New domain name?

Any problems or suggestions regarding the forums or scripts, post them here.

What kind of URL do you want to see?

Something using the full word "neocolours"
Something using "thenc" or a variant thereof
Neither--explain below
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Post by Garrett »

Dragyn wrote:I, personally, would go with "neocolours" and the original neocolours.something. This site and forums are known as neocolours, people would come back to it. TNT would know who we were rather than think we're complete new people.
But we would probably contact TNT to tell them that we were now thenc or whatever it is. I'm not sure TNT actually watches over our site, I thought we just said that their pictures and such were copyright of them.
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Post by Joeno »

One of the main problems, as you would have noticed if you read this thread, is that neocolours.something is not available. You'd either have to go for .info, which is problematic because mail linking to us would sooner be recognised as spam, or get a country-specific domain, which is where my own, personal preferences come in. I don't really want to develop stuff for a website with a country domain when there's no need for it be a country-specific domain. Just a bit of personal pride and all that.

To me, any kludge to get around that - neocolours2.something or similar stuff, just looks ugly and doesn't really have the impact. Furthermore, longer names are more difficult to remember and more generally more of a hassle.
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Post by Madge »

I think we need to make a list of avaliable domain names and then do a poll on that; this discussion doesn't seem to be *going* anywhere.

Here's the ones I remember off the top of my head, I've checked for avaliability on (no-one suggested it but it's there so I decided to add it, go me) (.name is the only extension avaliable for this one I think?)

Are there more?

(I'm including only .net , .com , and domains (except for because I think everyone is of the consensus that we shouldn't put a country extension on it that doesn't make sense)
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Post by Deku »

I hate the hyphenated ones. We're not Neo-Colours, are we?

I voted for something with thenc used, and I still think that's a nice alternative since Neocolours doesn't seem to be available.
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Post by Joeno »

Madge wrote: (no-one suggested it but it's there so I decided to add it, go me)
The spam issue on the .biz top-level domain is much worse than on .info. I have never seen .biz used outside spam.
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Post by Madge »

Ah. My friend Tom bought a .biz name for his website, so I assumed they were normal domains.

Crazy spammers ruining our domain opportunities.
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Post by Kamil »

Assuming we could get it, do we actually want

Just that, nothing else? A reseller has it (I think), and again I think that we might be able to get it for less than what the upfront page says.

I'd have to pester Robin about it, but before I annoy her I thought I'd check to see if we'd even want the thing if we could move the reseller off of it.

It's still us, but it's different enough from Sam's URL that we should be okay with both the 'showing all due respect' folks and the 'neocolours is us, not a name' contingent.

It looks like these guys have .net; .org; and .com, so if you'd prefer one of the others say so, because I think the same deal applies with all of these.

So? What say you one, what say you all?
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Post by Silverevilchao »

Kamil wrote:Assuming we could get it, do we actually want

Just that, nothing else? A reseller has it (I think), and again I think that we might be able to get it for less than what the upfront page says.

I'd have to pester Robin about it, but before I annoy her I thought I'd check to see if we'd even want the thing if we could move the reseller off of it.

It's still us, but it's different enough from Sam's URL that we should be okay with both the 'showing all due respect' folks and the 'neocolours is us, not a name' contingent.

It looks like these guys have .net; .org; and .com, so if you'd prefer one of the others say so, because I think the same deal applies with all of these.

So? What say you one, what say you all?
I like Easy to remember, and we didn't really change the name of the URL much, so users who still haven't found us or people who are looking for Neocolours can find us easily.
Last edited by Silverevilchao on 17 Feb 2006 02:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Guest » would be great imo but it really depends on what the reseller is willing to let it go for.

Other available domains:

Both £49.99 for two years... which is probably more than others that have previously been mentioned but as no one seems to have mentioned a price limit yet I thought I'd add those two to the mix in case they appeal to anyone.
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Post by oogabooga » would be all right, if we could get it (though personally I'd prefer .net for no particular reason). But I don't want to go for anything that would be unreasonably expensive.

No neo-colours - that just looks wrong.
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Post by Wingsrising »

I'm perfectly fine with if it's available for a reasonable price.

I also don't really think neocolours2 is that much harder to remember than neocolours.
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Post by Joeno »

So we're the sequel now? The bland continuation of something that wasn't too bad that tries to improve but generally doesn't?

If we'd go for a something-2, you'd emphasize the problem - we couldn't get the actual original name. You emphasize that we want to be Neocolours, but that we don't actually own the domain name that comes with it - no permission to use it and so on. To me, it would be similar to putting on the frontpage, in big red letters "Hi, we're calling ourselves Neocolours, but we're not actually Neocolours."

Don't forget that the sitename would have to be "Neocolours 2" as well, which is not, in my opinion, aesthetically pleasing. So neocolours2... please don't.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Why would the site name have to be "Neocolours 2"? Just because something's in the URL doesn't mean it has to be everywhere.

Granted, I'd prefer it without the number, because I don't like typing numbers. They're awkward.
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Post by Wingsrising »

I don't see how that would be any different than calling it "thenc" which doesn't even have "neocolours" in the URL. How would having the URL be "neocolours2" emphasize that we're not the original Neocolours more than "thenc"?

And as Ty said, the site name will presumably remain Neocolours whatever we put in the URL. (I certainly would not support a name change -- not to "NeoCanvas", not to "The NC", and not to "Neocolours 2".)

At any rate, this IS the second Neocolours site. At least, it's certainly not the original Neocolours site, which is presumably moldering on Sam's computer somewhere. So this will either be the second Neocolours site or it's something totally different and not Neocolours. :shrug: I don't know how you think of it, but I think the general feeling is that this is still Neocolours.

I'm not dead set on neocolours2 as the URL, I just happen to like it better than most of the proposed and easily available alternatives.
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Post by Joeno »

If the '2' is in the URL, it's going to be considered part of the name, whether we want it or not.

It feels wrong to me. I'm hoping that, considering that we have access to more options now, we will become something more than the original Neocolours was - at least, I'm working on making it become more. More features in the scripts, more stability, a higher speed, and a much better maintenance.

Neocolours 2 implies to me that we're going to copy - maybe imitate - the original. We'd no longer be the original Neocolours, we'd just try to stay close to it. And I am hoping to achieve more.

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