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Uni Day Predictions

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 10:36 pm
by Nogitsune
While awaiting both Tonu and Mynci Day colours, Uni Day approaches.

Last year we got Strawberry Image and Zombie Image

***Large images because the small ones are blurry and the Zombie shown in the news has decomposed too far and is missing its wings***

Biscuit Image
Chocolate Image
Custard Image
Ice Image
Jelly Image
Mutant Image
Silver Image
Sponge Image

That doesn't leave many. There's the old, still unreleased Mutant Uni that might be altered in unknowable ways. Chocolate could be interesting if they put any effort into it. Silver is a shiny colourfill but can be done well. Biscuit might be interesting if done well, as might Sponge or Jelly. Ice tends to be hit or miss, depending on artist. Custard is Custard.

Thoughts, hopes, desires?

Re: Uni Day Predictions

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 10:58 pm
by Faun
Im hoping for mutant, and a good chocolate. :3

Re: Uni Day Predictions

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 11:19 pm
by Rainbow Daydreamer
A dear friend of mine is hoping desperately for a Chocolate Uni to be announced, but since I know that none of my calls ever actually happen, I'm gonna avoid jinxing her and calllll Silver and Mutant. One colourfill, one variant. Silver would be quite a pretty colour on Unis, and wouldn't require that much effort to look nice. Mutant is always fun and gives TNT an excuse to get nostalgic about Sloth.

Re: Uni Day Predictions

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 12:08 am
by Larkspurlane
I want mutant, one done by the same artist who did the peophin and the eyrie.

Re: Uni Day Predictions

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 04:25 am
by MeZergy

Re: Uni Day Predictions

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 08:37 pm
by zebru
I think it'll be Chocolate and Silver Custard (they used silver on tonu day - it's be too soon). I'm not sure why but I think choco uni would look very tasty =)

Re: Uni Day Predictions

Posted: 26 Feb 2010 12:34 am
by Madge
I'm going for chocolate since I don't believe in jinxes ;)

Re: Uni Day Predictions

Posted: 26 Feb 2010 02:34 am
by Pyrostatic
Definitely Chocolate. As for a second colour, I'd hope for Mutant, but I doubt we'll be that lucky.
Probably Jelly.

Re: Uni Day Predictions

Posted: 28 Feb 2010 04:07 am
by Kamil
I like the new Uni well enough, and while I'd like to see mutant (done by the pteri/kau artist) and a pretty pink or blue jelly, I'm going to say ice and silver.

Which could both be nifty, if well done. I wouldn't mind a nice chocolate either - especially if it's the chomby artist. If it's the elephante artist though - eh, no, thanks.