Darigan and Skunk Yurbles

For discussion of new pet colours- speculation and discussion of colours in general should be placed in New Features or Misc.
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Post by Copycat »

Darigan is great lineart, concept-wise, but could they have used any more colors? I mean, even the purple on the wings doesn't seem to be the same purple that's on the rest of the pet. The red on the wings is different from the red in the eyes.. I mean, it would have looked a lot more solid if it didn't use so many. This isn't rainbow!
As usual, a recolor by someone here looks x million times better and fixes all my troubles with it. That bugs me so much, not that Huggles's looks better, I mean, more power to ya, but that theirs stays ugly no matter how pretty the ones here are. -day dreams of mutant zafara neocolor forum recolors-
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Post by Riddler »

So yeah, too busy. But is anyone else having issues with the size of the thing? I like the idea of the yurble looking pudgier, but it really only works in the happy pose - the others are so animated the head has to be moved about and everything looks cramped >_o

Image cf. Image

More love for the horns, but it's the only accessory I really see necessary. Especially against the wings. They look so very mismatched, and the dotted red's bordering on offensive x_x

Colour-wise I definitely prefer the red 'n' blue-ish recolours, and even Cheese's purple works better than the current. I especially don't like the orginial's grey-against-purple thing going on there... again, is it really necessary?

Flamey things in ranged attack? Again with the dareIsayit unecessariness! I think I'm shipping with Huggles' "mU5t mAk3 it KEWLER!!!11" depiction.

Shame, though, could've been a break out of the recent lacklustre Darigans.
Thanks to Twisted for the awesome set!
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Post by Settingshadow »

I actually like the way it's cramped -- it emphasizes to me how HUGE it's supposed to be.
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Post by carsandtrains »


I like the Dari one. Skunk is OK.
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Post by ICKessler »

I don't like how it's stuffed into the square space either, reminds me of the crocabek, where's it's pose is contrived to fit into the square space:

The horns are wonderfully modeled and textured. Compare to the horns on the Darigan kau:
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So, I don't think it's fair to say that the artist should be decapitatied with cuticle scissors or anything. I think the light grey mane/beard is okay, in fact it's a little sinister, like one of those kabuki-demon wigs. White would have been better. I'd like to see them pull off a good sinister all-white pet.

The lines are nice and black without being overly thick. The shading on the horns and mane are lovely. I like that he has slittly little snake-eyes.

Thankfully, he doesn't have little plague spots on him like a lot of the darigan jobs do.

The addition of batwings is not unexpected, as that seems to be a staple for redraws of unwinged species, like the blumaroo, gelert, zafara et cetera et cetera ad nausuem. It reminds me A LOT of the darigan krawk, which also has a mane:

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I think it's a good addition to the darigan family, nothing shocking or appalling, it won't ever be mistaken for mutant or tyrannian or halloween. It's a little too cramped in its space. It could have been drawn the same size as the normal yurble and tarted up from there, but they wanted it larger, so it looks a little cramped.

I like it.
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Post by chickvw »

Digital Kaizer Myuu wrote:I never understood the gripes about purple Darigan pets. I love it. Red does seem more fitting, but this pet is being added to my wishlist.
Me either. I think they're fantastic, though Cheese's yellow and blue are good too.. even though I'm usually anti-yellow. :) Darigan Yurble is great; I think the large/crampedness accentuates the idea of the evil monster being huge. ^_^ Skunk's ok, not bad for a skunk, but I lub Darigan. :mrgreen:
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Thank you MM for the Woobles!
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Post by Ziggy »

People don't have a problem with purple.
They have a problem with purple CONSTANTLY.

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Post by Akjara »

Ziggy wrote:People don't have a problem with purple.
They have a problem with purple CONSTANTLY.

I love chocolate ice cream but god knows it isn't the only flavour I ever want to have.
Yes, and that's what other colours are for. I for my part, love this Yurble, and I love purple. Since we don't get a good purple with the Purple Paint Brush I take these. :)

And I guess I'm one of the few who likes the colour combination it has better than any recolours posted here. *shrugs* Well, you can't please everybody. But that Yurble goes on my wishlist. :)
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Post by Tarkya »

For some reason, the Darigan Yurble makes me think of Cthulhu. A purple, furry version of it with no tentacles, but Cthulhu nonetheless.

Certainly a pet I'd want.
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Post by Skitty »

Ziggy wrote:People don't have a problem with purple.
They have a problem with purple CONSTANTLY.

I love chocolate ice cream but god knows it isn't the only flavour I ever want to have.
Well said, Ziggy! *applauds* My favorite Darigan pet by far is the Draik, which is purple, but it gets a little monotonous when nearly every Darigan ends up purple with red eyes. It's like they don't even consider other colors sometimes--some simple colorbalancing easily shows that this pet could be much better in a different color. Darigan needs variety!
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Post by phoebemittens »


I spent 200k on a shadow brush, and now they bring out this lovely muted skunk colour that looks like nothing so much as an elderly shadow yurble...

LOOK AT MY SIGGIE and guess how pissed off I am.
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Post by EarwenAncalime »

The beaten pose makes me like it XD I'd get it just so i could get it beaten up and then love how cute it looked beaten.....i'm a nutter....
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Post by Jessi »

I really like the Darigan Yurble, actually. I LOVE the horns, and I love how the 'beard'. I think it looks like a sinister, crazy old man from an old Disney movie plotting world domination xD
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Post by ethuilathelas »

Oh, huggles, that red is SO much better! Now you just need to email it to them so someone there can see it and decide they want to fix it! :)
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Post by Scimthary »

I don't remember if I already posted here or not. :?

The darigan is quite nice, I really like the detail of the horns. But, my favorite dari pet is still the hissi :mrgreen:

The skunk is...ok.
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