Sheeta Potential Revamp

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Kamil »

Figment wrote:The eyes on cream are gorgeous.

I really like the redraw, but I hope they don't revamp the dm sheeta. I doubt they will -- it's pretty new -- but it's the one I have and I like it as it is.

And even though I personally love this revamp, I sympathize with those of you whose sheetas personalities no longer fit the look -- that's always rough.

I was going to do this whole posting thing, but then I read what Figment had to say and figured it'd be easier to just do this: *points up* What she said. ^^ Except, yanno, for the part about owning a dm Sheeta, because I don't own one.

If the angelic Paralix gets redone in their revamp, I'll probably change Chaffee into a cream Sheeta. As Figment said, the eyes (and the horns) are gorgeous, and Sheetas finally fit Chaffee's soft, happy personality. <3

I'm not in love with the massive change to the color scheme on colorfills, but eh, I love the new look enough not to be undone by it. Although I understand people with existing colorfills may very well be torqued, and they have my sympathies.
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Post by Jessi »

I absolutely adore what they did with the face. That was my biggest problem with the sheeta, and now I think it's absolutely beautiful.

...except this


The new sun color is horrid. I adored the old pale browns and golds of the old sun sheeta. Looks like Shavri will be painted cream; its close enough.

So uh. If anyone has a cream potion. Tell me. I'll buy it :P ...ASAP ;__; The sun sheeta blinds me.

ETA - I also hope they don't change Spectrum (which like DM I doubt they will, it's way too new) OR Reborn =/ Reborn is older but absolutely gorgeous. Nothing on it needs to be changed, IMHO.
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Post by Kelpie »

Sunwolf wrote:I do NOT like how similar the Galactic Sheeta looks compared with the other ones now - now the Galactic has lost its specialness.


They even have the same freaking head tilt! It's annoying :X

ETA - wait a minute . . . the head tilt, the tiny leg spots, the horns - this was another one of those "If you like the Galactic version, then we're going to change them all to fit it" things wasn't it? Why the hell did they even bother with a poll? It was obviously planned, like the terrible Dragon revamp :x

They'd better not revamp all the freaking species to fit their Galactic versions, which they seem intent on doing!
Uh, no, Sunwolf, and I'm not sure I appreciate you discrediting our use of a poll. Forgive me for saying so, but it is comments like that which make us sit back and ask why we bother trying to please users sometimes.

They only happened to have been done by the same artist. We actually encouraged a revamp FIRST, but since Galactics are always high priority at the beginning of the month, she ended up finishing galactic before her revamp attempt. Please don't assume we were trying to pull a fast one.
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Post by AngharadTy »

It is really interesting how similar the galactic looks to the regular Sheeta, though, either way. It's not just a matter of style, being drawn by the same artist. It has all those features in common. Since I didn't like the galactic one, it's not strange that I also dislike the revamp.

Also, on another note...
Kelpie wrote:...and I'm not sure I appreciate...
It's not a personal insult. You don't have to react to it as if it were. I appreciate you wanting to correct misinformation, and that's part of your job; it's very important. However, you shouldn't react personally. No one gains anything from a snide remark; actually, it might make the public trust you less, which you've seen with Chimaera. Taking the defensive with statements like "Please don't assume we were trying to pull a fast one" has two effects: It offends people (nonspecific people, here) who were only following a rational line of thought ("it happened with the Dragon, the poses are very similar, hmm"), and also, it makes people who didn't suspect you suddenly start to ("methinks the lady doth protest too much").

I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, or how to act here on NC. But I would advise you to consider well the phrase "you draw more flies with honey than vinegar." Because it's very true. You can react politely, even pretend to be amused or smiling, no matter how much you may be seething privately. And it wins a lot more loyalty than going on the defensive.
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Post by Sunwolf »

Kelpie's post is exactly why I don't like to post opinions about Subeta artwork on the forums anymore, unless it's positive. Especially since Chimera's little "I'll remember you" comment to another user who dared to criticize her work.

The Subeta Staff, especially those who work in the art or user administrator departments, need to grow thicker skins or take a few courses on public relations. Or hire some people who do not act like angsty 16-year-olds who bristle at any comment that isn't pleasing.

Take Rah, for example (sorry for putting you on the spot, Rah!) she submits artwork, asks for advice and criticism, and doesn't take every little thing like a personal offense. She's also polite and cheerful on the boards, and goes out of her way to answer questions and help people.

I'm 99.9% sure that none of the Subeta Staff would warn or freeze someone because they don't like them, but for now I'm only posting here. Or at least until the majority of the Staff start acting like adults (I know that most of them aren't, but still, a little maturity would be nice.)
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Post by adi_gallia »

AngharadTy wrote:It's not a personal insult. You don't have to react to it as if it were.
Well Sunwolf did say that it was probably another one of those 'If you like the Galactic version, we're gonna change them all to fit it' decisions. Kelpie is the (co?) Art Director, so I think her and maybe Keith are the ones who get the final say on whether a colour or revamp is released to the public.

As Kelpie said, they were planning the Sheeta revamp before the Galactic one, just the Galactic got finished before the rest of the species. Maybe they should have left the Galactic Sheeta until July, when the revamp would have been over, then there may have been less complaints. But some of us here might have led the Sheeta to be let out early because we kept requesting it, I doubt it, but it could have been that.

So when someone says '"They" are using Galactic as a way of testing us before the revamps', the "they" refers to Kelpie and perhaps Chimaera or Keith, so it is slightly personal.
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Post by AngharadTy »

I stand by what I said. It is neither personal nor an insult. It's speculation about what the team as a whole might have been planning. When you represent a business, you are no longer a specific individual, you stand for an entire group. Therefore, if you take it personally, you're misrepresenting your company.

And maybe you, adi, say "they" and mean "Kelpie and sometimes Keith and Chimaera," but that hardly means that Sunwolf meant it that way. I have no idea what Sunwolf intended. (But I doubt it was meant to offend.)

But even if it was meant as a personal insult? Still shouldn't go on the defensive about it. Not professional.
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Post by lavender »

I like the new Sheeta a lot better than the old one. I'm glad the artist changed the face, it's much better the original one polled.
I do think that the colors on some of the colorfills should be toned down a bit. There's one thing I don't like about gold/dusk/lilac/sun - I think the horns and maybe the end of the tail should be different colors. Otherwise it's just too much of that color. For example, cream has blue horns and I think that looks much better than if they made the horns cream. Umm... does that make sense?
Overall, I'm happy about the revamp and I'm considering getting one... Hmmm. Can't wait to see how bloodred and angelic come out :)
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Post by adi_gallia »

Either I suck at arguing or I should just never try to win an argument with a moderator, I nearly always end up losing. Probably both xD

But my last thing to say before I get owned again is
this was another one of those "If you like the Galactic version, then we're going to change them all to fit it" things wasn't it? Why the hell did they even bother with a poll? It was obviously planned, like the terrible Dragon revamp :x
In what way is that not an insult? Well actually maybe it's not an insult as such, but it's like 'wtf? why did they poll us if the revamp was already planned'.

But yeah, I fail to construct a decent argument so just correct me again.
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Post by Jessi »

adi_gallia wrote: In what way is that not an insult? Well actually maybe it's not an insult as such, but it's like 'wtf? why did they poll us if the revamp was already planned'.
It's more of 'in what way IS that an insult?' To be honest, when I saw the new Sheeta, polled or not, I thought the EXACT same thing, considering how the faces looked near-identical, and everything I hate about the galactic Sheeta, i hated in the polled sheeta redraw as well.

Now, obviously they listened to the users with this one, apparently because the sheeta is 'so popular' - but it's very easy to say that the Galactic Sheeta release may have influenced the Sheeta being redone in that style. Not every single person that plays Subeta has a member of staff to come tell them what Staff was thinking - and even then, a member of staff acting rash, or rude, or taking personal offense to such a BROAD comment is not a correct response.

We don't know how Subeta works (and frankly, I don't care to know). Do the artists decide which pet gets released? Do Chimera and Kelpie decide? Does Keith even have a hand in it? Is it a bunch of robot bunnies? We don't know. So I seriously, seriously doubt the comment is personal.
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Post by Kelpie »

I think you all misunderstood me. Sunwolf, you're welcome to your negative opinions about our art, both here and on-site. However, what I personally did not appreciate (and yes, I am allowed to be a person here on Neocolours, regardless of how professional I need to be on site) is the stab at our integrity. Like we were pulling the wool over your eyes, making you think we cared when we really didn't. Because, honestly, I personally was very proud of how that sheeta revamp process went and thought it was a step forward in listening to our users, therefore I personally got hurt by that remark.

I agree that the art team as a whole needs to grow thicker skins. Believe me. We pound them with critiques so they can thicken up. Perhaps that works to their detriment sometimes. They figure if we've put them through the wringer, no one else should have further complaints. I'll work on that with them.

I'm not at all upset that you don't like the sheeta, nor that you voiced that. Post all the negativity you want about it. It is your right. What I did not care for in your comments had absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you liked the sheeta, and I'm sorry I came across so defensively. (I would hope by now that it'd be obvious by my behavior here, that I'm usually more concise and less emotional than that, even though I don't need to be. I am a user of Neocolours just like everyone else, and I'm not so sure my "professionalism" is required to extend here quite as much. Sure, it makes for good impressions, and I still try to practice it because people do know who I am, however, it is not required of me. And I don't mean that in a snide way. I'm just politely asking that you not expect me to be "Kelpie, the Subeta Assisstant Admin" on this site. If I have answers, you know I'll provide them, but otherwise, I'm a Neocolours user like the rest of you.) My point in all of that emotional mess was to show both why we sometimes don't poll, because users end up discrediting it and complaining anyway, and also to correct your assumption that staff was going to revamp it whether you liked it or not. It was simply a matter of poor timing on our parts, I suppose.

Let me share with you how Galactics work. Usually, the first of the month rolls around and Keith posts in the Artist forum, "HEY, GUYS. WE NEED AT LEAST TEN GALACTIC PETS BY THE 6th!" sending most of our pet artists in a frenzy. With each pet artist being assigned their particular species, they search through their pets to see if there's one they can make available in Galactic. Teera, having only the Bovyne to her credit at the time, was technically finished and could not contribute to this mad rush. However, she WAS working on a sheeta revamp, which she set aside in favor of attempting a Galactic sheeta. We decided to nitpick it and release it, both because we thought it was good and because it helped our galactic count for the month.

*shakes head* And I know the next argument to this will be "Why do you need ten pets if they're going to "suffer in quality" just to spit them out?" And my answer (while prickling inside that the sheeta would be referred to as lesser in quality) would be a cheap one, "Because that's what Keith wants." However, I think we're doing a damn good job of pushing out ten brand new pets a month, in addition to other new released colors, along with working on other new and exciting projects. :)

Again, I'm sorry to sunwolf and anyone else I offended with my brash comments, but I hope this clarifies, at least a little bit, where I was coming from.
Last edited by Kelpie on 22 Jun 2007 01:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Jessi »

Kelpie wrote: *shakes head* I know the next argument to this will be "Why do you need ten pets if they're going to suffer in quality just to spit them out?" And my answer would be a cheap one, "Because that's what Keith wants." However, I think we're doing a damn good job of pushing out ten brand new pets a month, along with working on other new projects. :)
The artists do a wonderful job releasing that many galactic pets a month, but I DO wish for quality's sake that you weren't 'forced' to do ten at a time. I understand its what Keith wants, but I do feel the galactic pets have dwindled in quality over time since the very first batch released, and I wonder if having to get them out so quickly is because of it.

Of course, that's a different discussion for a different time.

I personally understand your wish to be Kelpie the NCer here and Kelpie the User Admin on Subeta - but on that note, I think personal feelings like that should be taken to PM. I'm not a mod, so I can't have the say in that, I suppose, but if I was that hurt by something someone said, I would contact them personally rather than turning it into a board debate ^_~
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Post by Kelpie »

jessibean wrote:
Kelpie wrote: *shakes head* I know the next argument to this will be "Why do you need ten pets if they're going to suffer in quality just to spit them out?" And my answer would be a cheap one, "Because that's what Keith wants." However, I think we're doing a damn good job of pushing out ten brand new pets a month, along with working on other new projects. :)
The artists do a wonderful job releasing that many galactic pets a month, but I DO wish for quality's sake that you weren't 'forced' to do ten at a time. I understand its what Keith wants, but I do feel the galactic pets have dwindled in quality over time since the very first batch released, and I wonder if having to get them out so quickly is because of it.

Of course, that's a different discussion for a different time.

I personally understand your wish to be Kelpie the NCer here and Kelpie the User Admin on Subeta - but on that note, I think personal feelings like that should be taken to PM. I'm not a mod, so I can't have the say in that, I suppose, but if I was that hurt by something someone said, I would contact them personally rather than turning it into a board debate ^_~
You are probably right, but I felt the point needed making publicly that it was because of comments like "Why did they bother polling?" which make us say "Well...why DID we bother? It didn't seem to make them any happier...", because I'm sure Sunwolf isn't the only one asking that question. I wasn't trying to make a spectacle out of her. Just trying to use her comment as an example.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I don't understand why anyone is or would be saying "why did they bother polling us?" it's still for the same reason they would ever poll us. Just because they released a Galactic Sheeta in the new style before the new style came out, doesn't mean that if the majority of the userbase said no to the new Sheeta that they wouldn't have re-revamped it. It's not like the new Sheeta did lose and Kelpie decided to post in the news that the new one would be released anyway?

The new Sheeta won with the majority vote, yes there were opposers, but there always will be. Those who feel strongly about it can comment about it on the forums. If you can't be bothered to "face the forums" then your opinion probably isn't strong enough anyway.

The only problem I see with the revamp is from what Jessi, Ty and Cyro has voiced. Their 'colour fill' Sheetas have changed drastically and that is quite possibly one of the biggest changes that took place.
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Post by FourEyes »

You know, to me, it just looks like that, ever since the Dragon revamp, some people have been taking every oportunity possible to criticize the staff or the artists... Not pointing any fingers here, but that's just the impression I get. =/ And that's kinda bad. I get the feeling some might even be hurting the staff's feelings and... well, why would they bother being nice, then, especially in a place where they don't have to be professional?

Anyways, about the revamp... I like Sheetas even more now. ^^ I said before I didn't want Graveyard to be redrawn, but now I think it could use a little tweaking... Nothing big though. =P
...Oops. *searching for a smaller sig*
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