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Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 02 Aug 2008 07:22 am
by jebbica
No problem Alecko. And thanks Jamie. I really don't mind doing these, but it is rather pointless as well as a waste of time if you have absolutely no intention of getting that pet. And it's all right witchtara, I don't mind making previews, but to do a lot of them for no reason is just kinda bleh. If you'd like a preview of one or two pets that you're considering getting, it's no problem at all for me to make a preview of it.

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 21 Aug 2008 01:32 am
by Kamil
Heyyy, do me a favor and put the royalgirl Wocky clothes on a desert girl base, please? If it looks like I think it will I might need to save for one of these asap.

Thankee. ^^

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 21 Aug 2008 05:49 am
by Usul_Princess
Kamil wrote:Heyyy, do me a favor and put the royalgirl Wocky clothes on a desert girl base, please? If it looks like I think it will I might need to save for one of these asap.

Thankee. ^^
...HEY!! I was just gonna ask for that! :P

I would also like to see that combination because I *might* decide against it. Since Kamil already requested the former, I also want to see what a Faerie base-Royalgirl Peophin looks like. I've only seen this combo once or twice, and I remember it looking nice, but I don't remember for sure is it worth the price tag. The new faerie peophin looks like it's begging to be clothed.

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 12 Sep 2008 03:12 am
by Cranberry
Jebbica, I don't know if you're still doing these or not, but if you are, I'd love to see a Tyrannian Lupe with Royalboy clothes on... if it's not too difficult. The mane on the Tyrannian can do odd things depending on the clothes -- see, the mane stays on this guy, but disappears on this fellow and this guy!

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 04:01 am
by Anna the Red
Not sure if you're still doing these either, but if you are, I hope you don't mind if I request some. Can I just see how desert clothes would look on a blue Shoyru and an Electric Shoyru?

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 04:37 am
by varii
Mine isn't as neat as Jebbica's would be, but here is the Desert/Electric Shoyru.


Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 06:39 am
by Anna the Red
Whoa, that's actually way more awesome than I was anticipating! He looks like some kind of demented electro-god!

Thanks Varii!

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 25 Dec 2008 02:43 am
by uberstav

i was wondering if someone could show me an Elephante Royalgirl wearing Island Accesories like the arm bands, earrings, but with the royalgirl dress, and also a Desert Elephante with royalgirl outfit and desert accesories (minus the headpiece). Thanks so much!

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 25 Dec 2008 03:24 am
by Pfizzgig
This may not be the right thread for the question, but I can't find anywhere else I think it might be appropriate.

Can a female pet wear royalboy accessories? (and vice versa)

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 25 Dec 2008 06:59 am
by varii
Pfizzgig wrote: Can a female pet wear royalboy accessories? (and vice versa)
Yes. Clothes, once acquired, are not gender specific.


I'm not 100% sure if the Desert Collar will layer over the dress, but it does layer over shirts, so hopefully it will. Hope this is what you wanted. :)

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 09:59 am
by turtle_squash
Hi the multi painting previews are really good. Is it possible for you to do a royalboy/shadow cybunny and a royalboy/gold cybunny? thanks!

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 05:49 pm
by ZomgethMew
If you're still doing this, could you do a Royalgirl Zafara with Royalboy clothes, and a Royalboy Zafara with Royalgirl clothes? :D These are all awesome.

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 06:55 pm
by varii

So the Gold Cybunny is a little bit sloppy because I went fast and the gold pets have gold lines rather than black, so the clothes don't look as seemless as they would if you really put them on a gold cybunny. But it's the general idea. :)

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 08 Jun 2009 04:14 am
by turtle_squash
Thanks so much! I think I like the shadow one better. :D

Re: Multi-painting Previews

Posted: 09 Jun 2009 02:47 am
by Xelio
Not sure if y'all be able to help me out on this or not. This here is Rybalt, and I'm thinking of giving up all other lab rats for the zapping of a desert lupe from which to yoink just the arm band. Is there anyway someone can take this screenshot of him and plop an arm band on him? I was trying to do it myself, but my skills at the seemingly simple, yet deceptively difficult skill, are sub par at best. I tried the hero lupe wrist guards on him before and the blue was too bright for my liking, so hoping desert will be a better option.
