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Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 02 Mar 2011 06:36 am
by Officer 1BDI
Ok; thanks, Ty. :) I found out what the messages said through the forums a while ago, but I wanted to make sure I didn't have to do anything else after I put everything together.

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 02 Mar 2011 06:43 am
by AngharadTy
I'd rather like to know if we're done with having paper bits in our inventories after the poetic kiss. I have a lot of paper bits. The clutter is slowly driving me mad.

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 02 Mar 2011 03:17 pm
by sezrin
Thanks for everyone's help... Anyone wants to pass a pastry box back and forth just to get the delivery achievement?

Big thanks to Griffin for playing Pastry Volley ball.Now just to get 858 kisses and open 29 more boxes :mrgreen: If anyone needs any scraps or snippets just shout

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 03 Mar 2011 08:29 am
by Bacon
Well, I bought all the scraps, snippets, and pastries... Then I got Skitter's message and kissed the baker... I guess I'm caught up!

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 01:29 am
by Elucifer
Wonder what the code is. Guess there's always Saturday to wait for! xD

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 01:43 am
by Wingsrising
March 5th, huh?

Anyone else up for some pastry-box vollyball? I'm at 10 now and wouldn't mind getting up to 50. :-)

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 11:08 pm
by Wingsrising
Thanks, guys! I got the 50-boxes-sent and 50-boxes-opened!

I won't say no to getting to 100 for either if you have some spare boxes or time on your hands, but I'm not too worried about it, either, if you're bored of sending me boxes. :-)

(If I get sent a box I'll send it back unless told otherwise.)

(I know, bad double-poster, but I wanted to make sure it showed up as a new post otherwise no one who read the last post will see it.)

EDIT: I got my 100 boxes. You guys are awesome. :-)

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 06 Mar 2011 09:52 pm
by sezrin
11 boxes left to open... If anyone has any spares I'd be really grateful! They're suddenly something like 50K a piece in the shops....

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 08:30 am
by Goldenchaos
So..this plot is really now over. Which I didnt even know till I checked the news.

This is cute!


Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 02:38 pm
by Seerow
After all the wait, this was the big finale? Kinda lame really. Fantine creeps me out on the best of days so even bigger art isn't going to make me like her, but Skitters looks so happy frolicking :P

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 04:13 pm
by TCStarwind
I'm extremely let down, honestly. It's been over a week since the last anything with the plot. And why bother introducing Ecks if her plot thread isn't going to go anywhere (how can it? Masquerade should be starting soon, right?)? Everything was happening around Skitters, why doesn't he have a forum account to interact with people? They could have at least used the NPC accounts for Skitter's final love declaration to Fantine and she realizes she still loves him or something. Or a news post from Fantine about that (not SAI's "OHAI, sorry we're dumbasses lolz" with a picture that is only vaguely related to the post) I'm normally not crazy about things happening on the boards, but at least it would have been something. I still just feel like this has no resolution.

It seems like so much stuff was dumped because of timing/pacing. Which means these things should either be planned out much farther in advance, something else is still going to happen, or they're setting us up for an Epidemic super plot next year.

I also don't like that image at all. It's kinda derpy and doesn't really fit in with Subeta's usual art style. Fantine is ok, but in my mind, Skitters just isn't someone who can pull off that kind of cute.

Sorry for all the complaining.

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 04:27 pm
by AngharadTy
Keith said somewhere on the site that this was only ever meant to be a mini-event type thing. Which is great and all, but only if you present it as such from the beginning. A "real" plot starts the same way--small, builds up. A mini plot is always going to disappoint people who didn't know it was supposed to be mini. Don't lecture your customers for not being psychic.

That said, he did say that it's a build up to a bigger thing next year. I'm looking forward to that, but it doesn't completely negate the disappointment this time around.

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 04:36 pm
by TCStarwind
Ah, did he? That does make a bit more sense, then. I don't use the forums or twitter or anything, so I don't get little messages like that. Still, a little more input from Fantine would have been nice. It still seems a bit smooshed together.

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 11:27 pm
by Griffin
The plot end was pretty much the definition of anti-climactic, but that's okay, I heard that it was going to be a small thing. I was expecting Skitters to start searching for a cure to become human again (hey man, it's only 50 candy hearts) as it makes absolutely no sense that Fantine would suddenly find a dead rotting corpse attractive and skip off with him into the sunset, even if they were childhood friends. But I guess the absurdity was intentional for the lulz, and next year Skitters and Ecks will probably be competing for zombie chancellor.

I think I completed every step correctly, so I hope there's a few nice prizes :)

Now I'm just hoping against all hope there won't be a Masquerade HA contest. Please nooooo.

Re: The Great Pandemic 2011

Posted: 11 Mar 2011 12:34 am
by Rakumel
I'm fine with the plot being over. I just cured my illness last night and was thinking, "Now there's gonna be some huge climactic battle and I'm going to wish I was still a zombie." So I'm happy I was wrong XD And hey, I can finally get rid of all the stuff cluttering my inventory and get ready for the Masquerade!