Jubjub re-vamp

For discussion of new pet colours- speculation and discussion of colours in general should be placed in New Features or Misc.
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Post by Figment »

iriso83 wrote:
Jazzy wrote:Iris! What is it with people coming back this week?
I don't know. :D Emma already pointed me here some time ago (I had lost track of where everyone went after all the temporary forums) and I lurked a bit, but I didn't really feel the need to sign up and post until I saw those Jubjubs in the news today. ;)
Iris! So nice to see you back! You really stick out in my memory as having interesting comments... you'll have to post often.
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Post by Skitty »

I... like it? *blinks* For so long Jubjubs were right there with Kikos--balls with two appendages that were UGLY AS HELL. This isn't an improvement. It's like... a whole new species almost. It's cute. It has personality. It looks like maybe in some weird fantasy world it could actually exist. *seriously considers making Floofies into one*

And, to the people who are saying it's creepy, do you mean it wasn't creepy before? Because it was. Standard Jubs were hidious. They were so poorly drawn that you couldn't see how creepy they are. Really, what do you expect of a ball of fur with big feet and huge eyes? All they did was move the feet and make it a little more realistic. The Jubjub was ALWAYS spooky looking, but you just couldn't tell because it's feet were in the way. It's not because of the hint of eyelids, the mouth, the way the fur falls, whatever. It's always been a weird looking species and it was obvious at least to me that this was where the revamp was headed.
Shippinator Mandy
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Post by Shippinator Mandy »

I think this one is considerably LESS creepy. It's cute. *snuggles it*
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Post by Chandi »

I can't help but go "d'awww" with this revamp. Sure, I can see how they are a bit creepy. The hint of a nose throws me off; I don't get how they can have a nose or muzzle or anything that would warrant that shadow. But ah well.

The battledome poses are far improved, though. Now it actually looks like it's in action, instead of just hanging there.

Hopefully TNT will get their behinds moving on updating the colors... can't wait to see Halloween or Island.
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I think it's a massive improvement, though I do kinda feel for those who LIKED the foot-hiding thing. But they look a LOT like the TCG ones now, which is a good thing, IMO. I liked those, and now they're like this on the site. :D I think my dislike for JubJubs will fade a bit. I have a young friend who plays the TCG game with a JubJub deck he came up with (and dang it's pretty good), so he likes the fuzzballs. He doesn't play on the site, though, but his little sister does (and SHE pesters the heck outta me! :P).
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Post by Ierosbats »

Should we sticky this like we do with most revamps? So we can post the updated colours as they come?
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Post by Huggles »

Oooh. *stickies*
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Post by thelonetiel »

Fjorab_Teké wrote:I think it's a massive improvement, though I do kinda feel for those who LIKED the foot-hiding thing. But they look a LOT like the TCG ones now, which is a good thing, IMO. I liked those, and now they're like this on the site. :D I think my dislike for JubJubs will fade a bit. I have a young friend who plays the TCG game with a JubJub deck he came up with (and dang it's pretty good), so he likes the fuzzballs. He doesn't play on the site, though, but his little sister does (and SHE pesters the heck outta me! :P).

You're right, they do look like the TGC versions.

No, I wouldnt be using this as an excuse to post one of my favorite cards, not me...

I like the revamp, I think. Not enough to own one, but it is good art. The grinning face I don't like much, the jubjub seemed like a shy pet hiding behind it's feet and now it is a happy grinning outgoing fool.

Oh well. At least the concept stayed the same, even if the personality didnt.
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Post by Scimthary »

I think their are overly cute, but it's a good revamp, I like it. Not enought yet to have one though. xD
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Post by Mythic »

Marah wrote:They remind me of these fluffy balls that have sticky feet and can be tagged on everywhere.
Hehe I've always thought that about Jubjubs, I have one stuck to my fridge :P
Ensign Edison
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Post by Ensign Edison »

thelonetiel wrote: I like the revamp, I think. Not enough to own one, but it is good art. The grinning face I don't like much, the jubjub seemed like a shy pet hiding behind it's feet and now it is a happy grinning outgoing fool.

Oh well. At least the concept stayed the same, even if the personality didnt.
This I agree with. I love the redesign, but the loss of that sense of shyness is regretful.
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Post by Usul_Princess »

1...2...3..! "Awww!" You know, I completely didn't see this revamp style coming. I honestly thought they were going to go with the newer color revamp style like clay and plushie, which I think I would've liked better because I like those little feet hiding the jubjub. This is a great revamp, although I will miss the old island simply for the fact that it had decorated feet. Oh well, I think it's well done, but I've always liked jubjubs anyway.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Post by lavender »

I hate it.
I prefer the soulless black round eyes (even the TCG's have those).
The feet are... almost *too* 3d? I can't explain it.
The hair is too flat on the side, it should poof out more.

I would've liked a revamp based off the clay or plushie poses a LOT more...
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Post by nuts_back »

I wonder if they're gonna update coco jubjubs I doult it

and i think the only pose that needs updating is the happy pose
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Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

Aww, I really like the new Jubjub! It doesn't make me cringe in pain at the sight of it anymore. XD I always thought it was a cute concept pet (simple, yet cute) but it was always too outdated-looking and creepy for me to like it much. Now I do. :3

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