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Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 15 Aug 2008 08:03 pm
by Cojiro_Cucco
Wha...? Did they put any effort in this at all? It's just... gross.

Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 16 Aug 2008 12:32 pm
by 23639377
The worst rainbow ever. Why don't they make rainbow pets like the spectrum on Subeta, rather than just having stripes of colours covering the poor Neopets?

Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 19 Aug 2008 08:03 pm
by Razzbunny
Not prettty. D: I'm not a Xweetok fan but if I was I'd be pretty annoyed. :?

Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 20 Aug 2008 01:54 am
by Iggy
23639377 wrote:The worst rainbow ever. Why don't they make rainbow pets like the spectrum on Subeta, rather than just having stripes of colours covering the poor Neopets?
Because a Spectrum includes the white, while a rainbow is only the production of the separation of the white light into other colors.

This is the reason why Rainbow pets are, and should be all colorful, while Spectrum pets are mostly white.

Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 20 Aug 2008 06:13 am
by Nogitsune
I think we can stop worrying about it, it hasn't been released at the pool. Probably they realized how awful it was and decided against releasing it for the time being. That or they simply decided against having another colour have all 54 pets able to be painted it. In any case I agree with everyone else, this is really poor art. It looks like the pet ticked off Rainbow Brite or something went horribly wrong at a paint factory.

Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 21 Aug 2008 05:36 pm
by Usul_Princess
I just don't get what makes this rainbow pet so horrible from the other 53? All rainbow pets suck. *Runs away from Madge*
Once you see how well the color 'Spectrum' is excecuted, every Rainbow pet doesn't look any better or worse to me. (with 1 or 2 exceptions) I do agree that it's terrible, with the misaligned stripes, but it's still just another rainbow pet.

Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 21 Aug 2008 06:25 pm
by Seerow
Too me, its not that its a far cry worse then other Rainbow pets, its just that its sheer lazy. There was absolutely no effort to make the stripes conform and flow with the body. They could have done some really neat rainbow effects with the ruff and tail and they just ignored those opportunities.

Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 22 Aug 2008 03:34 am
by Iggy
Usul_Princess wrote:I just don't get what makes this rainbow pet so horrible from the other 53? All rainbow pets suck. *Runs away from Madge*
Once you see how well the color 'Spectrum' is excecuted
There are a bunch of horrible Spectrum pets as well.

Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 22 Aug 2008 07:15 am
by Fjorab_Teke
Many of the Rainbow pets are pretty painful to look at, agreed. But this one's just "throw some horizontal patches of rainbow colors layered over the lineart image with maybe a few bucket-fills." They almost completely neglect the concept of "this pet has rainbow bands along the contours of its body."

The pre-customization Rainbow Xweetok is such a stark contrast of that. It's like the artist was thinking "bleh everyone hates the customization base pets now - well we don't care anymore either. Here, have a rainbow."

Re: Rainbow Xweetok

Posted: 22 Aug 2008 02:22 pm
by Omg Its Demi
Not a fan of Xweetoks as it is...Esp. since the re-vamp....And not a fan of Rainbow