RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

I use an 8 length guard on our trimmer. =)

My woe: I have been feeling really out of it and blahhhh for days now. I didn't even realize it'd been "days" until today. This sucks because I miss talking to my friends, I'm not having much time for Morostide, and I have a ton of work due, yipes.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

we have a pretty good trimmer, I just had no idea where it was at the time.....Ali stuck in in the laundry room when we moved it turned out lol. XD

Sorry you are feelin' so blah Ty, hope you feel better.

oh, when I use my trimmer I don't use a guard....I like my hair as short as possible usually without getting out the bic razor. I got a really dirty look in town from an older lady the other day. I guess not enough people are used to women with shaved heads here.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

I am home! I went on a cruise this past week to Cozumel, Belize, Roatan, and Costa Maya. This was my first cruise and it was absolutely amazing! We went on the Carnival Dream which is one of their newer ships and I can't believe how big it was. I'll make a thread with TONS of pictures sometime in the next day or so. I have so much stuff to get caught up on now that I'm home!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I guess I may as well mention - I have a new boyfriend! We've been dating about a month and he is very sweet and makes me brownies and he's going to show me the ways of Dr Who.

The reason I feel this is worthy to mention is because I am still with Paul, my boyfriend/partner of 4 years. Both dudes are aware of the situation and my new boyfriend even has a long distance girlfriend who has a husband! And Paul is currently pursuing two different girls and I hope he will get to have a relationship with one of them.

This is something called "polyamory" which essentially says that monogamy is not for everyone, and why don't we all just have several boy/girlfriends who know about each other and are "cool with" the whole thing?! The answer to this question is: why not indeed! And it is fantastic, it has brought me closer to Paul while at the same time giving me the new and wonderful experiences of dating a new person for the first time. There's something called "compersion" which is defined as being 'the opposite of jealousy' - where you are super happy that your partner/s are out on dates and doing bedroom things with other people, because they are happy, and it's good to be happy when your partner is happy!

All of our friends know about it and are accepting (some are super curious, some don't give a shit, some are super "OMG THAT IS THE BEST IDEA EVER", and some are "well if it makes you happy but I can't fathom how you guys do it", but all accept). We haven't told our parents yet, but we probably will when we FINALLY move out of home and/or when one of us has a more long-term relationship with somebody.

But yes, I thought people might be interested!

The wikipedia page ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyamory ) is pretty informative if you are curious, but you're also welcome to ask me questions. I wasn't sure if I should make a new thread for this announcement or whatever, because I'm not sure how interested people are. It's still new for me and Paul but we'd been talking about it for almost two years and have started getting involved with the polyamory community in Perth, and the time just seemed right and my new boyfriend's OkCupid profile made a joke about Lorem Ipsum and here we are today :3

tl;dr I get to bone two dudes
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Marah »

Hugs for Ty.

Kali I think you look lovely with your shaved head. Strange how it fits some people and others not at all! (Maybe it has something to do with head shape?)

Seerow, your cruise sounds awesome, did you get to spend a lot of time in each of the places?

And Madge, congrats on your new love! You know you have to share that Lorem Ipsum joke with us though. :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

Congrats, Madge. I was a bit worried because of your first paragraph, what with Paul seeming so awesome and all, but now I'm just happy to hear that. I'm poly, too, as I've mentioned. It's a hell of a lot of fun, isn't it?

My woe got a lot bigger because on Friday, Derek's company told him he has to go to Ohio for nearly a month. Tomorrow. My birthday is smack dab in the middle of that time. Probably just going to spend it alone unless my mother-in-law takes me out for a pity dinner. Which I'm kind of hoping to avoid. I hate pity dinners. I guess I could try to line up a date with one of my more-than-friends, but I dunno, I might just miss Derek a lot. Being poly doesn't solve every problem. =(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

glad that your cruise was awesome Seerow!!!! I can't wait to see pics!

Thanks Marah! ^__^ I can't see myself with hair after sporting a buzz cut for over a decade lol.

Congrats Madge! Almost every relationship I have been in has been open, except my marriage. ^__^
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

When I made my post I thought to myself, "You know what, I bet Ty is probably poly". I don't remember you ever mentioning it before but it seemed very... you. Is that weird?

However, it sucks not to have company or, WORSE STILL, a pity date, on one's birthday! I would advise you rent a bouncy castle. I don't know if that would solve any problems or just create more, but you'd get a bouncy castle and who doesn't want that.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by thelonetiel »

Congrats on the poly Madge! That's definitely something I'm glad to see slowly becoming more common (or maybe I'm just becoming more aware of it). More happy people is always a good thing!

My own woe is that my computer seems to be dying. It got almost fully replaced via warranty in the spring, but I suspect they didn't use new parts as the motherboard is already failing. It'll successfully boot about every dozen attempts, so I managed to back everything up. But until Christmas, I suspect I'll be doing most of my internet browsing via my HP Touchpad tablet. This is probably a good thing and will lead to less time wasting on the internet and hopefully lead to me reading actual books instead of Cracked.com, but still rather sad.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

thelonetiel wrote:Congrats on the poly Madge!
The Poly Madge is a good title. I like it.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Oh god, we're not going to go in another debacle like when I was "1337 Madge" for way longer than was healthy?

"The Poly Madge" makes me think of a mage that polymorphs things... Despite the obvious difference in pronunciation.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

this is sort of a late woe, but: my Kindle Gen 2 died a while back ago. I was so depressed when I found out, I cried a bit then realized it was a good chance to buy a new one. Then the kindle fire and kindle touch came out and I had to have one.......so far they are only out for the USA so I "settled" for a touch tablet, an acer same as my laptop. With the kindle app I am reading my books again yay!

Apps are hard to figure out....I haven't owned a phone in lover a decade so I have had no experience with them. Overall very happy with it though!

PS-my kindle's name was Kindi and my new tablet is named Sean after Ali's character....it just seemed right.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alecko »

My laptop died yesterday. It started to randomly freeze, so I shut it down and left it. Tried to turn it on later and it just got stuck on the loading screen. I had the exact same problem last year, but it was still under warranty so it went back to Toshiba. No luck this time so this morning it went to a local computer shop. The awesome guy in charge was very helpful but it didn't change the fact that the hard drive was knackered and because my account was password locked it's apparently impossible to retrieve any of my files. I have backups of the important things but that's a lot of random little files gone.

It only took him a couple of hours to get up and running again and he re-installed all of the programmes I wanted back on, but that was £120 I wasn't expecting to spend. ;_;
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Gross woe. I've been getting in the hot tub these past few days, and it naturally moistened my toenails. My middle toenail was cracked, and when I picked at it, nearly all of the entire nail came off, hanging on by a "hinge" at the end. It hurts like crazy, and I'm hoping the nail will mend itself with a ton of band aids and peroxide cleaning instead of falling off and regrowing back so coarse.

Alecko: Well, at least you have some of the files back. I hate losing the "little" things as well.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Miguel »

Alecko, do you still have the old hard drive in your possession?

Once a disk starts failing, data recovery is never guaranteed, but a password-protected account does not automatically mean the files are irrecoverable. There's a chance some of that data is recoverable, but it's not necessarily within the usual remit for a computer shop, in his defence. Catch me on MSN or via PM and I might be able to advise further? (Edit2: if I'm not online, Jazzy can usually get in contact with me)

(Edit: Congrats Madge, you're lucky to have such a fun and understanding bunch of folks around. I did LOL at your tl;dr a bit though...)
Many thanks to EofS for the avatar and signature images.

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