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Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 02:57 am
by Runic
I can confirm that 4-5 people have received Magical Pirate Krawk Plushies from the new daily.
This must be TNT's way of deflating Krawks.

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 03:18 am
by Goldenchaos
What a lovely map too. So pretty.

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 03:27 am
by Cranberry
Okay, so nobody got prizes yet. I was worried that it was just me!

The new map is pretty, and yay, a new daily! I'm happy with anything that'll bring the price of Krawks down a bit. I'm all for them being expensive to obtain, but they were getting out of hand.

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 04:03 am
by Seerow
Excited to see the prizes but I'm also eager to find out if I did indeed do all the islands or not. There was one on my map that I didn't get a chance to click as the page wouldn't load when I tried to go back. *Shrug*
The new maps are very pretty, though they seem laggier then other maps. Anyway, the artists did a wonderful job on them and I wonder what the "Do not Enter" place is going to be.

Also YAY FOOD CLUB IS BACK! Haven't made any nps since the plot has been up lol.

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 07:12 am
by Cranberry
Prizes seem to be working now! Here's what I got:
Spoiler: open/close
Image You are now eligible to use 'Krawken Attack' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Scurvy-B-Gone (food) Image

10,000 Neopoints

Inflatable Krawk Island (toy) Image

Bug Eye McGee Action Figure (toy) Image

Caution - Pirates Sign (wearable) Image

Caged Skeleton (wearable) Image
There were two things I did not get because I didn't do everything on the proper day:
Spoiler: open/close
Governor Mansion Stamp (stamp) Image

And apparently there was a site theme. Dammit.
I was hoping for some kind of trophy, but any prizes are nice. I really just want Pirate Sudoku as a site game! I filled out that survey about the event and said as much.

JellyNeo also has a list of the Anchor Management prizes.

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 12:04 pm
by Rah
Aw, crud. I got one day done about a half hour late and so missed out on the last two prizes too :(

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 07:16 pm
by Jazzy
I don't think I missed any days, but I had an island left over at the end. I'm sure I did all the islands, because I got up to the 9x9 Sudoku grid and that was the last one. I never had the option to do more than one island in a day. This is annoying.

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 08:26 pm
by EofS
The impression I got from the boards was that the leftover island was a glitch, which is why it wasn't there for everyone (and some people reported 'invisible' islands too). I doubt people have lost out on anything as a result. Did you get all six prizes Jazzy?

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 08:42 pm
by Jazzy
No. I didn't get the stamp or the site theme, which is why I'm annoyed :P

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 08:50 pm
by Cranberry
I started a Pirate Sudoku puzzle just before midnight one day and didn't complete it until after midnight. I think I also got behind on the "searching the seas" portion before that. I don't care so much about the stamp, but I actually like that site theme and would have used it. I don't like their obsession lately with having to get everything done on a specific day. Sometimes I can't be around!

Jazzy, quite a few people on the boards are saying they're positive they didn't miss a day, and yet still don't have their proper prizes. I hope TNT fixes it for all of you!

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 10:17 pm
by PennyLane
Aww, I wish i had gotten the theme. I worked all day on the last day of the puzzle so I didn't get around to doing it. Then when I tried the day after I saw it was over =-/ I am happy about the avatar though, did everyone get that?

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 10:31 pm
by Kantark
I had an island left over, but still got the theme/stamp. Might be worth submitting a bug report Jazzy.

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 11:47 pm
by thelonetiel
Dang, I didn't get the theme.

I put very little effort into completing things on time and actually didn't finish the last two puzzles (I was hoping to do them Monday morning). So I probably shouldn't complain, but I've been really proud of my record of site themes and am annoyed to have missed out on one, with no hope of ever getting it again! =P I prefer site themes to be rewarded almost automatically if you participated, let the avatars be the top prize, I don't care about them.

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 11:53 pm
by Goldenchaos
I missed a day, apparently. I couldve sworn I had done something every day. OH WELL

Re: New Plot? Something Is Attacking Krawk Island

Posted: 10 Aug 2011 05:14 am
by Fjorab_Teke
I can't believe i managed to get them all done, considering the previous Monday to this Monday were really busy for me. The first Monday-Sunday was spent mostly with good friends, and Sunday/Monday were my flights and delay mess. Hurrah for taking advantage of my time on WiFi.