Chai and Dragon revamp (+ staff discussion)

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by painesgrey »

tallan wrote:
klaatu99 wrote:Far too often sites think dragon = european dragon with wings, but Subeta had a nice oriental dragon......til now. :(
I'm no expert, but I think the Paralix fits the oriental dragon profile pretty well.
Not saying that you can't complain about anything/everything/whatever you want, just pointing that out. ;)
if i remember right, chimaera said the "dragon" types were as follows:

magnus = gargoyle
dragarth = furry dragon
dragon = western dragon
paralix = eastern dragon

even so, the magnus/dragarth/dragon are too similar to really warrant separate species now, which is a disappointment. i was never a fan of the dragarth or the magnus (to be honest, i'm not a fan of chimaera's art as a whole), but i thought the wingless whiskered dragon was pretty cool. not anymore.


and i think i'll cry if chimaera revamps the paralix now.. it's too lumpy and muscular.

*hugs her reborn paralix* :(
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Post by Seerow »

I love the new Chai, kudos to the artist. And the new Dragon is nice too.
That said, I really really hope they leave the Angelic Dragon alone. I adore the one we currently had and don't want them to loose the tiny frame and the wonderful pose they are currently in. *Crosses fingers*
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Post by adi_gallia »

I like the new Chai, they are still quite cute, but they look more mature than before. I really hope my Spectrum Chai remains untouched, I like them exactly how they are at the moment and I don't want any major changes.

The Dragon now looks like a reposed Dragarth, where are the whiskers? Why are there wings? Bleh, talk about ruining a species. The art was bad before, but they could at least keep the species to look like the old version.
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Post by shaelyn76 »

Don't get me wrong...the art itself on the dragon is great. I just really preferred the old style of dragon and do not care for its new look at all. I agree with everyone here and onsite who have said that now the species of dragon all look way too much alike. The old style dragon seemed to have much more individuality. It was completely different from the other types of dragons on the site. Now it just blends right in and almost blurs with the dragarth. I know that complaining won't do any good, but I really wonder why they didn't at least ask us in a poll before doing such a major revamp of a pet. Every other pet that has been revamped in the time I have been a member of Subeta had a poll first to see what the users thought. With this one there was nothing, just a couple of comments in the Galactic release news post and a thread asking for feedback that seems to have been mostly ignored. I think that bothers me most of all. Subeta used to encourage feedback and for the users to participate in the site changes. Now they just change images,names, pets with no discussion amongst the people who it will affect the users.
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Post by Slugawoo »

ChimaeraAndDream wrote:If a pet is revamped, and the other versions no longer look like it, we're going to revamp them too. So you don't have to take time going "I hope they don't revamp the ____", because something is going to be done with it.
I take it that means the Angel Dragon will indeed be revamped. D: It makes me sad, as that's one of the pets on the site I really love.
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Post by Seerow »

Slugawoo wrote:
ChimaeraAndDream wrote:If a pet is revamped, and the other versions no longer look like it, we're going to revamp them too. So you don't have to take time going "I hope they don't revamp the ____", because something is going to be done with it.
I take it that means the Angel Dragon will indeed be revamped. D: It makes me sad, as that's one of the pets on the site I really love.
No damn it! *Smuggles Astrisk into hiding*

Don't touch my pretty dragon! I can just seem them turning into the hulking thing they are now, loosing the whiskers too. Course I could also end up eating my words and loving the revamp, but at the moment I see that hard to believe.

However, the Angelic Dragon and the old normal Dragon didn't look all that much alike either, in my opinion at least.
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Post by painesgrey »

Slugawoo wrote:
ChimaeraAndDream wrote:If a pet is revamped, and the other versions no longer look like it, we're going to revamp them too. So you don't have to take time going "I hope they don't revamp the ____", because something is going to be done with it.
I take it that means the Angel Dragon will indeed be revamped. D: It makes me sad, as that's one of the pets on the site I really love.
i can see that they want to keep the pets looking consistent but.. omg, chimaera, stop with the lumpy fatness in our precious paralixes and dragons. we want them sleek and purdy, not squishy and fleshy. keep that to the dillemas! ;_;
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Post by checkers »

I do really like the Angelic Dragon, and I think the art will be different, but hey it can't get worse right? it's not like they'll revamp it to no wings like the Paralix and Mortiking, seeing as the revamp has grown wings.

I just hope the colours stay the same.

(Old pet Zhewro adopted out a friend) HIDEOUS.
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Post by tallan »

*scratches head* Maybe it's just me, but I really can't see how the new Dragon is fatter/less sleek than the old one. Sleek really isn't a word I would've used for the old Dragon, except for certain redraws. Okay, the redraw looks considerably more muscular, but... lumpy fatness? (Not singling you[r words] out in a bad way, painesgray, they were just most recent.)

Feeling more emotionally involved with this revamp than most others (as you can probably notice - suddenly I post! A lot! :p), perhaps it's because I'm one of the few (the only here? heh) who vastly prefers the new version. Hrm. But I totally understand those who don't, as it is a big change, and no polls or asking for feedback first... I'd be pretty miffed if it happened to one of my favorite species, so yeah. Let's hope they manage to update the Angelic and other redraws in a good way. :)

And for the whole Dragon = western dragon, Paralix = eastern dragon thing... Well, I never would've guessed that the Dragon was supposed to be western before. o.O It's not like you could see it. That's something the revamp really managed to unveil.

Okay I'll stop writing now. And I hope this doesn't sound too defensive. :p
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Post by AngharadTy »

I'm coming by this late, but I'm confused. I never really paid attention to Dragons before, but did they really add wings and remove the whisker-bits? The wings especially, doesn't something like that change the pet entirely? Am I missing something, though?
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Post by Illuen »

checkers wrote:
Kamil wrote:Also? YOU'RE BACK!! *tackleglompsnug*

*knits you and FMD to forum*
xD Jessibean made a topic in Chit-Chat saying they're back :3
[User Avatar - ChimaeraAndDream] Posted by ChimaeraAndDream

You people who say the dragon is "just like the magnus and dragarth" are not comparing images at ALL.

Three completely different breeds of dragon. Do we not have many members of the same animal group in different forms? What of the feli, the celinox, the tigrean, the demi? The kumos, the montre, the telenine, the ruffie?
I swore I said I wasn't going to do this anymore, but--please, study up on your arguments before you make them.
I'm really starting to get annoyed at staff members e__e they need to calm down before posting.
Well, the other pets they mentioned are just as repetitive and unneeded as are these multiple dragons, in my opinion. There is also the fact that she posted Redraws of the pets, and not the commons, which I think is a little unfair and manipulative.


They look much much more generic now, and when you changed them to potioned pets:


It can get much much harder to tell them apart, which is not a good thing >.>

Someone on the other board mentioned that they could see why the artist was upset over the negativity, but I don't think anyone has been "OMFG you suck" just for the sake of it. They have an extremely valid complaint about the change of the pet into a near completely different one.
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Post by Mayhem »

Then I guess I can say that I'm very freaking glad I didn't blow 7mil on an Angelic Potion when I was wanting one (since I got the one I painted my Prusew with via the Giveaway), if he's going to change, or I might just be more pissed.

Seriously, echoing what someone else said - how come we're not getting polls to change the new pet designs? Subeta used to do that for everything, even if the change was extremely minor. Now, we don't get a say in anything. :(

And you're right, Ty - adding wings and removing the characteristic whiskers? Totally changes the pet. The only thing that they kept in common imo, is that it's draconic and the general color scheme. I think I'm more pissed about the whiskers than anything else, since they're why I like the Angelic version so much. The whiskers are just GREAT.


The Chai looks fantastic - less cartoony, a bit more cuddly, but it seems like the Dragon just degenerated back in time to something more cartoonish than it should be. The art is great, it as a Dragon however, is definitely not. :<
Last edited by Mayhem on 08 Jun 2007 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by checkers »

AngharadTy wrote:I'm coming by this late, but I'm confused. I never really paid attention to Dragons before, but did they really add wings and remove the whisker-bits? The wings especially, doesn't something like that change the pet entirely? Am I missing something, though?
I don't understand what you mean..did you mean you don't notice the difference?
Gained wings, Changed Eye colour, Scales gone from Light green edges to dark red and lost Whisker things.

I agree, when they posted Observe: It annoyed me because they picked the 3 colours that are least alike, whereas Arid they look the same.

Probably one of the few good things of the redraw.
Could you get anymore alike?!
Last edited by checkers on 08 Jun 2007 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by painesgrey »

tallan wrote:ImageImage
*scratches head* Maybe it's just me, but I really can't see how the new Dragon is fatter/less sleek than the old one. Sleek really isn't a word I would've used for the old Dragon, except for certain redraws. Okay, the redraw looks considerably more muscular, but... lumpy fatness? (Not singling you[r words] out in a bad way, painesgray, they were just most recent.)
i was using the "sleek" more to befit the paralix, which certainly doesn't look sleek in its galactic form:


especially when compared to, say, the reborn:


it's the way she shades that makes the species look "lumpy" to me, and this is true of a lot of her artwork, which is why i'm not too keen on it.

this cannot be seen as much in the dragon form, but i do think that it still has that "fleshy" quality to it. if she's going to change a species, i'd prefer her look at her previous works and not try to make them so similar, or at least develop ways that will make them look very unique.

it seems to me that she is stuck in a style and is conforming the species to fit that style.. and it just doesn't look good to me. a species can easily be revamped without changing the basic designs of that species.. but adding wings (major change) and removing whiskers (arguably minor) completely alters their entire design.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Yes, checkers, it was a bit tongue-in-cheek. I was hoping someone would point out that I was perfectly and utterly blind and just didn't see the wings on the old dragon. I can't see why they would change a species so drastically.
Illuen wrote:
...What of the feli, the celinox, the tigrean, the demi? The kumos, the montre, the telenine, the ruffie?
Well, the other pets they mentioned are just as repetitive and unneeded as are these multiple dragons, in my opinion.
I love the demi, don't care for the others, though the feli has good colors. I adore the montre, and love the kumos's redraws. They may all be similar, but since the pets <i>already exist,</i> I guarantee you'll find supporters for each one of them. Maybe not as many for the ruffie. ^_~ But the pets exist, I don't want the ones I love changed, and what else are you gonna do? I think the current argument that they've made the Dragon too similar stands, but saying that the montre is redundant because there are other canines is too far.
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