Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by ruthieRox »

Awww .. no one said it was a priority. It was simply asked if it would ever be done and I .. yes I, answered it may be at some point. Im not sure where the "top of the to-do list" assumption came in. One of the things slowing it is trying to make sure that ppl WILL have some options and not have to be like everyone else on the site. This is the same thinking behind so many color options. We don't want ppl to feel all the same and are taking measure to not have them forced into boxes so to speak.
As for the worlds, many are going to be open soon. As opposed to other sites open YRS with still non functioning links, we have only been up 2.3 months ;)
And, more pet slots are coming. We have already added 2 more in the 3 months. We do listen to the members and make adjustments. some things take time. But, it will all come =)
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Seerow »

Pretty much everyone here at NC lost out on a lot of hard work and good memories when Neo did the wearable fiasco, so it should be expected that most of us would get angry and upset over the mention that someday it will be done. I was on Neo for over 7 years before they destroyed it and I stopped, I don't want the same to happen on Misticpets.
A thought, though I have no idea if this is true. A lot of the people joining sites like Subeta and Misticpets are people fleeing from Neo. Not all mind you, but I would guess a large part of newer members left Neo to search for a new petsite. They probably don't want to deal with another site ruining their pets like Neo did. Judging by the amount of people who stated they don't want clothes to be wearable on their pets in that thread, I think its a pretty good assumption.

I started training my pet Samuel yesterday. Its nice that each stat only takes a half hour, but man its expensive 0_o

And stockmarket is finally up and working properly, and is a great way to make money. I've made over 100k in profit in the past two-ish days.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by ruthieRox »

Oh, please don't get me wrong ... as said on the board I posted onsite about it .. im not a fan of it at all! I totally understand. (Seerow, you were on that board, you may recall my mentioning that?) What im saying is, the majority on site seem to want some sort of "wearable" thing to be done. With that, "when" anything happens, we will try NOT to be like the other sites. We will try to find ways for members to have options, make larger choices and remain individual.
My post here was merely to clear up the mis-conception that it is some sort of priority. That is FAR from the facts. I feel members have a right to know that. There is no need to get all upset about it .. in relation that it may happen right away. It wont. There are many other things in the plans to come along first. I just wanted that to be known thats all. I fully respect that ppl may be a bit upset by it. Its definitely a "bell ringer" when you hear it and think of the destruction its brought to other sites.
I just didnt want MY reply on the onsite board to be misunderstood in any way. I simply answered that yes, one day, down the road it may be. And that we would take every measure to make it somehow work for all members. I NEVER mentioned a time line of any sort.
(Im also a Neo defector, leaving 4 accounts and several NICE pets behind .. so, yes , I follow completely. The site has been ruined for me completely)

As for the training. I finally made the move and went down to 1 pet. I started training yesterday as well. The cost issue is also one in review atm. And, it is "above" wearables ;)

Closing out, I just want to say . .I didnt come post as "Staff vs Member". I don't see things in that way. Im GLAD ppl are voicing. If not, we don't know. Our goal really is to make the MEMBERS happy on a site that belongs to THEM. And I want ppl to know, if anything I personally say on a board is not clear, or not agreed with, PLEASE .. mail me, ask questions and lets talk. Any time! I wont say that it will change EVERYTHING. Some issues are out of my hands, but im certainly open to hear from and talk to all members. =)
My UN on site is same as here =)
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Aqua »

I think it'd work better if you could have one standard pet image, and another separate image for the dressable pets, that could be recolour-y in a neo way if need be. It'd be more work (easier if done before there were too many colours to work on), but almost everyone would be happy I'd bet.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Cranberry »

I think you should make pandoria boxes easier to get before worrying about anything else pet-related. You guys keep releasing awesome redraws, and hardly anybody can get one. It takes SO long to earn money at the site that many people get bored and frustrated and quit well before they can reach a pet color goal. (And even if you have money, there rarely seem to be boxes available in trades.)

The things I'd like most: For flash games to be fixed so they actually give out money (even the one that's supposed to still says I'm "undefined" no matter what I do), and more of it. Cheaper training. Easier-to-obtain pandoria boxes. More misticpals. Better ways to make money -- that higher or lower game is so tedious, and, I kid you not, when you ask someone who's been around a while how to make cash, they tell you to play it, plus surf around so you get the 1k MC reward. That is a pretty lame way to make a living. ;)
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by ruthieRox »

Agreed. I do try to add "fair" amounts to the trivias etc (I set those) to help out. I give out on average over 10k a week in those. I can only raise them so much, but I try. and I try releasing items that don't RS so that they will sell a little more on the high end as well.
I also have the Credit Events going on the weekends from the mod team (I head the team) to try to spread those around as well. I do understand. Unfortunately, I don't code. I have no idea when those games will be fixed and will be honest about that. I wont promise dates or spectacular miracles .. that wouldnt be fair. But, I will say, when we say we are doing our best, we do mean it. I personally add in anything I can think of to help the members with gains.
I am soaking in this information and taking it in! believe it or not, I don't come here all ... ready for the battle. I come here looking for information to make things better. Mind you I also will defend anything I see unfairly posted .. but its not my goal when I click the link ;)
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Seerow »

So it would seem 4Chan is trying to hack into Misticpets. They sent out a mass message to everyone using MisticPets Team as the name. Some long-winded message talking about how they are above the law and other stuff, didn't bother to read it all.

I know incredibly little about 4Chan, and in fact didn't know who they were before the Subeta incident. Is this how they normally work?
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Madge »

4chan is full of anonymous people doing science only knows what.

They recently organised a whole bunch of scientology protests where they assembled outside scientology centres wearing masks to protest, which two of my friends were involved in.

They vary a lot. It's a pretty fun website, but full of the meanest, most callous troll-types the internet has to offer - as long as you accept that, it's awesome.

Also, there's lots of furry porn.

And they are credited with inventing lolcats.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Huggles »

I'm assuming this is the same subset of people who fucked up Subeta and attempted to "invade" here. I don't imagine there being another group of 4channers who care enough about virtual pet sites to bother. Change your passwords and your email on Misticpets, if you can, and not to something you use anywhere else.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Iggy »

They recently organised a whole bunch of scientology protests where they assembled outside scientology centres wearing masks to protest, which two of my friends were involved in.
Why didn't they invite me? I'd love to egg the scientologists =(
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I could at least understand 4chan's attack against Subeta, even if I didn't agree with their argument, let alone their methods. But are they just attacking Misticpets for the hell of it? *sigh*
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Cranberry »

I loved their Scientology protests. Why Misticpets, though?

Oh well. I haven't been playing it, anyway (because there's nothing to do, heh).
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Kuroro »

"Above the law..." oh dear.. I don't understand this at all... at least with Subeta there was a 'reason', though I don't agree with the methods..

Changed my password there too to something I never used, just to be sure. Right now I haven't been on there a lot too, a bit short on time. I love the art, but I don't see what to there right away to earn monies. I liked the stock market at Neopets, so I might try that. I did earn my money on neo with restocking.. but I don't feel like repeating that.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Jessi »

Hm, I must say, I think the ratio of real dollars to credit tokens or whatever they're calling them is -outrageous-. For that reason alone I know I'll never spend money here. I won't even spend money on Subeta, and I think half of their cash shop stuff is overpriced. But considering this is a -new- site trying to -earn- members, you think they'd have started a LITTLE smaller than a ridiculous 100 credits = $10 ratio.
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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I know. $15 for a new virtual pet is ridiculous. I could buy a real pet for less money than that. :/
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