Ghostly Possible Revamp

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Catwhispers »

I stepped into the minority and voted for the old version. I kept gazing back and forth between the two and the old version just looked more cleaner and more fluid in shape. Also, I don't like the texture of the material on the new one and also I dislike the pattern on the head. The new style isn't bad at all; I just prefer the old version a lot, lot better.
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Post by Twofold Black »

Hmm. It's always looked to me like the chibi has a neck and the others have a jabot/goatee. That's weird, now that I think about it.
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Post by Saturn »

The Ghostly has always been one of those pets I never really paid attention to, but I admit I kinda like this... of course I'm a sucker for gratuitous clothing/fabric folds anyway. >> They're fun...

The only thing that REALLY bugs me, though, is the symbol on its head. I can't put my finger on why, though. I think it's just too big and cartoony, anyway, and kind of takes away from the eerie blankness of the rest of its face, which was one of the few things I liked about the old one.

And I like the floofy neck thing XD Makes it look like the ghost of some distinguished old gentleman or something...
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Post by Seerow »

Like Nana said a page back, I always thought of the skull design on its head to be more etched into the mask/whatever its face is. And maybe the smile could be a bit smaller.

Overall though, I am suprised at how much I like this. I may end up morphing one of my pets into one someday if I like some more of the colors. I think the hands are what is selling me to this pet, they are like the ones on the Galactic version which I adore.
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Post by Jessi »

I always thought that the jabot was also a little neck, with a tear in its shirt. This just looks..odd.

I agree with what most other people are saying. Sometimes, less is more. In this case, less detail was nicer, and more is just way too much.
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Post by Xelio »

Revamp is okay, but please Subeta, I beg thee, don't touch the chibi one. I love the chibi and have had plans on getting one when I get around to making it possible to have my 5 extra pets.


Oh and for the record, I like the old Ghostly pose much better and as was commented by others, the overly-large skull just looks goofy. I think I could handle the new pose and the abundance of folds, the over shading on the tongue and the odd ascot, but dear me no, I could never get used to the skull on the head being that large. I'd be alright if they'd just keep the skull and crossbone lines the exact same.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Post by Luxe »

FourEyes wrote:I dunno, the "jabot" always looked like a hole in the... cloth-thing. That line always looked like a neck to me.
No one was ever sure what the jabot was. Some thought it was fur. Some thought it was a jabot. Others thought it was a hole. We decided to define it as a jabot from now on. ;)
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Post by painesgrey »

the jabot is too small.

and it looks too wide around the "torso" - i'd like to see a bit thiner and whispy.

otherwise, the art is better.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

I love everything except the jabot which I just think looks ridiculous and I want it to be a neck like it obviously is in the other colors (See Cream and Darkmatter).
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Post by adi_gallia » that I look at it closer I don't see how I could ever think it wasn't it's neck, the two lines kind of suggest a neck, poorly drawn at that, but still quite obviously a neck.

But I didn't consider it a neck before, so I don't really have a problem with neckless Ghostlies. I like the Jabot, it makes it look like a more formal ghost.
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Post by Usul_Princess »

For some reason the song 'Thriller' plays relentlessly over and over again in my head when I see the new one. :D I'm guessing it's because of the pose. Makes me wanna get up and dance like no one's in the room. Anyways, despite the dancing pose and the nice texutre/hands, I still like the old one better because emotional "circle poses" do it for me. The old ghostly looks very playful/mischevious, but not really "Casper"-like. I also voted in the minority, but I wish they'd update the old one simply because the cloth on the new one is pretty damn awesome.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Post by Kim-chan »

I voted for the old Ghostly, of which I am fond. I honestly think a shading update and maybe clarification on the 'neck bit' would have done.

What I don't like about the new version, besides the oft-mentioned skull (it looks like a metroid to me) is the Ghostly's head. It's smaller and a completely different shape. The old Ghostly had a very boxy head, and this version has a rounded head with softened corners. I also prefer, though perhaps not in coloration, the old mouth. Something about the entire thing is just pointier than the update and I feel the lack of that detracts from the species.

That said, the body is quite nice and while I think the shading doesn't necessarily fit into what I think of Subeta art, I appreciate how three-dimensional it looks, and the more frequent folds remind me pleasantly of those kleenex ghosts that were always a project around Halloween in gradeschool.

You know, if the kleenex ghosts had delightfully creepy mouths on.
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Post by Mesmirez »

I woe because I'm posting in a thread so far down, but the Glacier Ghostly got me inspired.

Anyhoooo, I really want to like the Ghostly revamp, I think they did a good job preserving the pet's personality + even the pose, so that's all good, /buuut/...

-The shading is too... I dunno, scrappy? I'm just not partial to the new kind of shading they're using at all.
-I don't like the jabot. I always saw the jabot-bit as, like, the frayed bottom of the bag used to cover the ghosty's "real" head, which remains mysterious and hidden-like. Well, that's how I always envisioned it.
Thanks TheLoneTiel for the siggy^^

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