Chai and Dragon revamp (+ staff discussion)

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by shaelyn76 »

I notice no staff has even mentioned the possibility of the "compromise" dragon that we were promised...I want to know if that was Keith blowing smoke up our asses or if there actually is going to be a compromise version coming out sometime in the future. I have the sinking suspicion that it was just a statement made to placate the angry throngs immediately after the dragon revamp and that nothing will ever come of it. The fact that they keep releasing new dragon colors just solidifies my suspicion. I want my damn dragon back!!! :x I want the fat,wise, whiskered, non-winged version back. Or at least something close to it(coughGoldenchaoscough).

As for the whole we can't accept free art when we are paying other artists...well that just sounds downright stupid, unless there is a contract that artists have to sign now. If there are contracts involved and non-competition clauses I can understand not wanting to take free art as it could cause copyright problems later on. If it's just a "hey we want to do it this way" type of thing, well it seems silly to me. If a better artists wants to supply Subeta with great drawings for free then why in the hell wouldn't they take them up on it? Especially when their "paid" staff has been getting hammered with crits lately(with some notable exceptions) and have been putting out substandard art(as compared with some old art and some "free" art). Most of the revamps that have been done lately are great artistically and I understand that Subeta is trying to have a "uniform style". I just strongly disagree with that whole concept as diversity is what attracted me to the site and the slowly creeping lack thereof anymore is pushing me away from it. Sometimes different is good. Sometimes colored line art looks better than black line art. God forbid we have something that doesn't conform. Not all "old" art is bad. Some of it just needs a little tweak here and there...not a whole damn overhaul Bring me back my sweet dragon that I loved and cherished dammit!!
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Post by Fever »

Ah =( That makes me sad because I adore that hydrus demi! I would definitely get one, and I didnt like the demi revamp. Just gorgeous though D:
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Post by Luxe »

Fever wrote:Ah =( That makes me sad because I adore that hydrus demi! I would definitely get one, and I didnt like the demi revamp. Just gorgeous though D:
Between you and me, I wasn't too fond of the demi revamp either. Shhh...
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Post by Fever »

haha Thanks :) Nice to know Im not alone. I really loved the demi. I still love some of the redraw demis though, so it's disappointing to hear that new demi colours may not be coming out for awhile.
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Post by Iggy »

The pet is not growing on me.

However, the elixir bottles are Awesome. With a huge A.

Image if you didn't see them earlier on.
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Post by Mayhem »

I hate bringing this topic up again, but have we heard anything new on this front? Is staff going to hold to their mentions of a compromise (hopefully? eventually?) or are we going to have to deal with this new Dragon forever?
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Post by Keith »

We're still working on a compromise that everyone likes. I'm not going to give a time that it'll happen, but we are working on it.
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Post by Mayhem »

Super, Keith. Seriously, thanks a ton for the reassurance. I can't wait to see the outcome. :3
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Post by Sarivonne »

I recall someone in the news saying that it was put off for now because it 'Wasn't Sticking'...
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Post by shaelyn76 »

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Keith!!! Just knowing that you have not forgotten those of us who were so very unhappy about the new dragon means the world(to me at least) :D
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Post by Elzaim »

Sorry to re-surface this, but I think this should be looked at:

Another classic example of artists not taking very well to constructive criticism, or what the users are saying. Also, there's a very obvious hint that the montre's are probably going to change. No happy at all about this. I love the Montre for what it is, and quite frankly I think the angelic one is one of the most beautiful angelics out there right now (exactly WHAT is wrong with it? I don't see it as being outdated in the least bit!) - in fact I was saving my last pet slot for one... but now that I've heard they are probably going to change, I'm not so sure I want to now - because if it ends up looking like the Galactic one, I'll be awfully mad.
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Post by Anubimon »

I assume you're referring to this thread? I must say, Exhibitted's post toward the end of the page certainly came off pretty poorly to me. The posts on the second page aren't great either.
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Post by Kari »

Sure, maybe the users were wrong in calling it "emo". But it's no excuse to really go off on them like that. At least, in my opinion.
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Post by Cranberry »

I thought whoever pointed out that pets do not HAVE to conform to the spectrum=joyful/reborn=stately/whatever mold had a good point -- some of the pets have strong enough personalities to break the mold, like the angelic charlie and mortiking and the spectrum charlie. I'd hate to lose that individuality just so they could conform to the color standard.

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Post by Elzaim »

Yes, that was the thread. I forgot that the new forum system doesn't have individual links anymore. :x

Not only were Exhibitted's posts extremly rude, but DNA's post blew me out of the water (and not in a good way!). It's just another peg for me that shows she's extremely poor with taking crits and/or handling the populus. Her PR skills (along with many other artists I've seen lately) are very lacking.

I've only been on Subeta for 6 months, but already I'm deliberating over leaving because of all the excessive drama, rudeness and utter lack of feeling from much of the staff these days.

I thought whoever pointed out that pets do not HAVE to conform to the spectrum=joyful/reborn=stately/whatever mold had a good point
Thank you Cranberry. I appreciate that you feel the same.

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