Glacier Pherret

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Monkeyguy »

I think taking the darkest blue of the stomach, or perhaps a little bit lighter, and making it the base color of the mask and going from there would work. It is close enough to the glacial palette that it looks good and it would look normal to people who are used to the darker "mask" of the Pherret colors we already have.

*sorry if any of this reads a bit weird, I'm tired from working and on top of that I've taken some meds that make me drowsy.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Seerow »

I love the colors on the edit you did HepdenHippy! I would have morphed Axander into that in a heartbeat.

The colors on the mask of all nonredraw Pherrets, not just common, are all much darker or a different shade entirely (see Field) then the main body. That darker grey-blue used on some of the pets may have worked nicely for the mask color. And if all the pets have to stick to such rigid color pallets, why did the Keeto have so much black all over it? Shouldn't that have been turned to blue? If the Keeto could have a bit of artistic license, it seems strange that the Pherret was forbidden to, especially when it turns out only a very small fraction of the people like the mask as it is.

The blue head could look a bit better though if it wasn't so shiny. I keep have images of it being encased in like blue tinted saran wrap. Its just so shiny and unnatural looking.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Rah »

Not forbidden to, Seerow. As much as some people might not believe it, the artists actually mostly liked the white mask and didn't feel the need for artistic license. We follow the palette as much as we can, it seems the keeto has kept those real dark ears in every colour but chibi, though.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Mayhem »

Rah, I'm a little sad to see you say things like, "Well the artists like it just fine" as if the artists are the only ones who matter on the site (see the Dragon redraw drama).

While pleasing all the artists is rather nice, they certainly shouldn't be the only ones who you're pleasing. While I definitely don't expect anything to be changed (has anything on a newly-released redraw color EVER been changed, despite attempted concrit?), taking a rough "tough-titties" stance isn't very nice. All it is, is taunting. :c
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Rah »

Again, Mayhem, please do not put words into my mouth. I said in the news comments that 'The artists were happy with this version of the glacier pherret.' Which they were. We liked it, we were happy with it, we released it. Then we see that some users do not like it, but there are some that do. We cannot go and change a new pet for the users that don't like it, because the users that do would be unhappy.

Before release, the only people we CAN please is the artists. They are the target group to please in the majority. We can't go back and alter every single pet released.

I would think that by now you would know me as someone who is hell bent on pleasing users. It's what I draw for! But in the same respect, do users expect to be pleased by every pet that comes out?
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Mayhem »

I'm not putting words in your mouth.
the artists actually mostly liked the white mask
The artists were happy with this version of the glacier pherret.
Seerow, the other artists just didn't feel the need for artistic license. We mostly approved of the white mask.
It's one thing to say it once, but another thing to say it multiple times. Now it just feels like you're trying to rub it in - it may not be how you meant it, but I'm just one of the few people who feel that way.

I'm not demanding it be changed, just showing different ways of how it could've been done and being met with "WELL IT'S NOT SO NYAH" by artists and members is pretty disconcerting. I'm not even the person who would rather redraw colors be polled, I just wish a few exceptions (that are obviously applied to a few other pets and colors) were allowed with the Glacier color, so things aren't as limited in the future in such cases where the secondary color of a pet doesn't overshadow the rest of the pet.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Rah »

I honestly didn't mean it in a snarky way, I was really just trying to communicate that a group of people that were responsible for originally critting the pherret mostly agreed that the white mask was the way to go. I don't mean to say that artists are better than users, just that they are the first group that decides what goes out to the public.

Those comments are taken from two places, aren't they? I'm not trying to repeat myself in an effort to shut anyone up about anything, I said the same thing in two places so that people that aren't reading the news comments can read what I want to say here.

I know that you, and a lot of other people, wish that an exception was made in this case on the colour scheme, but I also know that there are people happy with our choice. Maybe sometimes we have made exceptions with some pets, but on a whole we try not to, and only do that in circumstances when the majority of staff really believe it would be nicer to go against the exact guidelines, or follow more in tune with a species characteristic rather than a colour guideline. In this case, we really thought the white mask worked, and it's a shame that it's caused such controversy.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Jessi »

I just wanted to step in and a say a couple things. Here we go:

-The job of the artists on Subeta is not just to draw, but to help CRITIQUE drawings, and make sure they're done right. In the past, Lindsey's had to go through SEVERAL redraws of pets she's doing (not that I get to see them xD But she'll talk to me about it later), and the other artists give her help with this. Now - just because the artists like it doesn't mean the users will - but it's like that with EVERYTHING. My god, I think the people demanding that every pet REDRAW is now pulled is RIDICULOUS. Not everyone is going to like every pet.

That said, Neocolours is a place to say how we feel about pets, of course, and if people like it better with a dark mask or whatever, that's fine xD I've often said how much I hated pets. But.. well, I know this, because of Lindsey, but it is the artists' jobs to help refine a picture. If the artists went back and revamped every single redrawn pet just because some people didn't like it.... well, no one on Subeta would ever be happy.

Now that I'm done with my ramp, I want to say that I LOVE this. The white mask through me off at first, because I do think it's a bit out of place, but it's similar to how the celinox's colors had to be reversed as well. Now that I've had time to look at it, I just think it's beautiful, and I really, really want one xD And at the same time, don't want to get rid of any of my pets. Oh, such hard decisions!
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Aqua »

Yeah, the news comments are getting kinda scary with the arguing. I wish everyone liked Illusion's pherret, or that there were a way to do it that would make everyone happy (I'm sure there are people that would be unhappy with the colours reversed) but it's hard to please everyone. :x We do try to though.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Seerow »

News comments have gotten scary. A lot of people are really blowing this into a massive fight out of pretty much nothing. Also, count me as one who doesn't get why people want this polled. I'm all for polls on revamps of pet species, but to poll a newly released color?

Slightly off topic here, but is there a way to overlay a custom image onto the pets profile picture image? I would love to get a Glacier Pherret as the art really is outstanding (am I correct in remembering that this is Illusion's first pet drawn for the site? Too bad it has to much controversy surrounding it.) but if I get it I want to be able to edit the mask and upload a slightly altered version.

Thanks muchly for the code, Rah.
Last edited by Seerow on 14 Jan 2008 06:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Reify »

Geeez, that news post. I've never seen so many people so angry over something so small! Besides the knitting throwdown. And the Icing v. Frosting debate. And the mouth foaming over the word "sammich." ...okay, maybe this isn't so bad.

I have to admit that when I first saw the pet I thought its face was shaved. The colors are distracting, admittedly, but the art itself is beautiful. It's a shame that that's being overlooked because of the wank, but what can you do. I think I may get one once I get over my initial reaction. I'm warming up to it! (har har)
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Rah »

Seerow wrote:Slightly off topic here, but is there a way to overlay a custom image onto the pets profile picture image? I would love to get a Glacier Pherret as the art really is outstanding (am I correct in remembering that this is Illusion's first pet drawn for the site? Too bad it has to much controversy surrounding it.) but if I get it I want to be able to edit the mask and upload a slightly altered version.
Yes, there is a way, I've been doing it for my pets (Tuppence, Disney, Raven, Azrael, Tae...I think that's as far as i've gotten). Here's the code:

Code: Select all

<style> {background-image: url(INSERT IMAGE LOCATION HERE); background-repeat: no-repeat; width:200px; padding-top:200px} img {display:none}</style>'s Illusion's first pet in a LONG time. She did the spectrum clawsion, and the angelic torrey.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Joey »

Eh, I figure it is what it is, and polling it now would be silly. If you don't like it, just don't get it. It's just a colour, and the Pherret has many other lovely ones. Hopefully future Pherret redraws will learn from what people don't like about this one (FOOT) and all will be right with the world.

I'd hate to see every single redraw pet be polled. That would suck.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Sayle »

Seerow wrote:News comments have gotten scary. A lot of people are really blowing this into a massive fight out of pretty much nothing. Also, count me as one who doesn't get why people want this polled. I'm all for polls on revamps of pet species, but to poll a newly released color?
Joey wrote:Eh, I figure it is what it is, and polling it now would be silly. If you don't like it, just don't get it. It's just a colour, and the Pherret has many other lovely ones. Hopefully future Pherret redraws will learn from what people don't like about this one (FOOT) and all will be right with the world.
Ah, voices of reason; thank you! I'm not sure why some people are getting so upset; it's not as if they're being forced to own one. :oops:

The white mask has grown on me. The glacier colour scheme isn't my favourite for the pherret, but I do think that this particular arrangement is the most aesthetically pleasing out of the possibilities, and I like the artwork.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Enriana »

I'm really baffled at the fire (heh) around this, too - there have been plenty of redraws I (and other NCers, as well I'm sure other non-NCers) haven't liked at all, yet no one has EXPLODED like this.

I feel bad for Illusion - it sounds like she drew what she could according to the restrictions, did her best, got a good response from the people she could legally show it to, and then proceeded to get torn into little itty bitty pieces.

The mask is odd, yeah, and the foot, as Joey said. But there's nothing glaringly obviously horrible.

EDIT: When I mention all the tearing into pieces, I don't mean NCers - but I read the news comments and balked.
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