Secret Santa- signups closed

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Secret Santa- signups closed

Post by daisybell »

Everyone else seems to have started with their Secret Santa already, and I've volunteered myself to run SS for Neopians on NC again so it's time to start a topic :)

I think I have enough people to run brackets but if you'd like to be a bracket leader (or elf, if you prefer :D) then volunteers would be welcome.

Code: Select all

[b]Name[/b] your neocolours username

[b]PM link[/b] a text link to PM you (the actual url-

[b]Amount[/b] How much you're willing to spend- if you can, try to give upper and lower limits. Last year we had 150-250k and 300-400k brackets, but it depends on who signs up as to quite what the brackets are.

[b]Neopets username[/b] Your main account, unless you really want to use a side. If you prefer not to make this public, then you can choose not to put it here and PM me instead.

[b]Wishlist[/b] If you have one already. If not, start thinking of one! You'll need to have it done by the 1st of December.
Some more important stuff:

You must have a suitable wishlist for your bracket: it's no use if you have a wishlist full of items that cost millions and nothing for your secret santa to buy for you. A big part of the fun of doing this is choosing the items to buy, and it's not fair to the person buying for you if your wishlist is very limited.

I will do my best to allocate everyone to a suitable bracket. Unless you'd prefer otherwise I'll allocate to a lower rather than a higher spending bracket, should the situation arise.

It would be very nice if you would check the box "Do not automatically parse URLs" in the options before posting, so the PM links don't get neatened out, as phpbb3 does without asking ;P

Please PM me if you have any questions or problems. Sign-ups will close on November the 30th at 2am NST.
Last edited by daisybell on 02 Dec 2009 08:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by EofS »

Name EofS

PM link

Amount 300-400k bracket sounds good to me, since I'm feeling a bit poor since lovely hackers stole all my money

Neopets username eofs

Wishlist On Jellyneo although it will probably need a bit of work. One 'problem' is that a LOT of what is on there is very cheap. Stupidly cheap. And then there are things which are randomly much more expensive. It would be a lot simpler if jellyneo would include (optionally) prices on your wishlist.
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by Jessi »

Name jessibean

PM link ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=321

Amount 300-400k is the bracket I'd prefer, but like I told you Daisy, I had the larger bracket last year and managed the smaller one, so if you want to swap this year we could.

Neopets username mamekochan

Wishlist LittleInu's petpage has my JellyNeo wishlist on it and I'll make sure it's updated and fixed up before the 1st :D I wanted to add that, just like with the Subeta SS, I'd prefer to get several smaller items than just one or two expensive ones!
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by Marah »

Name Marah
PM link ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=64

Amount 300-400k bracket

Neopets username Mare

Wishlist I have a simple NP only wishlist here: . I also have a larger list on jellyneo But that one has a lot of NCmall items in it. (It is more of a personal reminder list, so I know what to get if they ever start selling those cards in my country...) But as Daisybell said, it is easier to find the prizes of the items via Jellyneo, so I guess the link stays.
Last edited by Marah on 20 Nov 2009 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by zebru »

Name zebru

PM link

Amount 300-400k

Neopets username zebri

Wishlist On Maraqus' petpage or on jellyneo here (ignore first three sections there, they are about neocash). I'll make sure it remains up to date over the following month.
Last edited by zebru on 15 Nov 2009 01:32 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by Seerow »

Name Seerow

PM link

Amount Alright, I have almost no np. I'd love to be in a 50k-100k bracket, but if there isn't enough interest I'll have to drop out sadly. I can't afford to go any higher.

Neopets username Dogvet

There's my JN wishlist. I'll go through and update it a bit here in the next week or so, but it's mostly up to date I believe.
Last edited by Seerow on 15 Nov 2009 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by daisybell »

I will get around to signing up myself... eventually. In the meantime, I've had a request: if you have a Jellyneo wishlist, then it will be much easier for your secret santa to buy from it if you link to your list on the Jellyneo site- you can click through to the item page to get an idea of how much each item is, and there are links to search for it on the shop wizard and so on.

This is only a request, it's not compulsory, so if you still prefer to use the exported versions on your petpages that's okay. I think Jellyneo has changed the way it does things, so you might have to choose to allow people to see your wishlist remotely- click here.
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by daisybell »

Hey folks, you have a week left to sign up if you want to join in.

If the current bracket options don't look like they will suit you there is always the possibility that we will be able to have different ones- we will be doing our best to allow everyone who wants to to join in. Please do PM me if you're thinking about joining but you're not sure and have questions- I don't bite!
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by Kantark »

Name Kantark

PM link

Amount 300-400k.

Neopets username sparkygoesforth

Wishlist Gallery shinies. I've updated this list but haven't checked the prices to see if they're realistic. I'll probably add to this soon too.
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

Name Fullmetal Dragon

PM link

Amount I'd rather be in the 300-400k bracket, but I can go lower if needed!

Neopets username digilina

Wishlist -- I'll do my best to go through and make sure it's updated, too!
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by Aurinona »

Name Aurinona

PM link

Amount I'll just join the party at 300-400k

Neopets username aurigryphon

Wishlist My sorted wishlist - or random pretty stuff (surprises are good!). I have galleries here and here.
Last edited by Aurinona on 04 Dec 2009 10:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Secret Santa

Post by daisybell »

Name daisybell

PM link

Amount 300-400k

Neopets username daisybell 17


So, I managed to be late for my own sign ups- yay for me!

Anyway, sign ups are now closed. If you were planning to post at the last minute and didn't, but still want to join, please PM me ASAP and we might just be able to fit you in.
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Re: Secret Santa- signups closed

Post by daisybell »

Progress report!

I've sent out PMs to my bracket asking for updated wishlists- I would be very grateful if these could be finished as soon as possible- as will be the person buying for you! Of course, you can keep adding items to your wishlist if you like (though they might be too late for the person buying).

Also, if you have any preference for the sort of items you receive- if you like to get lots of things, or only a few more expensive items- please let your bracket leader know so they can pass that on. The same goes for any other special wishlist instructions.
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Re: Secret Santa- signups closed

Post by Jessi »

You guys, my bracket is going to have to wait until probably tomorrow to get any PMs from me.

I'm on day three of a Bell's Palsy-related migraine, and my doctor just gave me some very strong drugs that she promises will make the migraine go away -and- help me sleep, which I haven't done much of in a few days, heh.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to normal and can get caught up on things -sorry guys! (Daisy I'll try to respond to your PM tonight after my 'nap' so you can have it tomorrow)
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Re: Secret Santa- signups closed

Post by EofS »

For people who, like me, have a wishlist full of extremely cheap crap and don't want to frustrate their SS...

If you use Jellyneo's wishlist service, go to "printable wishlist". You can then choose a wishlist which has pictures, names and prices (who cares about rarity?) Choose to sort by price. Copying and pasting the sourcecode (which is slightly naughty I guess) onto a petpage will give you a fabulous priced up wishlist.

I then deleted all the table rows which contained items under 10k, so that you're not met by a mass of 100np items first.


Wishlist on Jellyneo:
Priced up wishlist: (items under 10k do not appear)

Handy? I think so.
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