New Mutant Gelert?

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Post by rebelheart »

It's the lovechild of Davy Jones and a Hyena! I like it, though I don't know what what was wrong with the old one, maybe it shares the story of the grey draik?
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Post by zebru »

I like the new one a lot - beutiful thin lined crisp art, along the side with grey gelert. I don't want one but I enjoy looking at it :)

It's hard comparing it with old one as art is so different. The old one has comic book style art and frankly didn't do a thing for me. But I can see why some people will regret losing it.
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Post by Lou 500 »

I like it a lot, it's not vicious and rabid looking like the old one but the better art makes up for it.

It's a shame our dear old [name blocked] isn't here to see all those lovely tentacles... :P
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Post by Scythemantis »

rebelheart wrote:It's the lovechild of Davy Jones and a Hyena! I like it, though I don't know what what was wrong with the old one, maybe it shares the story of the grey draik?
They changed it because it didn't fit the style of mutant. It looked too Darigan. A good pet, but I really dislike when mutants are just "evil" looking instead of weird.
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Post by PharaonicQuiche »

I am madly in love with the artwork whatever the case is. Sure, an open mouth here and there would have been awesome but the lines and the poses are really nice. The anatomy is far more spiff than the first mutant: the first mutant's hind legs sort of attached to the front legs in some poses- irk!
But yay, tentacles!
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Post by Darigan »

The new mutant is awesome, but I liked the old more. :(
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Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

Oooh. I think I really like this new one. XD At first it seemed like I was in the minority but now it seems about even. I liked the old one, but like people said, it was just cool instead of mutanty. Though I do wish this one had the color scheme of the old one, the grey-brown isn't doing it for me so much.

But all in all, it reminded me of the Grey Gelert right away. Especially when you look at its legs. And this was a very good thing for me :D Yay!
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Post by KasiTL »

. . . . It still only has one head. :(

It's good though.
I like the old one too, actually..... They're both cool.
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Re: New Mutant Gelert?

Post by Cranberry »

jessibean wrote:Image

I... am at a loss for words.

I think the old mutant gelert is so much better than this thing. So much. I also have a feeling I might be in the minority about this one.

Who the hell saw this coming, anyway? O_o
Me, for one. ;) I have a feeling that a lot of pets stuck on the servers are similar to the faerie draik and eyrie in that they're all going to be redrawn due to some sort of original artist problem. Of course, it could have been that the old mutant gelert just wasn't very... good. It had a neat look, yeah, but the art was flat and the shading was bad and it just looked like old art to me, in a way. And it wasn't very mutant. I would prefer a Darigan like that (except redrawn to not be so flat), but I really like this new dog/hyena as mutant. It is something I would consider morphing my Tyrannian Lupe battlepet to for the cheap 50% healer, if I found myself desperately needing one (he needs to be some sort of canine, as he has "wolf" in his name).

Also, I enjoy the "great dane" look this and the grey have. I reeeeally hope TNT redraws all the gelerts in that style. They started out as a big dog, and I've always been annoyed that they were puppy-fied a few years ago. I have a spotted one and I'd love for him to be a big dog.
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Post by Xulael »

The old mutant gelert always bothered me. It was so...ridiculous. Just a big green gelert with broken legs and red eyes. It should've been darigan--after anatomy fixes.

This new one... just. Wow. O_O The style is freakin' sweet. Not terribly keen on the tentacle ears (... this coming from the tentacle fanatic), as they stick out a little oddly, but... womg, I am lovin' the hyena/great dane thing it has going on. The colors are win as well. I would love to have a mutant gelert with this look.

... I don't have enough space for all these awesome pets I'd like to get! Help computer!! TNT is adding more awesome colors for me to go "augh wryyyyy" over. ;_;

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Post by Trick »

I'm also going with the theory of many stuck pets needing redrawn for artist/unknown legal reasons.

The new one is drawn well and it finally means that there will be another TP which is always good. Personally I'm not a fan though, I just find it quite boring. The colours are boring, the ears and tail could have done with more detail, and it has had spikes shoved on for no apparent reason.

It's just not my kind of pet, but it may grow on me with time.
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Post by Paka »

This isn't Shroomy's work, is it? I mean, I know it doesn't have the slash marks in the beaten pose, but it looks vaguely Claire-ish... :P

I do like this new one much better in comparison. It's not perfect, but that perpetually forlorn look to it in all poses actually appeals to me. :) The old mutant was a smooshed lump of flesh - the extremely wonky anatomy made me flinch whenever I saw it. >_<
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Post by ChibiDragon86 »

I give ze new Mutant Gelert a 8.5 out of 10. :3 Very nice and more mutant esk than the old one. But I will agree the older design is more suited for Darigan just need some tweaking.

And O.o not evil looking?
Here it's obvioulsy glaring in an evil way. :3 it's like "Call me cute and you'll see what happens." All the poses minus happy, sad and beaten/ill have this death Glare. But thats how I look at it. ^^;

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Post by Saturn »

I dinked around with the old Mutant Gelert in Photoshop a bit and came up with... whatever this is:


I think it makes a decent Tyrannian, anyway. Would make a better Darigan, but that's already taken. :/

(and yes I know a prehistoric dog thing shouldn't have boar-like tusks, but since when was Neo ever about realism? :P)
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Post by Cyaneus »

I loved it instantly. I love its hyena-hunch and its slightly droopy great Dane face, and its weird hairless tail and ears. I DID like the old mutant Gelert but this one just wins my heart. I kind of want one. In fact, my mutant Ixi used to be a Gelert and if I ever decide to change his look, I think this might be a good option for him.

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