Glacier Pherret

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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by shaelyn76 »

I don't particularly care for this Glacier pet, but i have to agree that the uproar it seems to have caused is beyond odd. I view it as I don't like it therefore I won't get one. It isn't like it is a redraw that effects anyones already created pet. I agree that the foot is oddly sausage-like and the head/mask area just looks odd with the colors as they are. I do love the ice on its belly and along its tail though.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Luxe »

Aqua wrote:
Officer 1BDI wrote:Well, comparing it to the arid Pherret, I would have expected something more along these lines:


...With a much better, less-plastic looking mask, of course. :oops: I phail at tweaking.

I actually REALLY like the Glacier Pherret as it is, but I also agree that compared to the non-redraw color scheme, it looks a little strange.
That doesn't make sense though, since the head is the same colour as the belly (the common posed pherret has a shadow on its belly that makes it look darker).
With all due respect, Aqua, the way it's currently done doesn't make much sense either if compared against common or another standard like Arid. Pherrets should have three colors on their bodies at all times. The only ones that don't seem to follow this rule (which really shouldn't be used as justifications for breaking it again, IMHO) are bloodred (needs to be redone), darkmatter, hydrus and marsh. But, generally the belly should be lighter than the base, and the belly color does extend to become the base shade of the face. In this case, as with spectrum and arid, I can see why the belly ended up being darker than the base. It's something unavoidable when the base color is white.

Then the mask is usually the darkest shade of all (with the exception of galactic, in which case it's an accent shade). Now it might not have looked perfect on the pherret, but I think were it still my choice I would have opted to follow the rules of the pet and give it the darker gray-blue mask, maybe even color dropping it from the feli's wings as that seems to be a lighter representation of that palette color and it still works. The eyes on the pherret are so small that you can hardly notice the sclera is gray in the first place, so I'm not too sure if it would cause the viewer to "lose" the eyes, so to speak. Or trying a darker shade of that ice-blue on the belly might have worked as well. It wouldn't be the first time we editted a palette color slightly to compensate for a pets' markings (glacier keeto).

This may very well have been tried. I, more than anyone else in this forum save staff artists, likely understand how much trouble you have to go through to get the right color placement on a pet (nuclear keeto, anyone?), and sometimes it just doesn't work. Some pets just won't look good in certain colors because of their own color standards. I largely blame the pherret's color issues on a lack of foresight when we designed Glacier. It has a really limited palette and I think had we considered random pets and how it'd work on them instead of just the most popular ones, we might have added more colors to it, as we eventually did by adding that grayish color to Nuclear's palette. Perhaps it's not too late to reevaluate the color palette for Glacier and add another complimentary shade for future pets to avoid this problem. Just my two cents.

Personally, I'm ridiculously proud of Alyssa. She's come a VERY long way since drawing the angelic torrey and spectrum clawsion, and deserves to have a pet under her belt, finally. I think the anatomy and style of her pherret is amazingly close to MysticCookie's original, and her coloring and shading technique is top knotch and consistent with the rest of Subeta's pet artists. Do I necessarily like the colors chosen? No, not really, but I wasn't going to get a pherret anyway. I'm honestly more bothered about color rules being broken than I am by the white mask aesthetically. It's not that it looks bad. Does that take away from Alyssa's talent? Absolutely not. It's so awesomely well done, and I greatly look forward to seeing more pherrets from her. She will freaking own them and make them exciting again.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Cranberry »

I hope there's a nightmare pherret soon (it would be the perfect color for my Visla; I've never been a big fan of the darkmatter, but she needs to be black and none of the other darker colors fit). I think this artist could do a nice one; I like her style (mostly) and only really have a problem with the colors on this one. She wouldn't have to worry as much about that with a nightmare because it's a very dark pet. I'd only tell her to be careful about the feet (that back one does look sausage-like) and maybe make the eyes a little bigger; I really dislike the head on the glacier because even though it's the same size as the common's, those tiny eyes make it look big and bulbous and not pherret-like to me. (I think the coloring and shading contribute, though; in that edited version with the blue mask/white head, the head seems smaller.)
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by AngharadTy »

Wow. I came back from a weekend trip and saw the new pet color up at SHQ before coming by this topic, and I'm baffled. The amount of ire I feel about this pet even at NC is stunning. It's lovely! I like the white mask! And even if I didn't, the bitterness I'm reading in some of these posts would be... bizarre.

Also, Rah didn't deserve to be called out like that here. It wasn't putting words into her mouth, but it was putting intention on her, and that also surprised me. That's not how we should be treating other members. Bring things up calmly and without judging, first.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Monkeyguy »

The white mask is actually starting to grow on, me. I don't see myself creating one anytime soon, but it's less glaring to see around the site now than it was when it was debuted.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Wingsrising »

I wonder how much of the controversy is another monitor issue, sort of like the nebulous-dark-blob nightmare pets.

This looks a LOT better on my computer at work than it does on my computer at home. At work it looks more natural and less like it just went down a slip 'n slide covered with cyan paint.
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Re: Glacier Pherret

Post by Alleycat » come the lineart gets so thin near the bottom of the picture plane? This glacier pherret is just...ew. The body is really quite nice, but that FACE! Those eyes are just way too small and...I don't know. The proportions are just off or something there. And I find that lifted front paw looks weird. What is it, broken and bending? And those knuckle lines on all the paws look so strange here and yet they're present on the common pherret. They probably could've omitted those lines and the paws would look better.

Uh...about the color controversy, I would've liked it much better if it were one of the 2 edits posted on this thread. Oh well, what's done is done I guess =/ Not that I want a pherret or anything, but that custom pet image code will definitely come in handy, thanks for that Rah!

And haha...sausage foot XD
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