Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Spivsy »

Every petsite ever is a complete ripoff of neopets. If I made a petsite where the only pet was a picture of a satsuma, people would say it was a ripoff.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by nanabobo567 »

It's mainly this:
Potions to change pets (admittedly, every pet site ever invented uses this)
plush toys of pets (again, used everywhere)
"Play Tombola (once per day)"
Snake-type game (also involving a "fruit" tail, making much less sense than a snake growing)
Promo-code vending machine
The menus at the side/top- almost exact order as Neopets original.
"Explore" menu, called such.
"Slot Machine"
It's not the fact that they take things from Neopets-
They take nearly the whole thing from Neopets. At least they have prettier art, though.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Twofold Black »

Seerow wrote:I took a buncha a screenies and just put them together.
Really interesting. This is the first petsite I've seen on which the redraw 'colors' aren't actually a different color. I'm not sure how I feel about it -- a lot of them don't do much for me, which is a factor in my ambivalence, but the terror Gourix is awesome and I fancy the Cheran a bit too.

I went ahead and registered, though like mellaka I'm having a devil of a time coming up with names. I've been considering naming a set of pets after the sefirot for a while, because Alan Moore pwned me with that Promethea story arc, but I'd need to do it on a site on which I had ten or eleven pet slots, of course (Subeta would have been perfect, and I half wish I'd thought of it before I hit on the current theme for my account and got all attached to my pets).
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Ishtar »

Cyro showed me the site today. I couldn't help but love all that lovely art. :3 I'm Fabuleux there. My pets are Freyja, Edmond and Amelie. ^^

I can't wait till they have more pets and hopefully different looks for them. I don't like what they have now. I also can't wait for their Egyptian themed world to open. Other than that.... YAY TETRIS!!! :D :D
The Art | The Site

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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by shaelyn76 »

Well I too signed up. I'm Serendipity there(Karma was taken so i settled for a second choice)and I went ahead and created all 3 pets I am allowed so i could get decent names. I figure I can always potion them later if I want. I didn't realize you can only have three pets until after I had my last one made and named otherwise I may have given him a different name...eh, either way the art is pretty and it is a good time waster while Subeta is down(which is often as of late). I am not crazy about any of the current pets except the Stignightus, which of course is limited edition so I can't have one. I like the Terror redraws for most of the pets and am really kinda geekily excited to be a part of a site from almost the very beginning. I hope it grows smoothly and the colors for pets become more plentiful. Feel free to befriend me over there if you want.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Mayhem »

A friend of mine tipped me off to the place a bit back, but I just now got around to signing up. I'm crucio over there.

I NEED a Terror Tarinooki now, because it has the coloration of a red panda. ;_; Want.

Apparently "Inferno" is an upcoming color:

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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Tiki »

I signed up as well, as Tiki of course. Not sure how I like it but it's good to have an early account in case I ever wander back. :)
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Figment »

I find the pet art to be wholly unexciting: I don't like the style of colouring used, the line art looks blurry on some pets, and the anatomy on most of them is overall inferior to subeta. I also don't like the design of the pets themselves -- they're either too detailed and busy (mandoran, tarinooki) or dull (cheran). Some of these pets seem highly derivative from subeta as well -- I can't be the only one who looked at the obsideon and was immediately reminded of subeta's very similar experiment pet. The only one I like is the bird -- despite being bothered by the cartoonyness of the way both feathers and fur are drawn, which makes them look very similar to each other -- and so I created one of those. Odalisque. I'd create two more just to get good names, but I really don't like any of the species at all. Ho hum.

The map art is great, though -- I've always wished that subeta had maps like neopets does -- and the items seem nice. Still, I doubt I'll play it -- I just wanted to create an account called Figment in case it turns out to be cool once it's been running for a while longer.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by cpvr »

Ya: http://www.virtualpetlist.com/showthread.php?t=7319

Misticpets has been opened for a few days now and everyone is talking about it. So, does it have the potential? Yes. A lot of users are already in love with Misticpets.

The art is amazing.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by daisybell »

I ditto Figment, I'm not finding the art so wonderful that other people are. It isn't that it's not good, it's just not spectacular. And if the pet art is the main attraction then it isn't going to suit me either- I've discovered that (shock horror) art is not the be all and end all of a pet site- if the site is turbulent, there are problems with staff politics or it's just shabbily run then I don't enjoy playing.

Apart from the art style, there are too many wings and weirdnesses on the pets- they're "different" but there just isn't enough cute and cuddly and normal for me. They're all fantastical creatures- the two furriest pets have wings and super fluffy tails. I liked the bird until I realised it had buttwings.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by nanabobo567 »

I'm waiting for them to release that kiwi-type pet they show on a game and a few shopkeepers. At least, I'm assuming it's supposed to be a pet. I can't find any items with "Kokwi" or whatever its name in the game is, at least.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Twofold Black »

Figment wrote:Some of these pets seem highly derivative from subeta as well -- I can't be the only one who looked at the obsideon and was immediately reminded of subeta's very similar experiment pet.
Nope. Subeta doesn't own 'canid thing with a skull for a face', but I do wish the artist had made the mane and eyes a different color or something. Maybe it's accidental -- though I doubt this -- but they still have an obligation to be aware of what's already out there and avoid doing things that even look like blatant ripoffs. (I disclude things like site theme and to some extent site structure and terminology from this, because I consider virtual pet sites a viable genre, and genres have tropes. Misticpets has too little 'Dogs in the Vineyard' and too much 'classic D&D with the serial numbers scraped off' going for it, but if the site turns out well enough I don't mind terribly.)
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Aqua »

The art is alright, but there are few pets I like as well. :P I'd like the Gourix but its neck is either really fat or the head is too small (which is also a problem for the merical, tiny head XD). The only one I liked enough to make was the quari.. The game otherwise doesn't excite me that much so far.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Jessi »

Well I signed up, under the username jessi (... NO BEAN?! HOLY SHIT), but I haven't had time to play yet, as I just got off work. Thought I'd tell everyone where you can find me though xD

Edit: I have discovered cherans are the cutest thing ever, and have managed to make one named Leif! Hooray. Now I'm pleased.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Helmcargh »

i joined as well (as Helmcargh) and created Rushton (the Mericai) and Lolly (the Tarinooki). I really want a Braenon though which is frustrating. I completed one quest and lost 1500 MC so I don't think that they are currently worth it. I do like the greenness and gardenlike feel of the place a lot.
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