 250. I know I've got no chance to get really high before the war or anything, so it really is a long run thing. That and weapons, I suppose. I'm also debating using the lab ray again (thoughts?) since I've got enough money to remorph/pain my pet.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Jazzy »

If you use the lab ray, your levels will drop significantly and you'll have to pay to retrain level; it depends how badly you want the stat increases elsewhere. In my experience the lab ray raises hp to strength in about a 3:1 ratio, has an overall neutral effect on defence, and has a negative effect on levels.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Larkspurlane »

thelonetiel wrote:Considering I haven't trained in months, I'm tempted to just sell off my codestone collection. I wonder when prices will peak...

I'm wishing I had taken the time to buy weapons when I thought about it a couple months ago. But I guess I'll just have to deal with what I have. Or hope that I have neat things lurking in my SDB.

I'm totally in love with the art, particularly the bori with the pet crokabek. Adorable!

Lark, Jellyneo has some price info that might help:
Bag of Lenny Healing Seeds
Entangling Lenny Lasso
Lenny Ray Gun of Freezing

I have no idea what they are now to compare to, or if they were accurate when they were listed, but at least something to go off of!
Thanks for this info! I had no idea about that price history feature, very cool.

I am too poor for a war to happen right now @_@
Thank you for the av and sig set!
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Tom »

The wait is starting to annoy me. I understand why they would want to hype it up. But the small amount of excitement I had has definitely fizzled.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by thelonetiel »

Yeah, I wonder what's up? For a little bit there, I was on tenterhooks waiting for the news every day to see if plot stuff popped up. Now I'm back to my normal routine of skimming the new features page and thinking nothing of it.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Moga »

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I thought that maybe last weeks Lenny Conundrum was a hint of some kind, since it was Tyrannia-related and, as far as I know, TNT has never really done anything with the Lair Beast before.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by champagnesoup »

Gosh, I haven't been here in ages! But I've been getting random events about an earthquake all day. When you go to the Tyrannian Plateau you will see a pile of rubble and red volcanoes next to the concert hall. Click on it and you get this:
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Kantark »

Hmm... a nomadic digging crew, eh? That reminds me of the time I was part of a nomadic bone-digging crew, or a nomadic Anubis Toxicology Reports-searching crew :-)
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by EofS »

Kantark wrote:Hmm... a nomadic digging crew, eh? That reminds me of the time I was part of a nomadic bone-digging crew, or a nomadic Anubis Toxicology Reports-searching crew :-)
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Gumdrops »

Kantark wrote: Anubis Toxicology Reports
Still gives me nigthmares *shudder*
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Marah »

Anubis Toxicology Reports
That even got me out of hiding.
That plot gave me a ring and that ring ended up paying for my (now) UC plushie kau. Biggest thing I ever did on neo.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by EofS »

The digging commenceth.
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You get an item (I got some sort of weapon) and then the zafara says you have to take a break and drink some water. Not sure how long the break needs to be, and a quick perusal of the boards (can't stand more than a quick one..) didn't help me find out. But I've seen references to 20 items being the max per day.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Moga »

There's an NC Mall tie-in for the dig. Based on when that event ends, it looks like the next phase of the plot will happen on the 25th or 26th.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Bif »

Jellyneo says:
You can dig once per fifteen minute increment, :00 - :14, :15 - :29, :30 - :44 and :45 - :59 past the hour, and can collect up to 20 items per day from the digging.
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