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Re: Glade Archan, Chelon, Ghostly, Popoko and Terracoon

Posted: 12 Sep 2009 10:28 am
by yvonne_l_d
Glade is actually not my favorite colour, even though I like the concept, because it can be too busy for me. I think the Archan looks good, but it would look great without the smaller white flowers. I love the roses in the mane, and the large flower in the tail.

The Ghostly works for me, even though it is kind of busy, because it looks like a glade. It doesn't have a face that needs to be the center of attention.

I also like the Chelon, even though it is crowded, because the shape and design of the original animal comes through very clearly.

I'm not crazy about the Terracoon, though, and I'm neutral on the Popoko.

Re: Glade Archan, Chelon, Ghostly, Popoko and Terracoon

Posted: 13 Sep 2009 06:42 am
by Alicorn
Wow, what a batch! Let's see...

Archan: I actually quiet like it! I pretty much dislike all the archan redraws, they always look so different from the basic archan. But this one is so nice. I like the roses on the antennae, the way the eyes look and the calm look on it's face. And those are some big butterflies. o.O

Ghostly: I'm not a ghostly fan but this one is nice. I love the spider on it, it's so cute!

Chelon: I think a great job has been done on the aquatic pets for glade so far. I love the gems, they are so pretty. And the aquatic life around it is so cute.

Terracoon: Sorry to say I'm just not into Terracoons so this one doesn't do much for me. But it is quiet cute. I think the dandelion fluffs on it's back is a nice touch.

Popoko: My favorite of the bunch. I love it! It's just so cute. The pose is perfect for it. I like how the pollen looks like sparkles. The humming bird and dragonfly is cute touches. (Though it makes me surprise on the size of the popoko, I never thought it that big.) And the daisy necklace is so cute! I'm bummed I don't have a character that fits this (Melody would but I love the kora to much to switch it). Luckly my wife got one so I can just admire hers.

Re: Glade Archan, Chelon, Ghostly, Popoko and Terracoon

Posted: 13 Sep 2009 07:26 am
by Enriana
I always envisioned the creatures - butterflies, hummingbirds, and the like - to actually be unnaturally tiny, as opposed to the pets having epic proportions. That might be just me, though! :)

Re: Glade Archan, Chelon, Ghostly, Popoko and Terracoon

Posted: 13 Sep 2009 12:40 pm
by Arbor
Dropped by/logged in just to comment: I have a pretty bad phobia of birds, and really just couldn't make myself draw one any larger. xD The popoko isn't huge, I just get physically ill even if it's just a drawing of a bird. XD Even if it's /my/ drawing of a bird.

That dragonfly would be ginormous if it were hummingbird sized, haha. XD'' Just think of it as a really tiny baby hummingbird or something. I didn't want to replace it with a butterfly, because I thought a hummingbird fit the popo better. I thought about it, but decided against it.

Re: Glade Archan, Chelon, Ghostly, Popoko and Terracoon

Posted: 13 Sep 2009 01:48 pm
by klaatu99
These are all gorgeous, too many things to comment on really. But as far as the hummingbird on the popoko, there is a species of hummingbird that only grows to about an inch to an inch and a half in length, so it fits in with how big I think the popoko is.

Re: Glade Archan, Chelon, Ghostly, Popoko and Terracoon

Posted: 13 Sep 2009 07:30 pm
by firost-the-dragon
Officer 1BDI wrote:Is it just me, or is the Archan missing the white in its eyes?
i agree with you there. but it looks much better this way anyway. :3

seemingly, of this bunch, the Archan is the only one I like. : P i usually despise their small heads and large bodies. but this one has much better anatomy than the other archans.