RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

Rush is one of my favorites! They're so good live--or so I judge from the HD DVD we have--so I'm jealous.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I saw Weird Al earlier this year and it was great fun! Be prepared for more costume changes than you could ever imagine :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

Bruins won the Stanley Cup!!!! They are my dad's fav team (he's more than a little obsessed) so it was really great for him to see his team win the Cup for the first time in 39 years @_@ He loaded his car up with Boston Bruins stuff and drove around the village. LOL funny, but weird I think since one of the Vancouver players is from our village :P
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I just "wasted" a bunch of money and bought a new phone (Nexus S - google phone) and a Kindle. Oh my goodness having a shiny new gadget to read with has encouraged me to read more, that's for sure! I pirated a bunch of books and spent $20 at the Kindle store. And having a smart phone is fantastic, it makes me feel like a shadowrunner with a commlink but I digress...

Plus, my final exam EVER is tomorrow, then on Thursday at midnight I fly out to Thailand :). And one of my friends who I haven't seen in over a year is coincidentally in Bangkok at the moment too so we might fly from Krabi to Bangkok to see her (she's already arranged to visit us in Krabi for a few days). Never been to Bangkok before but she assures me it's fantastic.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

I've been saving up money to buy me a shiny new comp for quite a few months now, and I finally was able to buy all the pieces. Well, I may have jumped the gun by a few weeks but I'd waited long enough darn it!
Click me for parts list
Above link goes to the Newegg wishlist which has all the parts I bought on it. I'll probably upgrade the ram at some point to be 8gbs, but I think I'll be fine with 4gbs for awhile. My budget for the computer was about $700 without the monitor or Windows, and I came in at just under $900 altogether so I think I did well!
The tower, power supply, and graphics card all arrived today. The rest of the pieces should be coming in the next couple days. So excited!

Though the cost of windows is utterly ridiculous. I ended up buying it from Staples since I had a $70 gift card for there but $119 for the upgrade ($199 for full) is just crap. Thankfully I still had my old Windows XP Media Center Edition discs lying around so I was able to get the upgrade version. Compare that price to the $30 that the new Apple OS will cost.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

Buying Windows is a pain, especially since so many help sites fail to even take it into account for a build-your-own budget. I would have installed some variation of Linux if I didn't want to play games on my box. I would have given you the same advice I was given and gone for a single 4 gig stick of ram, because if you ever want 16 gigs you wont have to get rid of your 2s. But it's not really a thing especially if you really want blue heatsinks to match your motherboard and power supply :) Congrats! I hope the process didn't drive you crazy like it did me.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

@ Madge- Eeeeee, always excited to hear about other Kindle users! Mine is almost a year old (got her for my birthday last year) and I couldn't live without her!!!

@ Seerow - congrats! Heh I can't even begin to fathom what that would be like!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

ugh woes.

For about 7 years, I didn't go to the dentist, out of a combination of lack of insurance and then fear of calling the dentist to make an appointment/actually going to one. I finally had to go in December 2009 when I had Bell's Palsy and chipped a tooth in the process (from not being able to correctly use my mouth, haha). Since then, I've had to get a LOT of work done from abandoning my teeth for so long. Taught me a VERY important lesson - GO TO THE DENTIST EVERY SIX MONTHS, DAMNIT. So far I've had a root canal (on the chipped tooth), an onlay, and several fillings... but my teeth look great and are getting SO much better.

Two weeks ago, I went and got my last two fillings on the right side - one that was new and one where they had to basically dig out my old filling since it was done so poorly and replace it. My dentist warned me it'd be sensitive on that side for a few weeks, mostly to cold... but damn, it's not just sensitive, it HURTS. Bad. It throbs constantly. I've been living on ibuprofin and naproxen the past two weeks, and the problem is now I'm starting to get scared I'm taking TOO much of it...

On top of that, last Wednesday I went and got the VERY last of my dental work done - a crown over what was another old, poorly-done filling (stupid old dentist). I didn't need a whole root canal, just the crown... but it was right next to the tooth I got my root canal done on, and while they were working on it, my old crown came loose and popped off >_> Annoying. So they had to reattach that one, drill down the tooth next to it and give me my new crown... and I got the same warning about cold sensitivity. Well, that side is -immensely- painful. It is also throbbing, even more than the right....

So now BOTH sides of my mouth hurt I'd say at least half the time. I'm still taking a ton of naproxen (and some ibuprofin, I'm trying to rotate between the two cause I read that's a good idea but the ibuprofin wears off SO FAST compared to naproxen, sigh ;_;). It's hard to eat even things like FRENCH FRIES from Wendy's that are soft and nasty. We made homemade salsa and I can't even enjoy it because eating chips is 100% out of the question ;__; I can't even have frozen yogurt because both sides of my mouth are so cold sensitive. I'm positively miserable and my teeth are absolutely killing me.

I'm going back to the dentist on Wednesday so she can check it out and just make sure it's okay... I'm kind of half hoping she gives me a prescription for some good, strong ibuprofin just so the pain can dull for a bit or knows a way to numb it or SOMETHING because I can't stand it anymore ;_;
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Cranberry »

Ugh, so sorry to hear that, Jessi! I also went without dental care for a number of years (combination of no insurance and a fear of dentists due to having an awful one as a child), but luckily, I came away just needing a root canal and one filling.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Ugh!! I hope you can get some relief soon! I'm also way behind on dental care - lack of insurance until recently and fear/hatred of all the sensations of dental work despite my childhood dentist being a really cool guy.... I need to get a half-exposed wisdom tooth checked out soon. *dread*
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jazzy »

Ouch, Jessi, that doesn't sound good! Regarding the medication you're taking - I personally probably wouldn't bother alternating unless I found I was getting the same pain control with both, because naproxen and ibuprofen would both cause the same adverse effects (though admittedly the risk with ibuprofen is lower). Also, while your dentist could give you stronger ibuprofen on prescription, it's exactly the same stuff as off-prescription, just packing more into each tablet. If you're taking 400mg ibuprofen every 4-6h and the dentist prescribes 800mg every 4-6h, say, that's exactly the same as taking twice as many of the OTC tablets each time. You might possibly be able to ask your dentist over the phone "can I take more ibuprofen tablets each time?" rather than actually having to wait for a prescription for a higher strength.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

Sorry to hear that, Jessi. Dentists are evil and so is not having good or having poor insurance. I'd been avoiding the dentist for the same reasons, until one of my teeth starting hurting. Now, I had lots of work done while I was still on my Mom's General Motors insurance plan, but never have my teeth hurt despite all my cavities and fillings except for when my wisdom teeth came in. It made my whole head and face ache for about a month and I finally went and saw one. My old filling was loose and eventually fell out and and another was just about to come out too. They were so rotten that I just had them pulled instead and now I'm waiting to decide when to get implants. The cost is a big factor since after I just bought my computer, a whole bunch of random crap happened that cost me another thousand dollars. A week after having them pulled I got bronchitis and pink eye, which has put me out for 2 and a half weeks and right now I'm just sick of doctors. I hope you get it sorted out soon.

I'd tell everyone to brush and floss after every meal, but all my problems with my teeth are a result of childhood issues and unavoidable disease. But uh, do it anyway and go to the dentist! Demand candy toothpaste and stickers if it makes you feel better. You all deserve them!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Thanks for the med advice, Jazzy <3 I went to see the dentist today, and she readjusted my bite, particularly on my OLD crown that had come off last week. It already feels better (though tender to chew on) and she told me a few more days of ibuprofin won't hurt, haha, and it was pretty swollen so it'll help with that. Hopefully in another few days it'll go away... I REALLY don't want to go back to the dentist before December for a cleaning!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alecko »

I got my cockatiel rehomed today. It was the right thing to do, and she's going to a couple who've got years of experience and an aviary full of cockatiels but still.... The space where her cage should be is really tearing me apart.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

awwww Jessi I am sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. I am utterly terrified of the dentist. Even though I have coverage I haven't gone in years. And I'm not going unless I have to. They scare the hell out of me.

Good News- I've delt with joint pain since I was 15 (I'll be 29 in 12 days @_@ ) Even after discovering that it was rheumatoid arthritis I have refused to go on any kind of pain killer for it. I usually don't even take over the counter stuff because it really has no effect what so ever. In the past year or so it has gotten to the point where I am constantly swollen, and can't stand or sit any where that is uncomfortable for more than 30 mins...and even that was pushing it. BUT! That is all in the past! My mom heard of some natural mineral based pill and bought it for me. I gave it a shot, not really having much hope, but lo and behold, it worked! I've gone from being on a 6 or 7 on the pain scale on a good day (9 or 10 on a bad day) to having zero pain! Just a few days ago I was playing in the grass, rolling around and picking my sister's 2 year old godson up without even realizing just weeks ago I wouldn't have even been able to get up off the ground without pain....it's really just amazing!

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