Subeta: New Poll - Demi Revamp

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
Twofold Black
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Post by Twofold Black »

The problem I'm having with the horn is not the angle so much, though the angle is not great (either the angle needs to change or the horn needs to curve a little, or both), but the way there's a line of short hair-nodules[1] curving around the front of the horn and then, behind it, suddenly there's a long flowy mane is just not working at all. I am left with the impression that the Demi went out of its way to get its hair to do that absurd thing. Bringing the mane forward so that it appears to start <i>around</i> rather than <i>behind</i> the horn would probably help, though it might also make it too much like ... what's that other dog/antelope sort of pet. The Malticorn.

I'm also feeling the loss of the Demi's sweet expression, which is funny because I never thought about them much before. On the whole, though, I think this is an improvement. The tail especially actually looks like a tail now.

[1] This is the sort of phrase that comes out of me when I think analytically about cartoony art.
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Post by tupajumikka »

I like face better in that old one, but new body looks great.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

I really like the Old one for the richness of the colors and the youthful expression. The new one is just dull!

The leanness of the New version ages it too much for me. Also the horn and hairline just seem off. It's missing the spots on it's thigh and the tail should be perkier.
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Post by Armi »

Tch...I love Demi and I have owned one and loved it,t hough lab took it away. Still, I still do love old Demi. Demi always had an..."imp-ish" feel. I loved how they gave a child-ish(not the bad kind) feel and just gave a more adorable feel. New one feels like Demi has grown up.

Unlike most here, I FAVOR cartoon style and knocking Demi to more...realism of Subeta does sicken me. It's pretty much telling me that cartoon looks are hated. :( I for one like thick lines...long as it doesn't kill an image.
This is making me fear poor Dragarths cause they're going to get that realism touch as well...only a matter of time.

Back on topic, dispite what I have said, I do have mixed feeling to the revamp, I kinda like it, but I hate that another cartoony subeta pet is going away. Still Subeta isn't Neopets and if there was one thing I still hold dear to Neopets it was the cartoon feel. Subeta is more...grown-up, so what can I do.
I'll still get a new Demi one day, revamped or not.

*hides her Dragarth* He's all I got left!

Oh yeah, I'm going to miss the thick "dreds" they had.
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Post by kerg »

I like the new one more, the art is a lot better, and the tail isn't messed up. The old one did have a better expression though. Also, I'm a bit worried about the DM one being changed. The current one has a kind of sad look on its face, which is the reason I picked it for Shadowbound, since it matches her personality. If it changes too much, I might have to find a different pet for her to be. But if the new Demi looks anything like that DM Sheeta, I will be very happy. :D
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Post by chickvw »

Jazz, your repose of the demi is very nice. There are aspects of each that I like and dislike.

I'm not generally a thick-lines fan, though it works well for the old Demi. However, the tail 'sawed at', always did bother me. the horn shape of the old one was a bit thick and the lines on the 'dreds' are a little odd on the top of the head, though the idea is cute.

That said, the new one's structure I like, but it loses something important in the face with the smaller ears, puffier cheeks, and longer snout. Makes it look more mature, more mellow. The Demi loses its attitude :( The colors also do seem slightly paled, and the mane a bit more "teased" than dreds. However, I Do love the new tail, other than the slight flat bit on the bottom. If it is meant to be on the ground, it's not quite at the right angle. The horn is also at an odd angle, but I do Not like the... furry tufts around the horn. Not sure on what it is about them that bothers me; I just don't like them.

Overall I doubt the change will affect me as I have no Demis for lack of room, unless it goes so well I have to change a pet. *shrug*
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Post by Skitty »

Geeze, what's with you people? The new one is better in art, anatomy, line weight, everything--and they're finally getting rid of the horrible backwards hair on the tail. Who cares if the horn is thin? If the expression is a little different? It's way better in every other respect.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Skitty wrote:Geeze, what's with you people? The new one is better in art, anatomy, line weight, everything--and they're finally getting rid of the horrible backwards hair on the tail. Who cares if the horn is thin? If the expression is a little different? It's way better in every other respect.
That's a little bit rude. If someone walked up to you and said, "Geez, what's with you?" wouldn't you be miffed? Don't do it to the collective whole.

And, more to the subject: "Better," as was mentioned earlier, is often a subjective judgment based on personal definitions of beauty. Obviously if some people do not like it, it is not better to them.
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Mad Cavy Lady
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Post by Trick »

It definitely isn't better to me. I don't outright hate the new one as I don't own or plan to own any Demis, but the old one has character and the new one does not.

The art may be better but the old one is the better pet in my opinion.

Could subeta just get Jazzy to update it for them? ^_~
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Post by Jessi »

Skitty wrote:Geeze, what's with you people? The new one is better in art, anatomy, line weight, everything--and they're finally getting rid of the horrible backwards hair on the tail. Who cares if the horn is thin? If the expression is a little different? It's way better in every other respect.
Um... difference of opinions? Wow, that was completely uncalled for. A lot of people like the -character- of the old one, myself included. If they want to update the art, fine, but they don't have to completely change everything tha twas wonderful about the demi O_o
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Post by Slugawoo »

You guys need to keep in mind that the Subeta artists try to keep the pets as basic and plain as possible. They arn't supposed to have pre-set 'character' and 'personality.' That's for the owner of the pet to decide.

If you don't like the less childish/impish look of the new one, just give it a custom, childish/impish personality. (Which is something I don't doubt you'd do anyways. xP) And let's not forget you could always turn it chibi. ...Are there chibi demis yet? o.0;

Either way, I'm all for a revamp as long as the horn and tail are changed. They're what are bugging me the most. But the Demi most definitely needed it's art updated. I can stand it's weird tail fur and thick lines. D: Just my opinion, though, and since I never plan to own one, probably doesn't matter. :o
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Post by Skitty »

I'm just rather shocked that so many people are critiquing problems that the old one had in loads--the dreadlocked mane, the face, the pose, the markings, the high tail. And complaining about the line weight of the new one? What about the old one's ever-changing super-thick lines?

I agree that the old Demi had a better expression--playful, a little mischevious, perhaps even flirty. The new one could do better to have an expression like that, thus maintaining it's 'personality.' And people do have a point about the horn's positioning.

But the dreadlocked mane, all they did was make it a little more plausable looking--rather than have the tip coloring *only* at the very edge, they had some shorter hairs added to make it look realistic. I can't see why anyone would be against that. The facial markings--all they added was some depth and a cheek to it where before the marking didn't flow with the head. Complaining about the pose? It's the same pose as before, but in the new style. Saying the tail is raised and that's why it's bad doesn't really make much sense to me, because the old Demi's tail was much higher than this one.

I didn't mean to offend by what I said, however. It was meant as an expression of shock/disbelief, rather than anything else, so I'm sorry it was taken the wrong way. Exact emotions are sometimes difficult to convey over the internet.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Slugawoo wrote:You guys need to keep in mind that the Subeta artists try to keep the pets as basic and plain as possible. They arn't supposed to have pre-set 'character' and 'personality.' That's for the owner of the pet to decide.
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Yes. Completely lacking in any sort of innate personality. ;P
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Post by Slugawoo »

Well, that's what I was told when me and a few other Subeta members were discussing a possible Feli revamp. Of course, that was way back before Subeta's forums were remade and you all signed up. xD They were complaining about how the Feli is basically 'souless' and someone said they did that on purpose.

Not to mention all the pets you posted haven't been revamped in ages. xP (...Because they really don't need it yet.) Well, except the donadak, but even that was a while ago. I bet if they were redone they'd be pretty blank, too. ;3
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Post by AngharadTy »

That's not even all the species that have some sort of ingrained personality. I just got tired of finding pictures. The Tutani is new, and it's pretty damn happy. It's about as cuddly and sweet as a cetacean can be.

Plus, how can you make a Harvester neutral? There are pets that are clearly designed to be more on the "dark" side--if the Tigrean lost his angry expression, I would count on hordes of angry owners. And the nicer ones, too--I may not like the Torrey, but whenever it gets redone, it had better keep that goofy smile. It wouldn't be a Torrey without it.
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