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Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 01:54 am
by Purr

Well, I do like the idea for the halloween. The eyes are awesome, and the wearables are really nice. As for the random (but not-so random) teeth and... even stranger, overgrown body hair, huh? I got the impression of Jekyll and Hyde, but then again, I don't really read/watch monster books/movies XD The base color is nice though... if not for the hair. What bugs me though, is the random spike sticking out from its hat (can't they hide that, like the RG gelert's ears?) and that the spikes are the same grey, not the dark grey of the wings.

Checkered is checkered. Contours nicely on body, not so for the wings :/ BUT then again, the wings are always flat XD

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 02:00 am
by EofS
Halloween is very interesting. I like it a lot. The facial expression is a bit... it's like a painfully forced grin for the camera. But the clothes are lovely. I would definitely consider this for a doublepaint and it would be great as a Neovian pet. (Although... much as I like the rakish angle, I'm having to pacify myself by saying that it's being held on with elastic.)

Checkered has a pleasing colour scheme and everything seems to follow the curves of the scorchio fairly logically which is always a huge plus with this brush. It's not going to set my world on fire, but then it's a checkered scorchio so I don't expect it to.

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 02:25 am
by Usul_Princess
Halloween is impressive. Something about it says "MM would own this..." The eyes are Beetlejuice-looking, and I love it! Good concept, something for it to hold, and a much better pet than expected for 2.0 overall. *wonders if the hair and hat come off together or seperately*

Checkered is a very neglected color, and rightfully so. I forgot the brush existed until this color refreshed my memory. I like the belly, and that's pretty much it.

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 05:19 am
by luvas
Despite the Checkered Scorchio being a good Checkered pet, it's still Checkered, a color so unnatural and out of place that I'm biased against it. However...

...That, is one PIMPIN' Scorchio.

At first I thought it was Zombie because of the pale colours and 19th Century Clothing, but I am nonetheless highly impressed! First off, he's got an awesome Top Hat (The jutting horn is easy to ignore), and fancy, slightly tattered suit (Nice details!), that conforms perfectly to the Scorchio's body. But it only gets better: he's got old-man hairy knuckles (And feet...?), bushy eyebrows, and a creepy, maniacal glare. The dark grey used is also on his eyespots, wingspots, and part of the suit. But the best part, he even comes equipped with a handheld item - a skull cane - that totally completes the look. Hand held items are unprecedented with new Paint Brush colours since Conversion so long ago. You can tell someone put effort into this pet, and in the end it is definitely a strong victory for Customization as a whole.

I'll have to give myself this artist a PRRROMOTION!

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 11:05 am
by Faun
wow. Halloween is EPIC. I want one. I love the skull cane and the suit. this would make an awesome crosspaint.

checkered on the other hand, is boring. I really don't see a point in this colour. I suppose SOMEONE wants it.

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 12:00 pm
by Plushie Lenny
Checkered. Yawn, although it is one of the better checkered pets out there
Halloween doesn't really make sense to me, but i love the cane!
And i think it will grow on me XD

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 12:39 pm
by Laniv
Checkered is boring.
Halloween on the other hand is awesome! I wonder what it looks like without its clothes.

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 03:45 pm
by Kantark
Halloween is an odd 'un - for instance the Vicotrian-era (or, as E's pointed out, Neovian-style) clothing and the weird fur on the hands and feet (An American Were-Scorchio in London?). And the weird, weird teeth! At least it's got a cane to fill its fist o' doom (but to what species does the skull belong? My first thought was 'Death of Rats' from Discworld) Position of hat is unfortunate (is there a technical reason why it can't cover the horn?) but I'd love to see it without the clothes on, if anyone could oblige? (alternatively how much is a Halloween paint brush these days?)

And... hooray for Checkered!I know, I know, it's just a colourfill, but as colourfills go I think this is a very well-realised design - the artist has made sure checks are scaled and stretched to match the contours of the Scorchio, and it's given the arms and tail an appearance of thickness (or, er, girth) that's often lacking in a Checkered pet.

(I apologise for the abundance of parentheses in this post.)

EDIT: Thanks Lark for posting the nekkid Scorchy. Shame the hair/funny eyebrow goes with the clothes (but not the hand/foot hair). Those little patches look very peculiar just on the hands/feet.

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 04:10 pm
by Larkspurlane

Just the base if anyone's interested. (Credit: NTWF)

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 09:00 pm
by varii
Scorchios are one of those pets that suffer from just being plain old ugly, but Halloween is a really nice colour for people who like them. It actually hits all of the marks for a fancy colour that I look for; Is the fist of doom being put to use? Yes. Are there multiple clothing pieces that would be easy to work into other looks? Yes. Is the base interesting/does it have some sort of expression on its face? Yes. If this were a Usul or Kacheek I'd be the first in line to get one.

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 09:04 pm
by SonarDragon
Oh god that Scorchio is so awesome, I must have one some day.

Checkered's not bad, I just hate the colour in general.

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 01:13 pm
by Gibblywibbly
If I cared for Scorchio's at all, I would totally get a Halloween Scorchio named Pimpzilla.

Just a thought.

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 08:39 am
by ChrisCool
Hello, I'm pretty sure this Halloween Scorchio is base on Dr Jeckyl and Mister Hyde.

No mistakes possible when you look at this type of movie picture :
Spoiler: open/close

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 03:46 am
by Duke of Earl
ChrisCool wrote:Hello, I'm pretty sure this Halloween Scorchio is base on Dr Jeckyl and Mister Hyde.

No mistakes possible when you look at this type of movie picture :
Spoiler: open/close
While I agree, the style is however the general style of the entirety of city-Brits for many decades, not Jeckl&Hyde specific.

Re: Halloween and Checkered Scorchios

Posted: 29 May 2010 04:11 pm
by Scythemantis
It's Mr. Hyde. It's not just about the suit, but the overgrown teeth and the hairy hands and feet along with the suit can't really be anything else Halloweeny.