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Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 31 Dec 2009 12:42 am
by Usul_Princess
(Lock if there is an unofficial thread elsewhere...)

I simply made a poll because there might not be enough people interested in trading (in most cases gifting 'cause we're all so nice) NC mall items they're looking for. Or perhaps people are running low on boxes. When you register, JellyNeo will generate petpage coding based on your item wishlist which will look like this I hope there are enough people out here who are interested in this because now I'm seriously going to go out and buy NC just to get a million boxes. I have 8 boxes total left, and I think I have more than the average person.

The main reason I'm posting is because I'm not convinced the enthusiasum is high enough for such a thread, but I thought it might be nice to ask. There's a high demand for NC items UFT on Charter, but maybe not so much here.

Please, please let there be a majority. GULP...underwater reef background, here I come!

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 01 Jan 2010 02:29 am
by Jazzy
The only thing I'm after is the Stone Statue Garden background, for Linotype - it was made unavailable just two days before my local Sainsbury's started selling Neocash cards. I have no idea what I'd need to offer to get one.

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 01 Jan 2010 04:04 am
by uberstav
i have stone statue garden UFT :P

I don't have any luck with the boards. People only seem to be interested in who can offer the most caps for an item, and i cant compete as i don't have my mommy and daddies credit cards lol

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 01 Jan 2010 05:18 am
by Kamil
Excellent idea. I'd be very interested in doing this here.

Heh, I too want a stone statue garden; I totally missed that it was a limited item, and didn't get one in time. So hopefully there's someone else here who has an extra. =D

I need to go gen up a wishlist, as well as a listing of what I can offer in trades. I've got a couple of fairly old limited backgrounds I'd be willing to trade off for other things, as well as the usual surplus of capsule junk. I always swear I'm never buying another, as I have the most awful luck. But then something new comes out that I want badly (new backgrounds, I'm looking at you) and I sink more cash into the horrid little things.

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 01 Jan 2010 07:01 am
by Wingsrising
I'm looking for the fin wings, personally.

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 01 Jan 2010 04:40 pm
by Jazzy
uberstav, what sort of thing would I need to offer to get one? I know nothing about NC mall trading.

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 01 Jan 2010 05:29 pm
by Iggy
I do have a spare Stone Statue BG. I got one from the superpack and one from capsules, but I only need one.

I'm going to my Shoppers Drug Mart tomorrow to get cards for new capsules, so I'll see what I'll need after I open them but yeah. I'm quite the open one. :D

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 01 Jan 2010 06:20 pm
by Usul_Princess
Jazzy: It's a typical supply/demand thing. People expect buyable for buyable, retired for retired, LE bonus for LE bonus, etc. If you're lucky enough to own one of the capsule LE bonus items that are high in demand, you can pretty much ask for anything you want.

Right now Gingerbread Wings and all three New Year's backgrounds (in Shenkuu, Faerieland, Mystery Island) are "hot" items on Charter. I wouldn't recommend trading with someone you don't trust because there is no trading post. Just trustworthiness.

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 07:45 pm
by zebru
I'm looking for Subservient Sentient Stones (among few other more hard to get things).
I have quite a lot capasule residue and a few not so long retired retireds to trade for it, list here:

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 05:23 pm
by mellaka
I also have extra stone statue backgrounds (as a result of the million caps I opened to get my Eliv Thade Makeup, grr). I'd gladly gift one, but don't want to step on any toes, trading-wise.

The only thing I want at the moment is the New Year's Shenkuu background, and I know I have no chance of getting it. Oh wait, I also want the Dreary Holiday Garland, but had no luck with those capsules either.

I'll try to make up a trade/wish list one of these days even though I'm not really into trading.

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 05:54 pm
by Rah
I'm after the New Years In Mystery Island background - I think the only thing I have worth trading is the new years in shenkuu background though! Unless you're into like, weewoo baths or something. I do have quite a bit of stuff!

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 06:04 pm
by zebru
Rah, if you made a board in NC Mall neoboards section with a title "Seeking: NY in MI BG, Trading: NY in Shenkuu BG" you'd probably find a a person willing to swap with you in under 5 minutes. I traded my Faerieland for Shenkuu that way.

Re: Neocolours NC mall trading

Posted: 11 Jan 2010 11:46 pm
by invsagoth
I would love that! I really like trading, though the greed on the boards is really starting to get to me. I'm seeing people get scammed all over the place, and inflation is ridiculous.

I do have a tradelist at if anyone would like to take a look. :3 I try to keep it reasonably up-to-date.