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Posted: 06 Apr 2007 09:01 pm
by Chandi
Oh! Congrats on making the artist staff! ^^ Hopefully we'll be seeing some beautiful work out of you soon, like this Torrent and the Cadogre you drew. *prods*

Posted: 06 Apr 2007 09:34 pm
by ladynight6
That is just amazing!
So pretty, if that was actually on the site I'd want one in a heartbeat!
And congrats on becoming a staff member!

Posted: 06 Apr 2007 09:54 pm
by Fullmetal Dragon
Congratulations, Nyau!! :OOO *throws confetti* You're not the only NCer on staff, though ;D

And Exhibitted did the Tutani, if I'm not mistaken. *nods*

Posted: 06 Apr 2007 10:36 pm
by Aqua
Eh, the tutani isn't mine. XD *likes whales but not really good at them* I made the new endeavor and cadogre, and the illumis.

Really nice reborn though, the flames are great. :D

Posted: 07 Apr 2007 01:56 am
by zebru
Oh, big congrats for joining the artist board! Much deserved! :D I'll be looking forward to your contributions!

Posted: 07 Apr 2007 05:05 am
by Alicorn
Congrats on becomeing a subeta artist! Whoot! Now we have 3 NCers as artist, all some of my favorite artist at that! **gets all fangirly** Can't wait to see your work!

Posted: 21 Apr 2007 02:50 pm
by cavern
That's just amazing. The fire is wonderful. Good work :D