The Golden Compass

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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Wingsrising »

I also often go to movies by myself (on the rare occasions when I go to movies instead of waiting for the DVD) and and will probably go to this one by myself, unless I end up seeing it with my parents when I'm home over Christmas. Sometimes I enjoy movies more when I'm by myself because when I go with people I worry about whether they're enjoying the movie or not (in particular if going to the movie was my idea) whereas when I'm alone I only have to worry about myself.

I was going to see the Golden Compass this weekend, but now I have a job interview next week I'm frantically getting ready for. It's fabulous that I have the interview but it means I suddenly have to finish putting together a 45-minute talk, get prepped for the interview, get some stuff done at work, plus get everything ready to be out of town for the last half of next week. So I doubt I'll get to see the movie before I go and it's possible I may not get to see it until I go home for Christmas, though I'll try to.

I am rather worried about what I'm hearing, though. No matter what the director says, it's sounding like the movie may be too short to explain everything important. Also, I'm one of the category of fans who would rather have a movie that works well as a movie than one that is slavishly faithful to the book but doesn't hang together well as a movie because of it. For example, I'm part of the camp that thought the first two Harry Potter movies blew chunks and the later three were excellent. It's sort of sounding like they just slapped everything they could fit (and that wouldn't offend the religious too much) up on the screen, and if that's the case I'm not likely to be very pleased with the movie.

Only time will tell, however.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by EofS »

I just don't like going to the cinema on my own. I don't mind it too much for arthouse/indie/European etc films, but for blockbusters and such I just... no. Not for me.

It's not as bad as going to the theatre on your own though.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Wingsrising »

Really? Going to the theatre on my own doesn't bother me, either. I've never actually given it much thought, actually.

Pretty much the only thing I'm not big on doing on my own is eating at sit-down restruants. I'll do it, but I don't do it often.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

I've never gone to the theater on my own, but I don't think I'd mind. I like seeing movies alone because no one talks to me, and like Wingsrising said, I don't have to worry about whether the people seeing the movie with me like it (or in the case of a film like this, are confused). I might not like it so much in a packed theater, though -- I like going alone because I get to sit with space all around me and get immersed in the movie.

I don't think I've ever gone to a sit-down restaurant alone. I woudn't mind if I had a book or some work to do or something, but I find it boring to sit all alone and just eat. I've done it at Subway or whatever, though, because it takes so little time to eat a sandwich.

I liked the first couple of Harry Potter movies when I saw them (mostly because everything looked as I'd imagined while reading the books), but they pale in comparison to the third -- that movie's near-perfect (the only thing that annoyed me was that they never explained who Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs actually were, so Harry's patronus being a stag wasn't as powerful an image as it should have been). I'm not sure what I'm really looking for from the Golden Compass... I'll just have to see what I think after I watch it, I guess. I'm going on Saturday night.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Wingsrising »

Well, Ebert gave it a good review. (Don't read it if you haven't read the books, though.) This is to my mind a good thing.

There does seem to be general agreement that the movie moves too fast and that it cuts the heart and soul out of the books, though.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Hawk »

Don't see the movie or you will feel like going home and smashing things until you calm down. I am suppressing that urge right now. Wow, it was amazingly bad. The acting was good, the graphics were good, the polar bear was good, the movie was fucking awful. It was so bad that I nearly started crying 30 minutes into the film. They ruined the book. Don't see it. I wouldn't see it again if they paid me. The whole book was crammed into a time period of what seemed like two days. Well actually, I shouldn't say the whole book, because the seemed to have left out the entire ending, as well as my favorite scene in the book. The movie just stopped suddenly.

I'm so sad, since, having not read any reviews, I was actually expecting it to be decent (or as decent as any movie based on a book can be). I can't imagine how utterly confusing it would be to someone who hasn't read the book. This is probably the worst book-based movie I have seen and I strongly advise you not to waste your money.

By the way, my daemon is Tarquin the crow.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by danceu4ia »

Wow, Hawk, I'm sorry you felt that way. :(

All the reviews seem to say; you either love it or you hate it.
Since I haven't read the books in a while, the movie was good entertainment. Quite vague on some parts (namely, religion) and it obviously skipped some parts for time, but it all worked out to be a nice night out with my family.

My Dad wants to borrow the books now. ^^

Some parts felt a little disconnected, but then again some parts shone. Little Lyra, especially. She was GREAT.

I'm sure once I re-read the books, like I intend to do now, I'll probably care a bit more about missing parts. That's why I avoid reading the book too soon before I watch the movie, that way I can get a fairly objective view before I re-read the book.

I hope your weekend cheers up Hawk. Maybe you could watch Enchanted...that got some great reviews :D
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Twofold Black »

Hawk wrote:Well actually, I shouldn't say the whole book, because the seemed to have left out the entire ending, as well as my favorite scene in the book. The movie just stopped suddenly.
My understanding is that they moved a chunk of the plot back and will be putting it in the next film -- so as not to end on a cliffhanger, I assumed, though from what you say it sounds like it didn't work out well.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

Don't read my post if you don't like spoilers (although if you haven't read the books, you probably won't know what I'm talking about anyway).

I liked it, but I didn't love it. I'll kind of split this up into the good and the bad.

The good: All the performances, especially Dakota's -- she was very true to the Lyra of the books. The special effects, especially the armored bears. The fact that they didn't completely remove the religious aspects (God and the church are never mentioned by name, but it is quite easy to read "The Authority" and "The Magisterium" that way, and they are mentioned often. Also, Mrs. Coulter refers to the Garden of Eden in one scene -- again, not by name, but it's easy to tell what she's talking about). The bear fight (totally awesome). The scene before that, where Lyra lies to Iofur (now Ragnar). The way they managed to get important facts across without heavy-handed exposition. The fact that they stayed very true to the story.

The bad: The fact that they didn't manage to stay true to the spirit of the story. Daemons seemed more like pets than a real part of you, although they did their best to show that when you feel pain, your daemon does too, and vice versa. It's just something that's hard to get across on screen. Same thing with Tony (now Billy), after he undergoes the intercision -- this is supposed to be the most horrifying sight Lyra could imagine, like seeing someone with their insides ripped out, and you don't get that impression. Same with someone grabbing your daemon with their bare hands -- it's supposed to be horrible, like rape or something, and that didn't come across properly. And you never really understand why it would be so horrible to undergo the "little cut." I also didn't like how they ended it early -- yeah, the scenes are filmed and will open The Subtle Knife (if it's made), but I would rather have had them intact, because it's just such a shock and such a better cliffhanger.

Anyway. The movie's all right, but the books are awesome. Even if you see the movie first and you're disappointed, give the books a shot, because they're so much better.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Hawk »

I'm glad that other people liked it :D I just thought that it could have been so much better. I really liked the acting, it's just the plot that really annoyed me, so I felt like I had to rant somewhere when I came home from the theater(they left out the scene where Lyra sets the daemons free :(). But I drew a couple of big spiky monsters ripping the golden compass to shreds, and so I'm okay now. And I think the religious controversy over the movie is somewhat amusing.
My understanding is that they moved a chunk of the plot back and will be putting it in the next film -- so as not to end on a cliffhanger, I assumed, though from what you say it sounds like it didn't work out well.
It did end on a cliffhanger though :( Just not a very interesting one.

EDIT: Hey, this was my 500th post :D
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Sayle »

I just got back from seeing this film. My hands are still frozen for waiting on the bus to take me home. :)

I had heard so many bad things about this film that I wasn't expecting much, but I honestly enjoyed it! There were plenty of things that could have been done better, of course, but I really did like it.

The good: I think they did a really good job at casting; all of the characters were, for the most part, exactly as I pictured them. I was upset when I heard about the voice change for Iorek, as I wasn't sure Ian McKellen was a good fit, but he was awesome! I was also concerned about the religious elements being removed in hopes of not offending anyone (ha...), and was pleasantly surprised to find much of it intact. It was extremely clear what the characters were referring to. And... not that graphics make a good movie, but they certainly didn't scrimp! Lyra's world, while not exactly what I imagined, appealed to my inner steampunk lover.
SPOILERS: I heard a lot of complaints about the ending being cut off, but I didn't think the ending to the film was too bad. I suspect that might be because I knew it was coming... but that is beside the point. :P And the bear fight- holy... geez! I was sure they wouldn't keep the part where Iorek rips Iofur's jaw off in the film. XD The audience shouted and cheered for that part.

The bad: I agree with the critics who said that the film's pacing was too fast. I think I was able to appreciate the movie because I've already gotten to know the characters; I was able to draw from my memory of the characters as they were in the books to fill in the gaps, but I don't know if I would have liked the film as much if I hadn't read the books. We hardly got to know Serafina and Lee; their introductions were especially rushed. It seemed as if they had dropped out of nowhere (quite conveniently) to provide direction to Lyra. I wouldn't have minded an extra half hour or so for the sake of some character development. It's hard to sympathise with someone you don't know. I think most of the problems stemmed from the editing, not the acting/directing/effects etc.
I didn't mind this ending, but I do agree that it would have been better with the original ending. The original ending felt more like an ending, but still had that cliffhanger quality. I don't know. I can't imagine the second film opening to something as climactic as the ending to the first book.

But I liked it overall. It wasn't a fantastic film, but it was enjoyable. Or maybe it's just that I hadn't been expecting much in the first place, having read all of the bad reviews. The three people who were with me also enjoyed it, however, as did most of the people in the theatre. Most of all, I'm really hoping they continue the series; the first book, while great, felt more like an introduction to the heart of the series.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Figment »

What are peoples' opinions of the girl who plays Lyra? She strikes me as too girly and a little too old, but I haven't seen the movie yet. I'm nervous that she might not be able to act, and if this is the case then I won't waste my money.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

Bad child actors totally ruin a movie for me, too. Luckily, she's excellent. The clips from the trailer don't do her justice -- she really embodies Lyra; she's natural with her lying (and seems delighted to be fooling people, most of the time), she looks scruffy (her hair is always messy), and she's very believable when it comes to interacting with Pan and the other CGI creatures. The scene where she tricks Iofur/Ragnar is really well done.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Twofold Black »

Sayle wrote:I was sure they wouldn't keep the part where Iorek rips Iofur's jaw off in the film.
You just sold me a movie ticket.

Does that make me a bad person?
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

It was fucking awesome. People in my theater actually gasped! They didn't keep the part where he eats Iofur's heart, but the jaw thing was cool enough to make up for that.
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