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Re: Subetart : 43 Angelic Malticorn Rough Sketch

Posted: 06 Oct 2008 04:26 pm
by Goldenchaos
Kept the same pose..but ya know, with the new Malticorn look. Long time no post due to work/school.


:D Looks odd in places, so, if anyone can, redline?

Especially that right front leg.

Re: Subetart : 43 Angelic Malticorn Rough Sketch

Posted: 10 Oct 2008 10:40 pm
by hebdenhippy
It looks lovely to me! I can't wait to see it finished! I've always liked Malticorns.

Re: Subetart : 43 Angelic Malticorn Rough Sketch

Posted: 11 Oct 2008 12:11 am
by Goldenchaos
^_^ Thank you! Hopefully I will get the time to finish it the meantime..


Flats for the Spectrum Paralix that I had done earlier in this thread..changed the pose some..tweaks everywhere, it looks wierd, the necks too long thats for sure.

Oops forgot the whiskers. Haha

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 11 Oct 2008 04:28 am
by Heilos
I absolutely ador the pose on this and the expression XD the only things other then the long neck which you mentioned, is the nose as I think it needs to be a bit smaller compared to the update paralix's. Also that back leg is bothering me where it connects to the body, it seems a bit too thin compared to the rest of the leg, other wise fantastic job <3 can't wait to see it finished

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 11 Oct 2008 08:23 am
by hebdenhippy
It looks lovely! I love how you've done the paint splatters, and it's rainbow horns ^^ Like Heilos said, I think where the back leg is connected to the body looks a little odd, but apart from that it's great, and i look forward to seeing it finished!!

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 11 Oct 2008 12:03 pm
by lavender
I can't help you anatomy wise, but in my opinion, the grey of the mane and belly are kinda overpowering the picture. That's where my eyes went when I first saw it. Is that going to be toned down in the final version?

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 15 Oct 2008 02:50 am
by Goldenchaos

Hows this? I have colours to the underbelly and fattened up the leg...and gave it the swirly rainbow as well.

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 15 Oct 2008 04:21 am
by Xelio
The swirly rainbow really balances the image I feel, adding more color to the side opposite the under scales of the tail. I would have possibly liked a nice yellow eye instead of the fuchsia shade you used, but that's a personal preference so minor it's hardly worth mentioning. Lovely work indeed.

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 15 Oct 2008 04:57 am
by Goldenchaos
Ooh..yellow eye will work better. Now that you mention it, the purple around the eye and the two fuchsias close by from the horn and foot just makes it too heavy with that colour. :) Ill make it yellow!

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 15 Oct 2008 09:32 pm
by Larkspurlane
I LOVE this picture! It's positively hypnotic. It's going to look great shaded. I'd love to see it painted/lineless instead of with lines because I think that'd really do justice to the colours and the movement (you could blur outlines a bit to convey more movement), but just judging from the thread's title I'm guessing it's for use on subeta & therefore needs to be consistent with their style.<-- major run on sentence

I really like its face too, it's nicely balanced. Nice strong snout. Such a cool creature!

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 15 Oct 2008 09:48 pm
by Slugawoo
Awesome. I also think it'd look better with yellow eyes, but you seem to be doing that already, so... nevermind.

Anyway, I thought I'd point this out. If that's it's right leg back there, then it's missing that tuft of fur. Other than that, perfect.

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 17 Oct 2008 06:45 am
by Mayhem
Where's his whiskers? Other than that and the tuft that Slugawoo pointed out, this is AWESOME. I want it so, so bad. WHY CAN'T I HAVE IT ;_;

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 17 Oct 2008 07:05 am
by Goldenchaos
I get all this way with the thing and I forget the whiskers..thank you for pointing that out Mayhem..D:

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 17 Oct 2008 03:34 pm
by Xelio
I'm guessing with the motion on the whisker on the side of the face facing us will be visible, but I'm not sure where you're going to be able to put it without chopping the lovely face up. I'm sure you'll manage though.

Re: Subetart : 44 Spectrum Paralix Flats

Posted: 18 Oct 2008 07:47 am
by Alicorn
Oh the spectrum paralix is great Golden! You did a great job! It's so colourful and keeps to the paralix's personality perfectly. This is how I hope the real spectrum paralix will turn out. This just makes me want one even more, hehehe. ^_^