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Re: Human avatars

Posted: 16 Mar 2009 10:08 pm
by AngharadTy
When I stopped by subeta briefly today (I'm having moments of lucidity among moments of insanity--at least, that's what my illness feels like), I thought that you looked like Yansa. And you do. Good going!

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 10:40 pm
by Kamil

I suppose, since it's 85 degrees here today (that's 30 to everyone but us Yanks), I should just give up and admit summer's practically here.

But I don't really want to, so this will have to do for now. ^^

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 18 Mar 2009 04:58 am
by Alicorn
Love your pet HA Figment, she looks great! I just finished up doing HAs for my pets a little while ago so you're not alone. ~_^
I love the outfit Kamil! You make the coolest outfits.

My Daray HA got into the St. Patty's Day spirit. I did special shopping for green things just for this. No one shall be pinching Daray today! XD Though he might enjoy it.

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 19 Mar 2009 03:22 am
by Kamil
Spoiler: open/close
The Marauder sets have all been redone. Much nicer they are too.

MUCH nicer.

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 19 Mar 2009 03:38 am
by AngharadTy
I'm so glad that the red, especially, is more of a red now. I did like the overall design of the dress part, but the art is so much better now that I guess I can't really complain.

Did the jabot get redone? It doesn't look different to me, and the preview thread in the revamp forum didn't have an image of it.

Also--the old-fashioned boots got redone. Fiiiiiiinally. Praise be. They're still not 100% perfect, but I blame the HA's weirdly-shaped feet. At least they're entirely wearable and not lumpy-funky-huge anymore. (I was so excited when they were released, and then they looked all weird and unattractive. Now they're not!)

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 19 Mar 2009 04:11 am
by mellaka
Wow I really like the set now.Thanks for posting the preview.

My HA is a little early for April showers. I hope her jacket doesn't rust (more).


I still have trouble matching anything to those pants, and no shoes ever look right with them to me.

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 19 Mar 2009 05:02 am
by Alicorn
Oooo, the marauder set looks so much better now. I love the dress. I went and bought myself a red one and had to wear it.
I wouldn't want to piss her off. XD Like I said, love the dress now. I think I'll have to collect the other colours too.
I'm so happy they redid the old fashion boots. I liked the idea but they just looked so big when worn. Now I'll actually use them. And while dressing my HA, I saw they redid the black and red frilly top.
Ten times better then the old one. The old one was big and blah. (Now if it turns out this has been like this awhile and I'm just slow, sorry. ^_^")

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 19 Mar 2009 05:40 am
by AngharadTy
Y'know, the only thing that I don't care for is the eyepatch--maybe it's just me with my white skin, big eyes, and bald head (on the HA! in real life I only have one of those features!), but I really liked how striking it was before. The shading seems odd now. Not, like, Jester Makeup Kit odd (let's add a shadow for no reason!), but it's still a little off, to me.

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 20 Mar 2009 02:30 am
by Wingsrising
I had been using the dress quite a bit recently -- I'm wearing it on my current HA -- but I have to say I like it better now.

Old and New:

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 21 Mar 2009 02:52 am
by Figment
AngharadTy wrote:When I stopped by subeta briefly today (I'm having moments of lucidity among moments of insanity--at least, that's what my illness feels like), I thought that you looked like Yansa. And you do. Good going!
You have on idea how happy that makes me! I was pretty pleased with the av version of her and am thrilled that you thought it looked like she should look. Of course, she was pretty easy to do, seeing as how she's my thinly-veiled bookworm alterego. *cough*

Thanks for the information, Kamil, about the wardrobe preview--I missed that feature in my grand return. That's quite handy, though I'll still probably want to own most of the items that I use, but will save me from having to buy the book strap--though I am deeply grateful for the offer to lend, Iggy!

I am now trying to make a dancing outfit and am sorely disappointed by how few girly things are in my wardrobe. It's all pants and tights and pirate shirts...

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 21 Mar 2009 12:39 pm
by AngharadTy

My chainsaw was one of the best purchases ever. <3

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 21 Mar 2009 08:44 pm
by Alicorn
Love your HA Ty! I just hope when she dances with me she's been fed. o.o

I've been having to much fun dressing up my HA for dancing. I have to many masks to play with. XD To bad not all of them work. **grumbles** My latest dancer I based around my new mask I got out of the bag.
The owl is his body guard. **grins**
Love how this guy turned out. But I can't dance with the mask. So I just replaced it with the copper eye mask. Doesn't look as good but works.

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 21 Mar 2009 10:31 pm
by Kamil

For the moment I went with this; it'll do until I come up with something I like more. >.>

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 21 Mar 2009 10:40 pm
by Jessi
I was just admiring your avatar, Kamil, when I went to leave you yet another comment about basketball (I'm so so sorry xD). It's very beautiful!

Re: Human avatars

Posted: 21 Mar 2009 11:39 pm
by Kamil
Thank you! =D

Hee, don't worry about the basketball thing; I'm just glad to have someone who understands. *clings*

And I tried to tell you so, but for some reason your profile hates me today. The 'leave a comment' button is steadily refusing to work for me. *eyes it*