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Posted: 04 May 2007 09:31 pm
by Fullmetal Dragon
Okay, I must be really dumb, but... I can't find where I need to start my puzzley thinger. >_>; Yeah. Uh.

Posted: 05 May 2007 03:51 am
by ulyyf
You can find it here.

Posted: 05 May 2007 06:34 pm
by ladynight6
I can't figure out my third puzzle. It's probably very obvious, but I just cant get it...



Posted: 05 May 2007 07:02 pm
by adi_gallia
I think I got yours ladyknight, I hope you can understand it. :P


Posted: 05 May 2007 07:18 pm
by ladynight6
*squee and huggles*
Thank you so much!
So are the puzzles all for now?

Posted: 05 May 2007 07:23 pm
by PharaonicQuiche

I'm horrible at these puzzle bits. Managed the first and second but now stuck here. D: Help please? The mops are driving me crazy.

Posted: 05 May 2007 07:24 pm
by danceu4ia
Can anyone get mine? :( ... screen.jpg

It makes me sad inside.

Posted: 08 May 2007 03:17 am
by ulyyf
Somebody on LJ pointed me towards this site, which helped me finally solve mine!

It's a little tricky to use - you have to be careful that you click the "none" button for every shape you make - but not that hard.

Posted: 13 May 2007 08:11 pm
by lalalei2001
I can't beat the new puzzle! I'm on Level 3, the hardest one :(

(I got the first two by sheer luck)

Posted: 17 May 2007 03:32 am
by Fullmetal Dragon
Whee I -finally- got my last puzzle. Now if I could only find the codebreakers-type one :| If it's even still open for doing.

Posted: 16 Jun 2007 03:25 am
by Kamil
So the new Editorial says the plot is over; I suppose I'll un-sticky this then, as it's no longer open for finishing and such - feel free to re-sticky and/or PM me to complain.