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Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 06:48 am
by TCStarwind
Oh goodness, these are all too cute! My favorites are the bumbus (cute, fat, pink bee!!) and the wyllop, but they're all great. I think I'll make Dipper a sweetheart bumbus for a while, at least until galactic comes out. It looks so soft and huggable. <3

Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 10:15 pm
by AngharadTy
Image Image

These are both sooooo cute. The only thing I regret is that the pherret's candy doesn't say something as stunningly awesome as the dillema's.

Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 21 Feb 2013 07:14 am
by Jessi
Haha Ty xD We thought the Dillema's heart saying that was just TOO FITTING (I was secretly hoping Pie'd make it say GUUUUURL)

Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 21 Feb 2013 08:00 am
by AngharadTy
Don't worry, my mind appends the "GUUUUURL" automatically.

Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 21 Feb 2013 08:05 am
by thelonetiel
I adopted the pet Corella from the pound a while back, kinda for kicks. But I'm so in love with this sweetheart lain and how much it looks like a fluffy cockatoo. Well, okay, I think the forehead feathers were rushed, but it's otherwise a really cute pet. So I went and kissed all of you lovely NCers until I had enough hearts to get the sweetheart potion, and now my Corella is an appropriately 'too-ish critter. Win!

The Dillema is really great - the heart makes the pet for sure. Perfect tie in of the color and the expression.

The Jollin's ears bother me - like so many pets they just look cramped trying to fit into the box. I'd rather a smaller pet and straighter ears personally, though I suppose I'm not in the majority there.

Certainly an interesting color concept, it seems like it'll feel awkward in a couple months, but maybe that's just my cynicism towards anything slightly saccharine.

Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 10:06 pm
by EllaRedFox
I adore the Jollin so much that I put my save-in-case-of-cash-emergency Subeautique Invitation on the trades to get the money. Instead, somebody just straight-up offered *their* Sweetheart Potion instead of the 250k I was asking for. I. Feel. Loved. Now my pet Charmine is complete. Her story, layout, colour - it's done.

Although I will say that after taking another look at the Jollin the right leg looks...awkward? I guess it's the angle from behind the tail.

The Dilemma made me laugh. The "u fine" heart, fabulous pose and the "guuuuurl" vibe I'm getting from it (thanks to another user) reminds me a bit of Meenah of Homestuck fame.

Overall, an adorable colour. Can't wait to see more pets with this redraw.

I edited this post around seven times because of html that I'm not used to. U_U'

Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 24 Feb 2013 05:07 pm
by Seerow

Some new Sweetheart pets. Another gorgeous batch at that!
The Rreign is my favorite of this batch. He looks so hopeful and shy and adorable. I love the little candy additions, especially the peppermint spikes.

Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 04:33 am
by Jessi
I turned Galena into a Demi almost immediately, haha - it's just so the perfect color for him, all pink and soft and sweet. Darling is brilliant.

I waaaaaant that Escalade but have no one for it right now, agh!

Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 10:02 pm
by Silverevilchao
Ok, I'm going to be the nitpicker here, but the shading on most of the Sweetheart pets after the first batch is really...odd. The Demi, for instance, looks really flat, the Kora looks weird...I dunno...something about the style of these pets just bothers me for some reason.

Re: Sweetheart Pets

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 10:24 am
by RNA
I caved in and turned Farand Ola into a Sweetheart Lain. The art is much more dynamic than the basic lain and has her eye color.

The small eyes on these Sweetheart pets can be a little disconcerting. I'm not a big fan of how the Bumbus turned out.