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Posted: 24 Aug 2006 12:57 am
by Kamil

Instead of this, now we have Scooby Doo with extra! worms!!

So. Very. Bitter.

I wanted one of these so very badly. I suppose I'm happy it was never released and then changed - that would have been much worse.

*mourns my lost ebil beastie*

Posted: 24 Aug 2006 02:06 am
by Armi
Truthfully, I never really like the old mutant gelert much cause, as said, it looked outdated. The poses weren't that grand and, also said, it looked more darigan (even tyrannian) then mutant.

I do like the revamped version, but something about the leg in beaten and circle annoy me cause it looks a bit realistic for a neopet. I'm used to a straight curve for the calf on a neopet, not the buldge there.
Past that complaint, I love it, but never would want to own it. Though my first real neopet was a Gelert, something about it's grabbing me like Mutant Flotsam did. I like the eye expression, poses, past beaten and circle, and the life it's showing. Not all mutant need to snarl, maybe it hates looking like a freak, not that I think it's a freak.

Thank you whatever artist drew this one!

Guess that means Tyran Buzz, and Mutant Bori are gonna ge revamped. Oh well, hope they look awesome.

Posted: 24 Aug 2006 02:51 am
by Huggles
Quiet! The Tyrannian buzz is still fairly new and shall not be altered else they'll seal their own doom! DOOM!

Posted: 24 Aug 2006 02:55 am
by Buttersauce
Hoorah for copypasta con crappy! It is most delicious.

Head of old gelert+body of new=niceness. It even has eyes unintendedly cocked like a pistol. Why TNT WHY.

Posted: 24 Aug 2006 03:22 am
by Monkeyguy
Eh you did a nice job Butter, but I still prefer the crestfallen personality of the... newest original.

Posted: 24 Aug 2006 04:01 am
by Armi
Huggles wrote:Quiet! The Tyrannian buzz is still fairly new and shall not be altered else they'll seal their own doom! DOOM!
>.> Well as much as I do love it, it is a bit "different" to the rest of the site's style, least to me. I don't care if it changes or not, I just want it released.
I'm still debating if I really want it if it comes out.

Posted: 24 Aug 2006 05:10 am
by Kizule
I'm in love with this thing.

As soon as it comes out, I'm getting it. I've already decided who it would fit.

Posted: 25 Aug 2006 02:26 am
by Skitty
I was never a fan of the old Mutant Gelert. I don't really know what people saw in it. Yeah, it was ferocious, but the art was pretty bad.

That being said, I adore this new one. It has the same feel that the Grey Gelert had, with what will certainly be a much fairer price tag. I don't really like the tentacles, I think they could probably do with being thinner, but I still adore the hyena-aspect.

And I have to say, I'm not quite getting the Scooby-doo comparison. They're both brown and black cartoon dogs, but other than that I don't really see it. This is coming from an avid Scooby-doo hater who dislikes anything resembling him. Maybe the cheekbones are a little weird, but they just add to the bizzare Mutant-y feeling for me.

Posted: 25 Aug 2006 10:08 am
by Dead Webby
Its out! YES! Envenomed, prepare to be Transmog'd. I've decided this comes before getting a Lost Desert Paint Brush.

Posted: 27 Aug 2006 11:50 pm
by Jinx
I like it enough. I think the old one would do better as Darigan, too. This one doesn't look scary, but it does look mutant. Like the art and I think how it's using its tentacles to attack in the close attack pose is pretty cool.

Posted: 28 Aug 2006 02:43 am
by Huggles
The transmog does not exist yet. >_<

Posted: 28 Aug 2006 02:58 am
by Kizule
Huggles wrote:The transmog does not exist yet. >_<
Noticed that too. :(

Posted: 28 Aug 2006 12:46 pm
by Scythemantis
Brown? Aw, not again.

I must have some weird color problem in my brain because this gelert along with the mutant blumaroo and gnorbu all look green to me. A dull green, but distinctly green. Everyone else says brown or flesh-tone.

Scooby doo, chocolate and african-americans all look brown to me so it's not a universal problem, just certain shades.

Posted: 28 Aug 2006 01:10 pm
by Seerow
Scythemantis wrote:Brown? Aw, not again.

I must have some weird color problem in my brain because this gelert along with the mutant blumaroo and gnorbu all look green to me. A dull green, but distinctly green. Everyone else says brown or flesh-tone.

Scooby doo, chocolate and african-americans all look brown to me so it's not a universal problem, just certain shades.
Yeah, I see a greenish tint to the brown. I wouldn't calll it green completely, but there is a green tint to the brown.

Posted: 28 Aug 2006 08:26 pm
by wolfie
beh, I still prefered the old one....but since I can't afford painting any of my pets anyway.....
frankly, I prefered the evil-greenish-tint it had it just me or does the new mutant gelert look slightly more tryanian?....0_o;