New Mutant Gelert?

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Post by Settingshadow »

I love the naked ears and tail and the spikes have a lot of character.
I agree that the old one didn't have much going for it in the way of mutation -- it was just big and ferocious and hulk like; Cool, but not mutant.

I, however, am disappointed in this one's facial expressions. I know some people on the board think that forlorn, pathetic or simply not-evil is necessary in a mutant, but I don't like how this is done. I honestly like that some mutants are vicious looking. Many of these facial expressions look so depressed that they beat out some of the recent greys. That just goes a little beyond cute/pathetic to me.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

LOVE! So much better than the old one! The old one would have been a great Darigan, but failed as Mutant. This one is so brooding and depressed, like a Mutant shunned by society might be. 100 points for the artist!
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Post by Riddler »

Ooh, I like! Not in a must-go-out-and-buy way, but the artistry's impressive.

I keep getting the feeling an artist went "OMG! We should make a mutant gelert and make its characteristic wispy ears tentacles!!" and proceeded to draw said awesome pet without realising an albeit barely-mutant one existed already. I'm seeing hyena in the stance too, and the tentacles really do remind me of rams' horns now its been mentioned x)

But overall, yay more-mutant gelert. I haven't any qualms with it but for maybe the angry pose - I don't see why a mutated pet shouldn't look somewhat sad/annoyed/dejected at being transmogrified, but angry *could* be a little... angrier. (Does anyone else see chimera in that pose?)

As far as the old mutant gelert is concerned, I'm with everyone else in hoping it's reproduced somewhere (though it could maybe be redrawn to make it not look so... flat?) and am all for the idea of replacing Darigan, but for the fact one of the Darigan players in the Altador Cup was the current Dari-gelert. Dunno what TNT'll have to say about that.
Thanks to Twisted for the awesome set!
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Post by TCD »

Mmm, tentacles. That's what I see, anyways. I like this better than the old one and if I get to look at this while target zapping I wouldn't mind shelling out for transmogs.
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Post by FaerieInGrey »

I like it alright, but I know people that LOVED the old one, and this will crush them :(
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Post by Huggles »

Allow me to preface my post by mentioning that I've just finished watching Silent Hill for the first time, and it's put me in a distinct mood. There's nothing about the old one I found appealing, except that TNT should have released it as Darigan. The current monstrosity is laughably offensive, grarkenstompfles even. This one is brilliant. It's a tentacled hyena dog, and I love it. It looks like a real dog in the same way the grey gelert does, only this one doesn't have that something the grey one does that turns me off. The poses are excellent and very stylish, although I do wish there were barred teeth in at least one of them. It's dying for a killer snarl. *sigh* My only other regret is that if I did get one and fulfill my mutant quota, the mutant flotsam very nearly caught me, I'd only have one pet left to turn into a ninja when TNT finally stops discriminating against them.
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Post by Sparrow »

Awww, I liked the old one better. :( This one is very cute and excellently drawn, and while the concept is interesting, I preferred the insane, savage attitude of the old one. Where's the nasty claws and teeth? It's still very nice... though I feel sad that the old one won't be used. I'm a little conflicted about this revamp!
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Post by Mistress Morbid »


The new one is good, and I like it as mutant. But I'm sad that the original will never see the light of day. I'd much rather have the original as the Darigan Gelert rather than the current red one. I really loved the old Mutant Gelert, but I guess I'll never have one now.

On it's own the new one is a perfect mutant I think. I really like it, but again, I'll miss the original.
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Post by Chandi »

I'm with Huggles on this one - the only thing that slightly ticks me is that you do not see its mouth open at all, not even a snarl in angry. Angry begs for a few fangs showing.

Overall, I'm liking the hyena elements. Nice to see a mutant that isn't a pile of goop.
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Post by Yuka »

I like both designs equally, and there's little difference in the quality of the art - but this one is much more mutant. :) I hope the old one will eventually be turned into darigan, since the current darigan gelert isn't all that great. xD;
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Post by Whikey »

Silverevilchao wrote:NOOOOOO!

They'll probably revamp the Bori, too. :(
I'll throw a fit if they do! :(
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Post by Ierosbats »


Will my list of pets to get NEVER END?

This is... necessary and it will be mine.
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Post by phoebemittens »

I prefer this. I think maybe a recolour could make the other a great Darigan though, plus about 100 times better than the current Darigan gelert...
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Post by rottweilerchika »

oh my GOD.

I love it. It's awesome. Gruesome. and if I actually OWNED Gelerts, I'd get one. It's cool looking. xD
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Post by Kantark »

Hmm... it doesn't seem to have a lot of life in it, like Huggles, settingshadow, and Chandi have already said it doesn't even snarl, and even looks fairly dopey in several poses. But it's body is much better - if they could give it the body of the new with the facial expressions of the old, then they'd be onto a winner.
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