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Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 02:10 am
by Cranberry
I did the same thing... thought it was past tense and put "danced." Bah.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 02:38 am
by AngharadTy
Now that they're capable of adding multiple right answers to the trivia pool (like "seven" and "7"), they damn well should have added "danced." You got ripped off.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 12:09 am
by shaelyn76
since when does capitalization matter on trivia answers? I answered this last one as isaac and they said I got it wrong. I went to see what the correct answer was and it says "Jules, Isaac" how was i wrong again?

EDIT: apparently the Isaac answer was added as a possible correct answer only this morning and anybody who answered Isaac before that was added got it "wrong"...blurg. That's all I have to say on the matter. At least Keith said that he will be reusing the prize.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 01:41 am
by AngharadTy
That's... wtf, how... wtf. What a keen way to run things.

I'm worried about my current trivia answer now.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 01:50 am
by Seerow
I'm trying to figure out how come it matters when the answer "Issac" was added in the first place?
I always assumed that the script went through all the submitted answers once the trivia ended, but it seems like it judges the answers immediately upon submission.
I love the trivia and the prizes, but I think it needs a serious overhaul @@

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 04:10 am
by AngharadTy
Subeta trivia wrote:Question Who caused Merana to look like her current form?
Answer(s) Merana
Subetapedia wrote:Merana, furious at her banishment and at the Goddess' words, attacked Shinwa with her strongest magic. Shinwa deflected it back onto her, and in that instant Merana was changed into her current serpentine form, her own magic used against her.
Subeta wrote:I'm sorry, but your answer of shinwa for the trivia was incorrect.

In any game, if you cast a reflect spell and your opponent takes damage, it still counts as you killing them. You get the exp for it. I do like to use reflect damage skills and say, "Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!" But that's just a joke. It really, truly is something I do. Therefore, Shinwa did it. If Shinwa had done nothing, nothing would have happened to Merana. Shinwa did something, something happened to Merana. Kind of a duh there.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 04:45 am
by Seerow
My reasoning is that it wasn't just the spell that caused Merena to change, it was her wickedness in general. She casted a spell (that was reflected by Shinwa) but still cast the die herself.
To quote Keith from a thread. I almost put Merena but didn't, since Shinwa is the one that actively reflected the spell. Doesn't matter that Merena cast the spell. That's not how reflect works.

This was a rather stupid trivia. There are two answers depending on how you look at it, and neither is more correct.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 04:46 am
by 11th
Add me to the pile of people that answered Shinwa based on the Subetapedia article. Boo, I've been wanting those crows, too.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 04:51 am
by AngharadTy
Merana cast a spell, but she didn't cast it on herself. She cast it on Shinwa. Shinwa's actions caused the loose magic to hit Merana instead, and that's a hell of a different beast.

If Shinwa had a reflect spell up, and Maleria cast a spell and it reflected off the shield at such an angle as to hit Merana, would you say that Maleria cast a spell on Merana?

If you say yes, I don't want to hear about it. Too much illogic on a day when I'm already hip-deep in it.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 05:10 am
by Ierosbats
Shockingly enough, Keith wrote:she casted a spell
...well isn't that reassuring. I know I'm convinced.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 06:02 am
by Kamil
I'm of two minds here. I'm almost convinced that Ty was right originally when she snarked, "DURR HURR SUBETA ARE SO CLEVERS!!".

But, on the other hand, the history the site has with trivia answers that fail when earth logic is applied makes me wonder if whoever wrote that trivia really has such a poor grasp of . . . logic? the English language? how spells/reflect works? that they think the trivia makes sense as written.

Given what Topher just quoted, the latter choice seems, perhaps, the more likely.


Of course this could all be some super-seekrit plot to get a few more of the crows into circulation - but not so many as to really piss off the people who just plonked out 25 million last week. Something I remember when the elephant dolls were reused - and something else caused problems that way too; I don't remember the item, just the drama.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 09:12 am
by Bacon
I got the answer right, but only because I copied and pasted the wrong name. I seriously thought I had screwed up!

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 05:10 pm
by mellaka
Hrm now I feel dumb for getting it right. =P I guess my logic fails but I never considered myself an expert on spells and such. I thought if Merana never cast the spell then she wouldn't have been changed, so it was her own fault. Though I almost put Shinwa as well.

Anyway, I hate trick questions and sorry to all those who got it wrong.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 05:58 pm
by Silverevilchao
Wow, I got it wrong, too. That really cheeses me off.

If Shinwa did anything other than reflect it (dodged it, for instance), Merana wouldn't have been transformed. Shinwa's reflecting of the spell is what caused the spell to hit Merana. Therefore, it was Shinwa who did it.

...baaaaaah. That item was on my wishlist, too.

Re: Trivia Talk

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 07:22 pm
by Alecko
I put Shinwa, though I did pause just before I submitted it, because:
Kamil wrote:...the history the site has with trivia answers that fail when earth logic is applied...
Then I just figured, hell with it, and went with the obvious answer, especially seeing as I wasn't sure what to put if I blamed Merana; probably something like 'her' or 'herself' so I'd have got it wrong regardless. *Shrugs*