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Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 03 Mar 2011 10:32 pm
by Goldenchaos
Yea, I think it is a mistake. When you go into your closet, the Faerieland Cloud Background is listed as a Background Item, and not a Background,like the other ones are.

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 10:44 am
by Madge
If anyone wants to team challenge me, I'm slowbro - I'm not entirely sure how this works.

Also, you can comfortably get the AAA score in easy mode - I beat easy mode and got 1175 points.

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 04:18 pm
by Sparrow
I'm not certain how the team challenge works, either... I think I may have messed up, though. I sent you a challenge, Madge, but then I sent my AAA score afterward, thinking maybe it didn't matter when you sent a score. But I didn't get the extra prize... I think. *shrugs* It's my day off and I just woke up. :P

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 04:24 pm
by mellaka
So far I've only had to challenge Abi for Crisis Courier. My high score is over 10k, but it was running so horribly on my laptop at home. I didn't think to try on Chrome. I also forgot about the secret level and extra life code or I'm sure I would've been able to beat AAA (got 3425 trying once from work).

I find team things annoying, but did today's team challenge and the prize is nice.

Meepit Juice Break and Meerca Chase are always my downfall in these events.

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 06:10 pm
by Jazzy
In case people are as confused about the team challenge as I was:
- you send a challenge to someone who's trying to beat the same challenger as you (if you do AAA and they do Abi it will not work)
- you get a wearable prize for both beating AAA this time and a non-wearable for Abi, so whom you challenge matters slightly (though of course don't try for AAA if you can't manage it cos you'd get nothing at all)
- you don't actually get an event to say someone's responded to your challenge or sent you a challenge (at least, I didn't)
- however, anyone who's responded to your challenge shows up as a list below the blue box on the team challenge page (there's a separate list of challenges you've made which they haven't responded to; you can send out lots of challenges, not just one)
- you then have to send your score. If you've already sent a score, that doesn't count for the team challenge - you need to send a new score once you have a challenge accepted. And don't just send a score after making a request unless the other person has responded, because it also doesn't count and you'll waste one of your three score attempts for the day :)

Hope that makes sense!

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 06:50 pm
by Goldenchaos
Im up for the team challenge, if anyone still needs it. Ill be challenging AAA , (I play first, then challenge, then send my score in) ..username is the same as this one on site.

Someone on the boards helped. So Im good.

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 09:43 pm
by Cranberry
Nevermind, found a random Neoboarder to challenge. It seems to be easy to find people there. :)

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 01:31 am
by Madge
I only beat AAA once and accepted the team challenge afterwards, but it's showing me as having a score to complete the team challenge O____o

Anyway, I forget which one of you is valkryiemaiden, BUT DO NOT LET ME DOWN!

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 01:39 am
by thelonetiel
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Daily Dare Neopets Staff Tournament' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

New avatar, nifty. Is not pretty, but new avatars are always fun because people care about that number on your lookup.

You just have to vote here.

Or maybe this is old and I just haven't been paying attention to Daily Dare for the past few rounds, but maybe someone else is in the same boat. xD

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 06:15 pm
by Kari
Ugh, I hate Ultimate Bullseye II, it's so luck based. Took a bunch of tries before getting a lucky final shot bullseye for three extra shots, and then my final shot was a gold balloon + bullseye. Ended with 88 points.

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 07:22 pm
by Cranberry
I got a score of 66, grr. I really hate this game.

Edit: And I just got a score of 68. HATE.

Edit again: Finally got a score of 73. And now I'm a little sad that I let Crisis Courier's choppiness lead to me challenging Abigail, because I've beaten AAA every other day so far.

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 10:30 pm
by Rakumel
Happy to see I'm not the only one who doesn't care for this game. I was on a roll, too...managed to beat AAA on game day every day so far, and got to thinking, "Hey, maybe I can actually keep this up through the whole month this time." Then they roll out Ultimate Bullseye today.



Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 10:35 pm
by Gumdrops
I've beaten AAA everyday so far.

I'm surprised they had a double dare so soon. 2 in 1 week. Seems like they should be spreading it out a bit better.

The games I'm dreading are like, MJB, D-o-M, and Chariot Chase.

I only had to challenge Abi 4 or 5 times last year, and 2 of those I could have beaten AAA, but didn't out of pure laziness. I'm kinda hoping I can beat AAA in all games this year, but the above games (they're not the only ones though) could prove to be my downfall if chosen.

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 06 Mar 2011 12:56 am
by Madge
Fuck bullseye.

That's all I have to say.

Re: Daily Dare!

Posted: 06 Mar 2011 02:09 am
by invaderhorizongreen
ok so i just made it for the double dare with a score of 90 hooray *rolls eyes* i hate this game the perspective sucks big time !