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Spectrum Bumbus

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 12:03 am
by Heilos

I think someone mentioned this in the news but it looks like it's going down a water slide which is just adorable XD
I LOVE the spectrum color on the wings instead of the normal rainbow, it's so pretty ;o;
Someone remind me who does the Bumbus again, I keep forgetting who does what pet.

Re: Spectrum Bumbus

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 12:05 am
by AngharadTy
The wings are great! Oddly, I feel some of the other colors are too bright, but I'm probably just being insane. Definitely love the wings.

Re: Spectrum Bumbus

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 12:12 am
by Pyrostatic
Heilos, I believe Pie is the artist. =)

Anyways, at first I thought it was missing a leg, but I finally found it plastered on the Bum's head. The coloured wings are nice. It's okay, not much else to say cause I loathe the species.

Re: Spectrum Bumbus

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 03:11 am
by TCStarwind
It's so adorable! It has a 8D face. I love it. The color spotting on the wings is so pretty. And I never noticed they had fuzzy tummies. Overall, it's so cute. @3@

Re: Spectrum Bumbus

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 06:21 am
by MissBatty
Beautiful pet. I have to say, though, I'm getting sick of the new Spectrum pets not having a rainbow trail behind them or something. I really loathed the Spectrum Jollin (Especially since I loathe the species. :| ). This beats it. ESPECIALLY the wings. This is one of the nicer Bumbus's so far.

Re: Spectrum Bumbus

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 06:53 am
by AngharadTy
The rainbow trail has never been a requirement, though. There are plenty of old spectrum pets that don't have trails. (I'd be curious to see this bumbus actually sliding down a rainbow trail, but that's another matter.)

Re: Spectrum Bumbus

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 04:14 am
by Alicorn
Yay for more spectrum pets! **coughs** I have to say I quiet like this. It's just so darn cute! I like the simpleness of it. It really works. And I'm totally in love with the wings. I want ones for myself! I also want to rub it's furry belly but the stinger scares me. **slinks away**

Re: Spectrum Bumbus

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 12:46 pm
by Silverevilchao
I *LOVE* the expression on its face. SO CUTE. I instantly thought of Kirby for some reason.

Re: Spectrum Bumbus

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 12:55 pm
by Haken
The Bumbus is adorable :D

Ya I noticed it didn't have the trail, but it would be nice if it did. Sliding down it would really give the sliding down feeling. But then again, it's probably not there cause of the canvas space (not much of the trail would really be shown).

The Bumbus expression is just too adorable. I've come to love Bumbus. The wings are gorgeous. Gives that crystal like effect when you shind something on it and there's like a hint of a rainbow X3