Inactive accounts cleared

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Re: Inactive accounts cleared

Post by Skitty »

Hmm. I hope names are cleared soon. I've been keeping a close eye on Subeta ever since it the initial "clearing," but I'm starting to get bored of being on there all the time. On the other hand, if they take their time clearing them, I might have time enough to squeeze in another MDP purchase.
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Re: Inactive accounts cleared

Post by shaelyn76 »

Over on SubeteDrama there is mention of a couple of pet names that were cleared already. Jag said that she snagged the name "Honey" for one of her pets. Someone else said they got a name they had been stalking as well(I'm too tired to dig up the info right now). So it sounds like some names are being cleared...maybe like what Jessi said, at the users request. I would imagine that clearing the names en masse would be a pain, but maybe it is a something where clearing one or two accounts is not such a big deal. Either way, I feel for the people who are waiting on a name to clear . Maybe that is what the current downtime is all about?
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Re: Inactive accounts cleared

Post by Iggy »

Deleting one account and one name take X time.

And, it isn't bad.

However, we're not talking deleting one or two names. More like...thousands?
And, the way it was done wasn't foolproof, and people pets were actually deleted.
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Re: Inactive accounts cleared

Post by Griffin »

Three names, Autumn (pet ID 875), Mint (4650), and Apple (154322), were cleared and taken by other people while I slept...

Could somebody in the know please tell me the rhyme and reason to the clearings? If it's going to be totally random, then I'm worried about not getting anything. If I have to ask someone to get a name cleared, I will. :/

Edit: Okay, I went to the forums and saw everyone mailed UAs to have their names cleared, but now that's not allowed and we have to wait for an official word. Dammit, how was I supposed to know? I hate the forums.
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Re: Inactive accounts cleared

Post by Tiki »

UAs were only manually clearing them for several hours on Saturday. I happened to see the board and was able to grab Sky, Ocean, Rain and Triton. I'm assuming it was either a mistake, where UAs were not supposed to manually release any names at all, or supposed to be a small offering that grew out of hand way too quickly and forced Keith to shut it down. Either way, I'm sure the rest of the names will be cleared soon enough. If your name still isn't taken, nobody should be able to get it before the official announcement. :]

The UAs were extremely helpful that day though. I got my names cleared and created in 5 minutes, so I sent over some thank you gifts.. I hope others did as well, I'm sure staff was incredibly busy that day.
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Re: Inactive accounts cleared

Post by Seerow »

Wait...Subeta was up on Saturday 0_o I missed that lol.

The two names I'm hoping for weren't taken for which I am grateful. That really really sucks though Cyro :( Are you after anymore?
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Re: Inactive accounts cleared

Post by Tiki »

Seerow wrote:Wait...Subeta was up on Saturday 0_o I missed that lol.
Off and on, briefly. Only reason I know it is because I had no life yesterday. :(
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